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Golden Age: 10,000 Years

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Here are the verses from Sri Brahma Vaivartha purana, which I

wrote a couple of weeks back that i will be posting shortly. These

verses clearly indicates that the chanting of the holy name and the

devotees will be present on the earth for about 10,000 years.


1. I do not know the devotee who translated these verses from

Sanskrit. In case he is there in this forum, please step forward

(other wise, it will be very tempting for many others to take

credit for)


2. When Srila Prabhupada said that the ISKCON movement will be there

for 10000 years, he must be having these verses in his background,

although he didnt explicitly quote these (atleast i am not

aware). With time the Gaudiya Scholars were able to find the

Shastric support. On similar lines, one can say that if any Gaudiya

commentary on any book is lacking as of today, then with time the

Gaudiya scholars will be addressing to it.


3. If all the devotees behave with responsibility and maturity in

their day to day dealings, both with devotees and non devotees,

thus creating an atmosphere for every one to flourish and relish

his/her devotional service, then the movement may be there for some

more time too.



Text 49

bhAgIrathy uvAca

he nAtha ramaaSretha yAsi golokamuttamam

asmAkaM kA gatiscAtra bhavisyati kalau yuge


"Ganges said: O protector, Supreme enjoyer, on your departure for the

perfect abode, Goloka, thereafter what will be my situation in the age

of Kali?"



Text 50

Sri bhagavAn uvAca

kaleH paMcasahasrAni varSani tistha bhU-tale

pApAni pApino yAni tubhyaM dAsyamti snAnatah


"The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: On the earth 5,000 years of

Kali will be sinful and siners will deposit their sins in you by



Text 51

man-maMtropAsakasparsAd bhasmibhUtani tatksaNat

bhavSiyaMti darsanAcca snAnAdeva hi jAhnavi


"Thereafter by the sight and touch of those who worship Me by My

mantra, all those sins will be burnt."



Text 52

harernAmAni yatraiva puraNani bhavamti hi

tatra gatvA sAvadhAnam abhiH sArddhaM ca sroSyasi


"There will be chanting of the name of Hari and reading of the

[bhagavata] Purana. Reaching such a place, attentively hear.


[note: In puranic language, when "purana" is used alone it refers to

Bhagavata Purana. Otherwise it will specify Skanda Purana, Visnu Purana,



Text 53

purAna sravaNaccaiva harernAmAnukirtanat

bhasmibhUtani pApAni brahma-hatyAdikAni ca


"Sinful reactions including the killing of a brahmana can be nulified

be hearing the Purana and chanting of the names of Hari in the manner

of devotees."


Text 54

bhasmIbhutNi tAnyeva vaiSNavaliMganena ca

tRNani suSkakAsthAni dahaMti pAvako yathA


"Just as dry grass is burnt by fire, by the embrace of Vaisnavas all

sins are burnt."


Text 55

thatApi vaiSNavA loke pApAni papinAmapi

pRthivyaM yAni tIrthani puNyAnyapi ca jAhnavi


"O Ganges, the whole planet will become a pilgrimage sight by the

presence of Vaisnavas, even though it had been sinful."


Text 56

madbhaktAnAm SarIreSu santi puteSu samtatam

madbhaktapadarajasa sadaH puta vasundhara


"In the body of My devotees remains eternally [the purifier]. Mother

Earth becomes pure by the dust of the feet of My devotees."


Text 57

sadyaH putani tIrthani sadyaH putaM jagattatha

manmamtropAsaka vipra ye maducchiSRbhojinah


"It will be the same in the case of pilgrimage sites and the whole

world. Those intelligent worshippers of My mantra who partake My

remnants will purify everything."


Text 58

mameva nityaM dhyayaMte te mat praNadhikaH priyah

tadupasparSamAtrena puto vayusca pavakah


"They are more dear to Me than My life, who everyday meditate only on

Me. The air and fire become pure simply even by their indirect



Text 59

kaler dasa-sahasrani madbhaktaH samti bhu-tale

ekavarNa bhavisyaMti madbhakteSu gateSu ca


"For 10,000 years of Kali such devotees of Mine will fill the whole

planet. After the departure of My devotees there will be only on varna




Text 60

madbhakasunya pRthivi kaligrasta bhaviSyati

etasminaMtare tatra kRSNadehAdvinirgataH


"Devoid of My devotees, the earth will be shackled by Kali. Saying

this, Krishna departed."

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