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Hare Krishna,




Kindly glorify the pastimes of Srila Madhvacaraya on his appearnce day on 22nd



ps use font type 'Balarama' or 'Sca Goudy' to read the text below.


Your servant in mission of Srila Prabhupada


Nanda Gopal dasa






Srila Madhvacarya appeared in 1238 A.D. near Udupi, Karnataka in South India.

He was considered an incarnation of Vayu(wind god). He had an unusually strong

physique and extraordinary intellectual power. Once a fierce Bengali tiger

attacked Madhvacarya's sannyasa disciple, Satya Tirtha. Madhvacarya wrestled

the tiger and sent him away with his tail between his legs. Madhvacarya took

diksa at age five, sannyasa at twelve and left home. He appeared with a mission

- to fight and defeat Sankara's Mayavada(impersonal) philosophy. By giving a

pure interpretation of Vedanta-sutra he promoted pure theism. He named his

innovative sastric explanation dvaita-dvaita-vada(pure dualism).




After Sankaracarya, who had previously toured India spreading impersonalism,

Madhvacarya also travelled the length and breadth of India preaching personal

theism and devotion to Lord Vishnu. He defeated innumerable Jains, Buddhists,

Mayavadis, atheists, logicians, and agnostics.




With a hope of meeting Srila Vyasadeva himself Madhvacarya walked up the

Himalayas. Vyasadeva gave him a Salagrama sila called Astamurti, approved his

Bhagavad-gita commentary, and blessed Madhvacarya with deeper realizations of

the sastras.




In Udupi, Madhvacarya installed a beautiful Deity of Gopala standing alone

holding a cowhrerding stick. This Deity manifested from within a chunk of

gopi-candana(sacred clay). He established eight mathas(temples) to lovingly

serve "Udupi Krishna." The sannyasi leaders of each matha worship the Krishna

Deity with a rigorous regimen of ceremonial ritual, punctuality, and impeccable

personal conduct. Every ekadasi they observe nirjala(total fast all food and





The Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya originates with the Madhvas. Sri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu and His followers thoroughly studied Madhva's works before compiling

their philosophy. For the Sat Sandarbhas Sri Jiva Goswami drew heavily from

Madhva's writings. Jiva Goswami found the Gaudiya philosophy of

acintya-bheda-abheda tattva in Madhva's Bhagavat-parya. Sri Caitanya Himself

visited Udupi, the seat of Madhva's sect. The Lord introduced Hari Nama

sankirtana into their sect.




The Madhvas and Gaudiyas share many of the same philosophical points. Both

consider it necessary to surrender to the lotus feet of the

guru(gurupadasraya). In Sutra Bhasya, Madhvacarya cites the Brihat Tantra and

Mahasamhita to show that a disciple may reject a "bogus guru" who proves to be

useless. He may then accept another qualified self-realized person as his guru.




In Prameya-ratnavalli, Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana summarized the nine

principles common to both Sri Caitanya's and Madhva's teachings. In Vaisnava

Siddhanta Mala, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura says Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ordered

all Gaudiya Vaisnavas to carefully observe the nine instructions of truth given

by Srila Madhvacarya through our guru parampara.





Sri Madhvacarya's Nine Teachings.




1) Bhagavan Sri Krishna alone is the Supreme Absolute Truth, one without a



2) He is the object of knowledge in the Vedas.


3) The universe is real, satya.


4) The differences between Isvara(God), Jiva(soul) and Matter are real.


5) Jiva souls are by nature the servants of the Supreme Lord Hari.


6) There are two categories of jivas; liberated and illusioned


7) Liberation (moksa) mean attaining the lotus feet of Bhagavan Krishna,

in other words, entering an eternal relationship of service to the Supreme



8) Pure devotional service to Krshna is the only way to attain this



9) The truth may be known by pratyaksa(direct perception), anuman

(inference or logic), sabda(spiritual sound or Vedic authority).




Adi 10:119




bhägavatäcärya, ciraïjéva çré-raghunandana


mädhaväcärya, kamaläkänta, çré-yadunandana




Bhägavata Äcärya, Ciraïjéva, Çré Raghunandana, Mädhaväcärya, Kamaläkänta and

Çré Yadunandana were all among the branches of the Caitanya tree.




Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura writes in his Anubhäñya, "Çré

Mädhaväcärya was the husband of Lord Nityänanda's daughter, Gaìgädevé. He took

initiation from Puruñottama, a branch of Nityänanda Prabhu. It is said that

when Nityänanda Prabhu's daughter married Mädhaväcärya, the Lord gave him the

village named Päìjinagara as a dowry. Mädhaväcärya's temple is situated near

the Jéräö railway station on the eastern railway. According to the

Gaura-gaëoddeça-dépikä (169), Çré Mädhaväcärya was formerly the gopé named

Mädhavé. Kamaläkänta belonged to the branch of Çré Advaita Prabhu. His full

name was Kamaläkänta Viçväsa."




Srila Madhvacarya serves as Madhavi-gopi in Radha-Govind's eternal Vrndavana

pleasure pastimes.




Srila Madhvacarya ki Jay Jay!!

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