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Sri Sankalpa-kalpadruma

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Hare Krishna,




Kindly glorify Jiva Goswami on his appearance day on 25th Sept. by reciting :


Kindly use font type 'Balaram' or 'Sca goudy' to read the text below.


your servant in mission of Srila Prabhupada


Nanda Gopal dasa


Sri Sankalpa-kalpadruma



Text 1

çré-kåñëa kåñëa-caitanya


gopäla raghunäthäpta-

vraja-vallabha pähi mäm


O Çré Kåñëa, O Lord who appears as Çré Kåñëa Caitanya, O Lord whose form

is eternal, O protector of the cows, O Lord who appears as Çré Rämacandra, O

beloved of Vraja, please protect me.

Note: Çréla Jéva Gosvämi has placed in this verse the names of Çréla Rüpa

Gosvämé, Çréla Sanätana Gosvämé, Çréla Gopäla Bhaööa Gosvämé, Çréla Raghunätha

däsa Gosvämé, Çréla Raghunätha Bhaööa Gosvämé, and his own cousin Vallabha.


Texts 2 and 3

nandanandana ity uktas



gopénäà patir eva yaù



taà rajéva-vilocanam

ballavé-nandanaà vande

kåñëaà gopäla-rüpiëam


I offer my respectful obeisances to the Çré Kåñëa, who is known as Nanda's

son, who is the protector of the cows, who fills the three worlds with bliss,

who is the master of the birthless and perfect gopés, who is dark as a monsoon

cloud, and whose eyes are lotus flowers.


Text 4

våndäraëye jaran jévaù

kaçcit präha manaù prati

mriyase sämprataà müòha

güòhäm etäà sudhäà piba


A person gradually growing old in Våndävana tells his mind: Fool, now

you are close to death. Drink this nectar I give you.

Note: Çréla Jéva Gosvämé has placed his name in this verse.


Text 5

täà pibann eva he sväntaù

svaà ca gokula-saìgatam

seväà ca väïchitäà käïcid

bhäva-bhedena bhävaya


O mind, as you drink this nectar think of yourself being in Gokula and

think of the lovingly service you wish to give the Lord.


Text 6

maìgalaù sarva-lokänäà


bhavyaà pallavayan päyäd



May the gopa-prince Kåñëa, who makes the devotees blossom with happiness,

and who is the auspiciousness of all the worlds and the gopés' beloved, protect



Texts 7-9

aho bakéty-ädi-kértiù

kåñëas tu bhagavän svayam

asti yas tasya piträdi-

tayä citrayä klaptavän


stutas tad bhüri-bhägyeti

tathä cetthaà satäm iti

nemaà viriïcety evaà

näyaà striya iti vrajaù


yas taà ko näçrayan nätra

kñitäv indriyavän naraù

tasmäd bhratar nija-trätaù

sväntaù sväntas tam äçraya


What sensible person on this earth will not take shelter of Lord Kåñëa,

who filled His parents with wonder, who is the original Supreme Personality of

Godhead as described in Çrémad-Bhägavatam 1.3.28, and whose glory is seen in

Çrémad-Bhägavatam 3.2.23, 10.14.38, 10.12.11, 10.9.20, and 10.47.60? O mind, O

brother mind, O my protector, please take shelter of Him.


Text 10

upadeçaà deça-rüpaà

mama mänaya mänasa

sudhädhärädharaù so 'yaà

kalpaù syät kalpa-bhüruhaù


O mind, please understand what I will now teach you: Kåñëa is a monsoon

cloud of nectar. He is a kalpa-våkña tree that fulfills all desires.


Text 11

mülaà janmädi-léläsya

skandhaù syän nitya-lélatä

çäkhäs tat-tad-åtu-çlokäù

phalaà premamayé sthitiù


The root of that kalpa-våkña tree is the pastimes that begin with His

birth. The trunk is His eternal pastimes. The branches are the verses

describing His pastimes in the different seasons. The fruit is love for Him.

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