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16 Beneficial Activities for the Whole World-concoction?

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I didn't read all the original text by Sadhu Maharaj until today. Sorry

about that. Actually the way he is presenting things is very tactical and

diplomatic. I would venture to question his motives and say that it is

highly dangerous the way he is presenting things. Of course all of you and

myself included who might have minimized anything he said are to be rejected

according to his instructions:


> (14) Associate and discuss with sincere, simple-hearted devotees who have

> realized or are open to accept or to deeply understand the glories of

> chanting Nityananda-Gauranga-Nama and Gauranga-Lila alongwith the glories

> of chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra and are well-versed in the

> bhakti-siddhanta irrespective of the external organization they may

> belong. Do not associate with those devotees who minimize or reject or

> criticize or do not accept the paramount importance of the daily chanting

> of Nityananda-Gauranga-Nama and Gauranga-Lila alongwith the maha-mantra

> because that will the most disastrous thing for one's spiritual life and

> because such devotees are not at all in tune with the direct order of Lord

> Nityananda to regularly chant the name of 'Gauranga'. Also do not

> associate with those who even subtly or in an indirect way try to minimize

> or belittle Srila Prabhupada in any manner whatsoever.


in fact if anyone associates with someone who minimizes the chanting of

Gauranga or Nityananda's names it will be "the most disastrous thing for

one's spiritual life..." He throws in a point about minimizing Srila

Prabhupada to make it all seem bona fide.


Later on this idea is also repeated in different ways. Some of the

translations of the bengali are not accurate and slant to support his



> > The mantra one chants on the japa mala should be given by the guru.


> Madhavananda Prabhu has here just given a very brief statement of what

> could be expanded unlimitedly. Mostly what Sadhu Maharaja has stated is

> OK, but the insinuation is that he's got an inside track to an even more

> powerful sadhana than what Srila Prabhupada gave to us, namely the

> chanting of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra on our diksa beads. Neither the

> fact that great ragatmika and raganuga bhaktas chanted the name of

> Gauranga constantly nor the fact that we are all advised to chant the name

> of Gauranga constantly imply that it should be chanted on beads without a

> specific order to do so from our guru. Just like we don't offer foodstuff,

> dress, and flowers to the deity in a haphazard manner, but with

> appropriate schedule, cleanliness and specific mantras, etc., similarly,

> our japa mala should not be used whimsically as a counting device, but

> should be used only for chanting specific mantras according to our

> specific quota as per the specific order of the guru. The Hari Bhakti

> Vilas is full of instructions on the proper conduct of japa, but it is

> probably a rare ISKCON devotee that is following all the instructions

> given. Because Srila Prabhupada did not stress these details, perhaps we

> have come to take the counting of japa as a highly flexible exercise. I

> know I have. Now, this concoction has sprouted up, and it can be at least

> partly blamed on our lack of understanding of the difference between japa

> and kirtan. Unfortunately, common English usage translates both of these

> terms as "chanting", which has added to the confusion. But Sri Caitanya

> Mahaprabhu said kirtaniya sada harih, not japiya sada harih (or whatever

> would be the correct Sanskrit grammar here). In all the numerous quotes

> given by Sadhu Maharaja, not a single one uses the word "japa". Japa is a

> very specific activity of worship/bhajan/sadhana and is ALWAYS governed by

> specific rules. But there are no hard and fast rules for kirtan, as we all

> well know.


> And of course, as hinted in my previous text, there is also the

> misunderstanding that the Hare Krishna mahamantra is NOT the names of Lord

> Caitanya and Lord Nityananda, so this whole controversy is really a false

> dilemma created by Kali to create doubt in the minds of the simple

> followers of Srila Prabhupada.


> Your servant, Bhaktarupa Das


The word japa is only used once in navadwip dhama mahatmya for the seven

rsis chanting gauranga japa all night. Otherwise it specifically repeatedly

uses the word "dake" which means to call out loudly. Other places the word

sing is used. Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu's names can be chanted

out loud and that is the clear instruction.


This caught my eyes as some disciples asked me if they can also accept

gauranga mantra from Sadhu Maharaj in additoin to whatever mantras they have

from me. they said it would be okay and they didn't have to ask me, but

they did anyway. So it seems he is trying to infiltrate ISKCON and gain new

disciples through all these methods. Someone should do an investigation how

far this new tactic has affected ISKCON. If any guru or preacher dares to

preach against it then they will be rejected as against Lord Nityananda

Prabhu and Srila Prabhupada. That is the way he has presented things.


