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Prasadam (2)

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Narada Purana, Uttara-bhaga 67.41, states:


naivedyam bhaksayec capi

sa muktim labhate dhruvam


"One who happens to eat the remnants of food offered to the Lord,

definitely attains liberation."





Here are further quotes from the Brahma-vaivarta Purana:


In the Brahma-vaivarta Purana 2.36.27-41 Durvasa Muni is heavily

chastising Indra. What has happened is that Durvasa had received a garland

from the Deity and was walking down the street with that garland around his

neck. Then he met Indra who was riding on his elephant. Durvasa gave Indra

his garland, but Indra, instead of decorating himself respectfully with that

garland, placed it on the head of his elephant carrier. The animal grabbed

the garland with his trunk and threw it on the ground. This of course

enraged Durvasa Muni, who took the opportunity to give a long speech

condemning Indra in which he lists the glories of remnants in general and

prasadam in particular. He also points out that he should have been

respected, because he, wearing the garland, had now become sanctified. The

passage goes as follows:




durvasa uvaca

are sriya pramattas tvam

katham mam avamanyase

mad-datta-puspam garvena

tyaktavan hasti-mastake


"Maddened by your opulence and because of pride you have placed the

garland which I gave you on the head of your elephant!"




visnor niveditam puspam

naivedyam va phalam jalam

prapti-matrena bhoktavyam

tyagena brahma-ha janah


"One should respectfully accept items offered to Lord Visnu, such as

flowers, food, fruits or water, at that very moment when one receives them.

A person who refuses such sanctified articles is guilty of killing a





bhrasta-srir bhrasta-buddhis ca

bhrasta-jnano bhaven narah

yas tyajed visnu-naivedyam

bhagyenopasthitam subham


"If he rejects the remnants of items offered to Lord Visnu, which

are being presented to him by some good fortune, such a person looses his

wealth and beauty, his intelligence and knowledge."




prapti-matrena yo bhunkte

bhaktya visnu-niveditam

pumsam satam samuddhrtya

jivan-muktah svayam bhavet


"One who immediately and with devotion accepts the sanctified

remnants of items offered to Lord Visnu, becomes liberated in the self-same

body (as the only one out of hundreds of excellent persons)."




visnu-naivedya-bhoji yo

nityam tu pranamed dharim

pujayet stauti va bhaktya

sa visnu sadrso bhavet


Here Durvasa also explains that one becomes "just like Visnu", if

one respects prasadam properly and offers obeisances and prayers with





tat-sparsa-vayuna sadyas

tirthaughas ca visuddhyati

tat-pada-rajasa mudha

sadyah puta vasundhara


"The breeze that touched the body of such a saintly person (like

me), at once purifies tons of holy places. O fool! The dust of his feet

purifies the planet earth."




pumscaly-annam avirannam

sudra-sraddhannam eva ca

yad dharer anivedyam ca

vrtha mamsam abhaksakam





yad annam sudra-yajinam

cikitsaka-dvijanam ca

devalannam tathaiva ca





yad annam yoni-jivinam

anusnannam paryusitam





sudra-pati-dvijannam ca


adiksita-dvijannam ca

yad annam savadahinam




agamya-gaminam caiva

dvijanam annam eva ca

mitra-druham krtaghnanam

annam visvasaghatinam




mithya-saksya-pradanam ca

brahmananam tathaiva ca

etat sarvam visuddhyeta



In these six verses Durvasa Muni is elaborately listing all sorts of

food prepared by low class people and therefore unofferable. He recommends

that one eats Visnu-prasadam to counteract the inauspicious effects of

eating such sinful food.




sva-paco visnu-sevi ca

vamsanam kotim uddharet

harer abhakto vipras ca

svam ca raksitum aksamah


Just like SB 7.9.10




ajnanad yadi grhnati

visnor nirmalyam eva ca

sapta-janmarjitat papan

mucyate natra samsayah


"If one (by chance) unknowingly accepts the remnants of items

offered to Lord Visnu he becomes freed from the results of sins accumulated

during his last seven births. Of this there is no doubt."




jnatva bhaktya ca grhnati

visnor naivedyam eva ca

koti-janmarjitat papan

mucyate natra samsayah


"But if one knowingly and with devotion accepts the remnants of food

offered to Lord Visnu, one is freed from one's sins accumulated during the

last ten million births. Of this there is no doubt."

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