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The Cleansing of the Guëòicä Temple

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Madhya lila Capter 12


The Cleansing of the Guëòicä Temple

In his Amåta-praväha-bhäñya, Çréla Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura summarizes this chapter

as follows. The King of Orissa, Mahäräja Pratäparudra, tried his best to see

Lord Caitanya Mahäprabhu. Çréla Nityänanda Prabhu and the other devotees

informed the Lord about the King's desire, but Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu would

not agree to see him. At that time Çré Nityänanda Prabhu devised a plan, and He

sent a piece of the Lord's outward garment to the King. The next day, when

Rämänanda Räya again entreated Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu to see the King, the

Lord, denying the request, asked Rämänanda Räya to bring the King's son before

Him. The prince visited the Lord dressed like a Vaiñëava, and

this awakened remembrance of Kåñëa. Thus Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu delivered the

son of Mahäräja Pratäparudra.

After this, Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu washed the Guëòicä temple before the

Ratha-yäträ took place. He then took His bath at Indradyumna Lake and partook

of prasädam in the garden nearby. While Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu washed the

temple of Guëòicä, a Gauòéya Vaiñëava washed the lotus feet of the Lord and

drank the water. This incident is very significant, for it awoke within the

devotee ecstatic love. Then the son of Advaita Prabhu named Gopäla fainted

during kértana, and when he did not come to his senses, Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu

favored him by awakening him. There was also some humorous talk between

Nityänanda Prabhu and Advaita Prabhu during prasädam. Advaita Prabhu said that

Nityänanda Prabhu was unknown to anyone and that it was not the duty of a

householder brähmaëa to accept dinner with a person unknown in society. In

answer to this humorous statement, Çré Nityänanda Prabhu replied that Advaita

Äcärya was a monist and that one could not know how his mind could be turned by

eating with such an impersonalist. The conversation of these two

prabhus-Nityänanda Prabhu and Advaita Prabhu-carried a deep meaning that only

an intelligent man can understand. After all the Vaiñëavas finished their

luncheon, Svarüpa Dämodara and others took their prasädam within the room. Çré

Caitanya Mahäprabhu took great pleasure when He saw the Jagannätha Deity after

the period of the Deity's retirement. At that time Lord Caitanya was

accompanied by all the devotees, and all of them were very pleased.

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