The way he avoids the restriction on panca tattva japa and says it doesn't

restrict gauranga or nityananda japa is also very devious.


This sadhu Maharaj's contact with ISKCON devotees should be reviewed and

restricted if this is going on.


I saw that whatever comments were made in this tree were later referred to

by Sadhu Maharaj. He said he is withdrawing from all conferences and said

many self-humbling things. I notice he is still active in some conferences

like Deity Worship. Since it appears he has his own seperate organization

then like other GM's if he wants to connect with ISKCON there is a procedure

for doing that under ISKCON law. I don't really have a clear picture of how

he is operating or under what institution and how he is associating with

ISKCON. I added Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu as previously he was watching out

for dangers to ISKCON.


I hope this doesn't get to him as previous texts did. I took off non

GBC/Sannyasi's/Srila Prabhupada disciples.


Your servant,



Jayapataka Swami


Sadhu Maharaja's text:


> ---------- Forwarded Message ----------


> Text PAMHO:5997310 (194 lines) [W1]

> (Bhaktiratna) Sadhu Swami (Nityananda Gauranga Ashram)

> 17-Sep-02 17:12 +0530 (18:12 +0630)

> (Krsna) Katha [7005]

> Comment: Text PAMHO:6003742 by Mayapur (das) SDHS (IN)

> Attached: Nityananda2.jpg (43035 bytes) "Nityananda"

> Attached: Gauranga2.jpg (36700 bytes) "Gauranga"

> 16 Beneficial Activities for the Whole World

> ---------------------------

> 16 Beneficial Activities for the Whole World

> By HH Tridandi Swami Bhaktiratna Sadhu Maharaja


> 16 Beneficial Activities as suggested by HH Tridandi Swami Bhaktiratna

> Sadhu Maharaj to his followers and disciples but which are essential for

> the whole world:


> (1) Complete the daily chanting of atleast 10 rounds each of the

> Nityananda and Gauranga Mantras alongwith the chanting of atleast 16

> rounds of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra while chanting Panca-tattva mantra

> before each round of the maha-mantra. Apart from this whenever extra time

> is available keep on chanting the Nityananda and Gauranga Mantra because

> according to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada and Srila

> Prabhupada that these two names are the most beneficial mantras for the

> anartha-yukta conditioned souls to make them Krishna-unmukha very quickly.


> (2) Follow the five regulative principles: (a) No eating of grains twice a

> month on Ekadashis (and breaking the fast on time on Dvadashi) & also on

> the Appearance Days of the Lord like Gaura-Purnima and Janmashtami;(b) No

> eating of all kinds of non-veg food including meat, fish, eggs, onion,

> garlic etc; © No intoxication including drinking, smoking, tea, coffee

> etc; (d) No gambling; (e) No illicit-sex relationships.


> (3) Daily worship the Tulasi plant (who is the living maha-bhagavata

> Vaishnava in everyone's home) by offering obeisances, circumambulating it

> atleast 4 times, watering it, offering incense, flowers, a ghee lamp,

> putting the mud of one's head, sprinkling the leaves with water and

> removing the seeds etc.


> (4) Recite or hear (CD) daily 108 original Bengali verses of

> Chaitanya-Bhagavata or Chaitanya-Charitamrita or Navadvipa-Dhama-Mahatmya

> or Navadvipa-Shataka (Bengali versification by Thakura Bhaktivinoda) or

> Chaitanya-Chandramrita (Sanskrit) or Navadvipa-Bhava-Taranga, or

> Shrimad-Bhagavata (Bengali versification 'Krishna-Prema-Tarangini' by the

> great associate of Lord Gauranga, Srila Bhagavatacharya) or

> Chaitanya-mangala or Bhakti- Ratnakara, or Prema-Vilasa or

> Narottama-Vilasa or Karananda or Rasika- Mangala or Srila Prabhupada’s and

> Sri Guru's books. The recitation of 108 verses of the above daily is like

> chanting one round of Chaitanya-Bhagavata or Gauranga-Lila daily. The

> original Bengali verses of the above books are the direct words of the

> maha-bhagavata paramhansa Vaishnava Acharyas and have been directly

> dictated to them by Lord Gauranga Himself. So these verses have the

> potency to turn a maha-patita soul in to a maha-vaishnava instantly when

> he or she comes in contact with these verses whether one understands the

> meaning or does not understand the meaning in the beginning. The spiritual

> sound vibration of these verses which are directly descending from the

> eternal Sri Navadvipa-dhama is sufficient to fully purify the chanter or

> listener. As predicted by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada and quoted by

> Srila Prabhupada, a time will come when the whole world will learn Bengali

> to read, chant, hear and understand these original Bengali verses which

> are the abode of all transcendental sweetness. He also stated that in his

> Gaudiya Bhashya: "The Gaudiyas are not only residents of Gauda but by the

> help of Gaudiya language (Bengali) they become expert in the language of

> the eternally liberated inhabitants of Goloka Vrindavana and thus

> understand themselves as associates of Lord Gauranga and Lord Krishna."

