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Inquiries into the Absolute: Digest 69

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Digest 69, August 29th, 2003

Answers by His Holiness Romapada Swami Maharaja

*** You are welcome to send in your questions to HH Romapada Swami at

iskcon_dc with the word "Question" in the subject.


Avanti Brahmana and BG 14.19, How to think of Lord Krishna?




I have a question relating to Avanti Brahmana narration found in Canto 11

of the SB. His conclusion was that the false ego is the cause of his

suffering - is it the same meaning that is conveyed in Bg.14.19?



The story of Avanti Brahmana is narrated by Krishna to illustrate

how one should soberly tolerate the disturbances and offenses caused

by others, and remain fixed on the spiritual path. Note that the

conclusion of Avanti brahmana was that the mind, not the false ego,

is the cause of one's happiness and distress.


Since the soul, which is spiritual, cannot actually be touched by happiness

or distress, he concludes that neither other living entities, nor the

effects of past actions nor any other factor could cause one to enjoy or

suffer. Through the agency of false ego the soul misidentifies itself with

matter but it is the mind alone, which is the reservoir of ideas and

conceptions, that makes the soul wander in the material world making one

perceive happiness and distress. Therefore the only way to rise above one's

suffering is to control the mind. Concluding in this way, he firmly

resolves to fix his mind on the lotus feet of Krishna, and attains



Bg 14.19 does not directly address the experience of happiness and

distress by the living entities and the means of counteracting them.

Here Krishna describes how the living entity is not the doer or

controller, rather his activities are simply based on the particular

mode he is situated in. One who factually sees his true position and

how he is entrapped, can learn to transcend the influence of the modes.




How to think of Krishna while being a businessman




I am an optician and I sell spectacles. Srila Prabhupada mentions in

almost all of his lectures that you should think of Krishna 24 hours.

Since I am a businessman, I need to think about my business; therefore

how do I follow Srila Prabhupada's instructions?



>From our experience we can understand that the only way one can

constantly think of someone / something is when there is love and

attachment. When there is love, all activities and all things are

seen in relation to the object of love. The gopis were engaged in

many household affairs but their minds were always on Krishna.

So was Arjuna's, even in the thick of the catastrophic battle.


Of course, love for Krishna is dormant in all of us. The practices of

bhakti yoga are meant to reawaken that dormant love. Therefore, strong

practice of sadhana bhakti is the key to destroy our forgetfulness and

bring us to the position of constant remembrance of Krishna.


The stage described above is an advanced stage. Attaining that advanced

stage requires cultivation. All of us have variegated responsibilities -

occupational duties, family responsibilities, personal needs etc - that

demand our attention. However, if we dedicate a certain portion of the

day, especially in the early morning hours before we begin our routine

work, to fully focus one's attention on Krishna through direct devotional

activities such as chanting, hearing/reading and worshiping, then that

effect would linger and permeate the consciousness throughout the rest of

the day, even while dealing with other practical matters. For this reason,

Srila Prabhupada very much stressed the importance of attending the morning

program, which can be performed right within your home, daily (typically

consisting of Mangala-arati, Japa and Srimad Bhagavatam class, as is

performed in all of our ISKCON centers).


In order to be able to do so on a consistent basis, one may have to make

some other adjustments such as modifying the activities of the previous

evening, minimize unnecessarily stressful endeavors etc. In other words,

as Srila Prabhupada often said, we have to mold our life in a way that is

conducive to and promotes remembrance of Krishna. At the same time, as

far as possible we should avoid those things which would impede our

positive remembrance of Krishna. (See Texts 2&3 of Nectar of Instruction)


The second part of the answer is to dedicate one's occupation itself in

service to Krishna. In other words, one's business is not seen as a secular

activity separate from devotional service; rather a devotee cultivates the

mentality that their occupation is also part of their daily expression of

devotion to Krishna; our business is done for Krishna. This means that not

only the fruits of that activity are given to Krishna, but the activity

itself is to be dedicated for Krishna's pleasure. In practical terms, a

devotee should think: "Krishna is the Master of this enterprise - both of

its management as well as the profits - and I am His ordered servant."

(Please see Bg 18.57 Text and purport)


Most certainly there will be practical details that need to be attended

to, but they are attended to with this meditation. Interaction with

others during the course of business is also done in a way that is pleasing

to Krishna. In this way, there would be no possibility of forgetting



Practice makes a thing perfect. By practicing in this way consistently,

our remembrance of Krishna will become more and more sustained and

eventually unbroken.


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----- Festivals over the next week ------

Aug 31 2003, Sunday Appearance Srimati Sita Thakurani (Sri Advaita's


Sep 01 2003, Monday Lalita sasti

Sep 03 2003, Wednesday Appearance Radhastami: of Srimati Radharani (Fast)

(Fasting till noon)


*** NOTE: All times are for Washington D.C, USA, EST ***

For festival information for your city please go to http://www.iskcondc.org and

click on 'Calendar'



** A brief biography of His Holiness Romapada Swami available at


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topics and date. **

They can be accessed at: http://www.iskcondc.org -> Philosophy -> Inquiries

into the Absolute

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