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why subhadra has no arms?

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HH Bhakti Visrambha Madhava Maharaja wrote:


> yesterday one nice 8 year old boy asked a puzzling question.


> "why subhadra has no arms like Jagganatha and Baladeva?"


The following is an excerpt from chapter 7 of the book "Embankment of

Separation" by Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami.



In Dwarakabhumi Krishna has more than 16,000 wives, and He is present in the

palaces of each and every queen. Sometimes, when Krishna is sleeping, He

cries out in delirium like a madman, "Radhe, Radhe, Radhe." Although His

wives take so much care of Him, He is not happy. In His dream, Krishna is

crying, "gopi, gopi, gopi, Radhe, Radhe." When the queens hear this, they

wonder, "Why? We are taking so much care of Him, giving all pleasure to our

beloved husband. Why is He crying, 'Radhe, Radhe, gopi, gopi?' Who are those

gopis? Who is that Radhe?"

They cannot understand because they are aisvarya-mayi, full of opulence.

They cannot enter into madhurya-maya-lila, vraja-lila. Even Lakshmidevi

underwent tapasya for thousands of years in Bilvavana with the desire to

enter vraja-lila and take part in the rasa dance. But Krishna said, "Why are

you undergoing such severe austerities? What is your desire?" Lakshmidevi

said, "My desire is to enter into Vrajabhumi and take part in the


Then Krishna, who is the ultimate sanctioning authority, said, "No. It

cannot be. Ask for some alternative."

Lakshmidevi cannot enter madhurya-maya-lila because she is aisvarya-mayi. So

Lakshmidevi said, "What shall I do? If I cannot take part in rasa-lila then

please let me remain as a golden line on Your chest."

"Tathastu. That is granted."

So Lakshmi is there as a golden line on Krishna's chest, but she cannot

enter into vraja-lila.

Being unable to enter into the madhurya-maya-lila, one day the queens asked

Rohini-mata, "Very often we hear Krishna crying out in His sleep, 'Radhe,

Radhe, Radhe, gopi, gopi.' Mother, what is that? Would you please shed some

light on it?"

Rohini-mata said, "You cannot understand. This is Krishna's vraja-lila, very

sweet, intoxicating madhurya-maya-lila. You cannot understand it. All right,

just to satisfy your curiosity I will give some description of it. But this

vraja-lila kahani, the narration of Krishna's Vrindavan pastimes, is so

intoxicating and enchanting that even Krishna and Balarama will be attracted

to it. Wherever They may be, They will be attracted to hear it. So that is

my apprehension. I will speak about it to the best of my ability, but it is

so sweet and so attractive that Krishna and Balarama will come running from

wherever They may be. Then I will not be able to speak and everything will

be finished."

So all of Krishna's wives assembled in a big hall in Dwaraka. Being

apprehensive, Rohini-mata said, "Someone should be at the door to bar the

entrance. As soon as Krishna and Balarama come, she should warn me and I

will stop speaking. Otherwise everything will be different. This vraja-lila

kahani is so nectarean that it will attract Krishna and Balarama from

wherever They may be."

At last they decided that Subhadra should stand at the door. Standing in the

middle of the doorway, Subhadra stretched out her arms and barred the

entrance. Then Rohini-mata began to speak vraja-lila kahani, and all were

hearing with rapt attention. Though Subhadra was standing at the door, She

had given Her ears to this nice vraja-lila kahani. Therefore She completely

forgot herself and became ecstatic. Then Her ecstatic form came out; eyes

dilated and Her hands and legs pushed into the body.

In the meantime, Krishna and Balarama arrived there. Standing at either side

of Subhadra, They also heard what was going on. "Oh, Rohini-mata is

narrating vraja-lila kahani." Then They became completely ecstatic and

forgot Themselves. Their eyes became dilated; hands and legs shrunken,

pushed into the body like a tortoise. Now these three forms are standing at

the door-Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra.

At that time Narada Muni was approaching. From a distance he saw these very

beautiful, ecstatic forms, mahabhava-prakasa. As he came nearer They wound

up that bhava and Their general features came back. But Narada Muni said, "I

have already seen it! I have already seen it! So this is my prayer. May this

form, Your mahabhava-prakasa, be manifest in a certain place. Let all the

people of the world see that beautiful form of Yours and worship You in that


Whatever His dear devotee desires, Krishna grants, "Tathastu", "So be it!"

Therefore Krishna appeared in that form in Jagannath Puri; Jagannath,

Baladeva and Subhadra-mahabhava-prakasa. Kanai Khuntia has given this

description in his book Mahabhava Prakasa. This ancient vaisnava literature

is not available nowadays. It is very rare and only some of the palm leaves

are still remaining.

<end of text>

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On Wednesday, December 17, 2003, at 06:54 am, Madhavananda (das) GGS

(Gopal Jiu Publications - IN) wrote:


>> yesterday one nice 8 year old boy asked a puzzling question.


>> "why subhadra has no arms like Jagganatha and Baladeva?"


> The following is an excerpt from chapter 7 of the book "Embankment of

> Separation" by Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami.


This doesn't explain why Lady Subhadra specifically has no arms where

Jagannatha deva and Baladeva do, however. Is there a specific reason

why she has none, whilst they have (little) ones?


Ys.,Rama Kesava dasa

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> On Wednesday, December 17, 2003, at 06:54 am, Madhavananda (das) GGS

> (Gopal Jiu Publications - IN) wrote:


> >> yesterday one nice 8 year old boy asked a puzzling question.

> >>

> >> "why subhadra has no arms like Jagganatha and Baladeva?"

> >

> > The following is an excerpt from chapter 7 of the book "Embankment of

> > Separation" by Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami.


> This doesn't explain why Lady Subhadra specifically has no arms where

> Jagannatha deva and Baladeva do, however. Is there a specific reason

> why she has none, whilst they have (little) ones?


> Ys.,Rama Kesava dasa


Obviously They had to hold something in their arms and She didn't:-)

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