> Also Srila Sarasvati Thakura suggested that the daily reading of the

> original Bengali verses of the above great literatures will enable us to

> directly associate with the liberated eternal associates of Lord Gauranga

> in the spiritual world so one will not lack the association of pure

> Vaishnavas (which is very very rare) while staying in this material world.

> The original Bengali verses personally composed by the great nitya-siddha

> acharyas who have descended from the spiritual world are very easy to

> understand or even learn compared to the difficult Sanskrit verses of

> Bhagavatam etc. even more so for those who know Hindi or other Indian

> regional languages. To end I would like to quote Srila Prabhupada from the

> Cc Adi 8.39 purport: "We are trying to present Sri Caitanya-caritamrta in

> English and do not know how successful it will be, but if one reads the

> original Caitanya-caritamrta in Bengali he will relish increasing ecstasy

> in devotional service." Also stressed by the acharyas in the repeated

> reading (not just once or twice) of the original Bengali verses of the

> above books. Srila Sarasvati Thakura suggested that one read all the

> original Bengali verses of Chaitanya-Bhagavata and Chaitanya-Charitamrita

> 100 times each to all his followers whom he suggested to learn Bengali for

> this purpose if required. Then it is 100% assured that this is one's last

> life in this material world because one will be constantly overwhelmed by

> the infinite bliss of Gauranga-Lila and Gauranga-Nama.


> (5) Try to visit Sri Navadvipa-dhama, Sri Vrindavana-dhama or Sri

> Jagannatha Puri dhama atleast once in a year. One can reside for long

> periods in Navadvipa-dhama and make tremendous spiritual advancement

> because no offenses are considered there whereas one should stay only for

> short periods in Vrindavana-dhama as suggested by Thakura Bhaktivinoda &

> Srila Prabhupada.


> (6) Hear one or half audio/video lecture of Sri Guru or Srila Prabhupada

> daily if possible.


> (7) Personally attend atleast two satsangs of Sri Guru in a month if

> possible.


> (8) Distribute atleast one Chaitanya-Bhagavata daily (Rs.25 only)

> alongwith a small book (& VCD) on the glories of chanting the Nityananda

> and Gauranga mantra alongwith the maha-mantra and thus deliver someone

> else daily by making him or her into a maha-vaishnava instantly. Also

> regularly read and distribute Srila Prabhupada's books. Assist as per

> one's capacity in the translation, publication, distribution and the

> popularizing of books on the glories of Gauranga-Nama and Lila in

> different languages all over the world which is very much required now

> according to Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura because Lord Gauranga is going to

> become the most worshipable Lord of all living entities in all the cities,

> towns and villages of the world in a very short time and thus people will

> want to hear more and more about His Nama and Lila. Try to introduce the

> glories of the Name and Pastimes of the most magnanimous incarnation of

> Lord Nityananda-Gauranga through movies, telivision, internet (websites,

> webcams, chat forums & email), slide shows and multimedia presentations of

> Gauranga Nama-Lila, press propoganda and conferences, publication and

> distribution of books , audio and video CDs on Gauranga-Nama-Lila, free

> stickers, pamphlets etc etc, mass-scale advertising on bill-boards,

> banners, newspapers, tv etc., establishing Nityananda-Gauranga temples,

> Gauranga-Mantra-Seminars and Ashraya for everyone, Gauranga-Lila-Saptahs,

> Parayanas and Pandal programs, satsangs, door-to-door preaching, preaching

> to friends, relatives, aquaintances etc about this incarnation,

> establishing Gauranga-Pada-Pithas in all the places which the Lord visited

> in India which was inaugurated by Srila Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada

