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Sri Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura

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Hare Krishna,




Kindly glorify the pastimes of Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura on his

disappearnce day 26th Jan


Your servant in mission of Srila Prabhupada


Nanda Gopal Dasa


Sri Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura




Appearing in 1638, Sri Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura (Hari Vallabha Dasa) came

in the disciplic succession from SRI Narottama Dasa Thakura. Visvanatha took

diksa from Sri Radha Ramana Cakravarti. Although married, Visvanatha was

indifferent and soon renounced family life. He came to Vrndavana dhama and did

Krishna bhajana at Rradha-kunda.




He was known as " the crest jewel of the Vaisnavas" because of his pure

devotion, scholarship and realized perception of Radha Gokulananda's intimate

conjugal pastimes. Gaudiya authorities say that Sri Rupa Goswami is

vag-devavatana (an incarnation of the god of speech). And Gaudiya acaryas,

especially among his direct disciples, believe that Visvanatha Cakravarti

Thakura is an incarnation of Sri Rupa Goswami.


Among all Gaudiya Vaisnava acaryas only Visvanatha Cakravati comes close to

matching Srila Rupa Go swami's name itself implies his position. Visvanatha

means "He who reveals the jewel of devotion to Visvanatha (Sri Krishna, the

Lord of the universe)." Cakravarti means "he who expands the cakra (circles)

of bhakti."




Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura said, " Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura was

the protector, guardian and acarya during he middle period (1600-1700) of the

historical development of with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. It was later

rejuvenated by Srila Thakura Bhaktivinoda, spread by Srila

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, and broadcast all over the world by Srila A.C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the Founder- Acarya of ISKCON. During his stay

in Vrndavana, Visvanatha worshiped Deities of Radha Gokulananda and Sri

Giriraja. His Govardhana sila was first worshipped by Lord Caitanya, then

Raghunatha Dasa Goswami, and Krishna Dasa kaviraja, Sri Mukunda Dasa, Srimati

Krishna Priya Thakurani and Visvanatha Cakravarti. Today this Giriraja

Govardhana Deity resides in the Radha-Gokulananda temple in Vrndavana. Some

claim the Govardhana sila is in Bhagavat Nivas" in Ramana Reti near the ISKCON

Krishna Balarama Mandir.




In a dream Lord Sri Krishna ordered Visvanatha to make commentaries on the

Goswami's books. Immediately, he started writing prolifically. Clouds would

shield him from the sun whenever he sat to write. Once a torrential downpour

flooded the area where Visvanatha was writing his Bhagavata or his Bhagavata

manuscript. While compiling Mantrartha Dipika (explanation on Kama Gayatri),

Visvanatha became perplexed. According to his exhaustive research, which

indicated twenty-five, he couldn't substantiate why Krishna Dasa Kaviraja wrote

in Caitanya-caritamrta that Kama Gayatri contains twenty-four and one half

syllables. And that these syllables correspond to the twenty-four and one-half

moons present on Krishna's transcendental body.




In a dream Srimati Radhika instructed Visvanatha, "O Visvanatha, please don't

lament anymore. What Krishna Dasa Kaviraja wrote is true. He is also my

confidential maidservant. And he knows everything about My most secret

innermost moods. This Kama Gayatri is the mantra for worshiping me. Indeed, I

can be known by the syllables of this mantra. Without My mercy, no one can

learn anything about the mystery of this mantra."




"The solution to the half syllable is found in the book Varnagama- bhasvadi.

Seeing this book, Krishna Dasa Kaviraja wrote as he did. The letter ya which

is followed by the letter vi as in the words kama devaya vidmache is considered

to be a half syllable. This falls on Krishna's forehead because His forehead

is shaped like the halo of a half moon. All the other letters of the mantra

are full syllables and therefore full moons. Now wake up, check that book and

compile this evidence for everyone's benefit."




Instantly awaking, Visvanatha cried out in ecstasy--" Hey Radhe! Hey Radhe! Hey

Radhe!" Having Radharani's darsana infused Visvanatha Cakravarti's writing with

divine sakti. He felt that he had been accepted as one of Srimati Radharani's

confidential maidservants. His writings reflected this realization.


Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura wrote over forty Sanskrit books on the science of

pure devotion to Radha-Giridhari. He also made the sweetest, most highly

realized rasika tikas (commentaries) on Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-Gita, and

the works of Srila Rupa Goswami, Kavi Karnapura and Narottama Dasa Thakura.




Sri Krishna Bhavanamrta, Madhurya kadambini, Vraja-riji citamani, Camatkara

Candrika, Svapna, Vilasamra, Sankalpa Kalpa Druma and others. The life and

teachings of Srila Visvanatha Ckravartipada give happiness, inspiration and

transcendental wisdom to the entire Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya. We sincerely

pray that after thousands of births we will someday qualify to become a

particle of dust under the shade of his louts' feet. Srila Visvanatha

Ckravartipada ki jai!




In Krishna lila he serves Srimati Radhika as Vinoda-manjari. His samadhi is in

the Radha Gokulananda temple courtyard.

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