> himself, masssive publicity on the importance of Navadvipa-dhama as the

> topmost place on this planet with the slogan "Chalo Navadvipa" thus taking

> millions and millions of people to Navavdipa, massive publicity of the

> importance of chanting these two mantras 'Nityananda' and 'Gauranga' --

> GOAL IS TO MAKE the whole world chant these two mantras atleast once so

> that Krishna-prema will come searching after them!, raising huge donations

> and funds to accomplish the above gigantic tasks etc etc etc etc... We

> request everyone to utilize whatever talent and energy one has in

> whichever forum possible to spread the Names and Pastimes of Lord

> Nityananda-Gauranga. This is an emergency for the whole world to save it

> from it's suicidal course. It is not for the Lord's benefit but for our

> own benefit that we actively, fully, whole-heartedly and enthusiastically

> participate in this mission of Lord Nitynanda-Gauranga and thus become

> Their eternal associates at the end of our lives.


> (9) Paste atleast 1 sticker of Nityananda & Gauranga Mantras daily at a

> noticeable place so that hundreds and thousands will become eligible for

> Krsna-prema simply by reading the two mantras. Spread these two mantras

> alongwith the maha-mantra as much as possible to as many people you know

> and request them to begin chanting these two mantras and gradually the

> maha-mantra. Then the Golden Age will come soon in it's full glory. (8)

> and (9) are the main practical services for every disciple of Guru and

> Gauranga especially for the benefit of others.


> (10) Attend once in 6 months atleast one Chaitanya-Bhagavata-Saptaha or

> Sloka-Parayana-Mahayajna (Cumulative recitation of all 12416 verses of

> Chaitanya-Bhagavata or 11555 verses of Chaitanya-Charitamrita in a week).

> Regularly organize Chaitanya-Bhagavata saptahs, parayanas or satsangs and

> invite as many people as possible to take advantage of the satsangs.


> (11) Try to install Lord Nityananda-Gauranga or Panca-tattva Deites &

> offer atleast 1 arati to them daily, chant before Them in japa [as in (1)]

> and kirtana (Vaishnava songs) and the read the 108 verses [as in (4)]

> before Them for Their pleasure and They will personally dance in your home

> because They are extremely merciful and easy to please. As per Srila

> Prabhupada, Sri Sri Radha-Krishna Deities and other Deities should only be

> installed at home when one has reached a very advanced stage in Krishna

> consciousness or by the order of the Guru who is well-aware of the

> disciple's qualification to worship Sri Sri Radha-Krishna. Srila

> Prabhupada said that Nityananda-Gauranga Deities can be brought in

> anyone's home and even the greatest sinners will make spiritual

> advancement simply by seeing the Deities everyday even if they are not

> able to do anything else to worship Them.


> (12) Offer all the cooked food in the house to the Nityananda-Gauranga

> Deities and then partake the Gauranga prasadam with great happiness.


> (13) Try to rise in brahma-muhurta daily and perform mangal-arati and/or

> sandhya-arati in the evening. Try to follow as much as possible of the

> morning and evening programs given to us by Srila Prabhupada.


> (14) Associate and discuss with sincere, simple-hearted devotees who have

> realized or are open to accept or to deeply understand the glories of

> chanting Nityananda-Gauranga-Nama and Gauranga-Lila alongwith the glories

> of chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra and are well-versed in the

> bhakti-siddhanta irrespective of the external organization they may

> belong. Do not associate with those devotees who minimize or reject or

> criticize or do not accept the paramount importance of the daily chanting

> of Nityananda-Gauranga-Nama and Gauranga-Lila alongwith the maha-mantra

> because that will the most disastrous thing for one's spiritual life and

> because such devotees are not at all in tune with the direct order of Lord

> Nityananda to regularly chant the name of 'Gauranga'. Also do not

> associate with those who even subtly or in an indirect way try to minimize

> or belittle Srila Prabhupada in any manner whatsoever.


> (15) Follow the instructions of Sri Guru, Srila Prabhupada, the Acharyas

> and exalted Vaishnavas and Lord Nityananda-Gauranga. Avoid the association

> of those who try to minimize, belittle or criticize the instructions of

> the above great authorities just like one's avoids black plague.


> (16) For one's own spiritual benefit and for protecting one's delicate

> bhakti-lata-bija, one should strictly avoid hearing any kind of

> Guru-Vaishnava aparadha and prajalpa except those instructions which may

> sometimes be given by the Guru or exalted Vaishnavas for the benefit of

> the disciples (not out of envy for other successful Vaishnavas as

> Prabhupada states), so that the disciples can avoid ku-sanga and protect

> their spiritual life. Also the disciples should try to scrutinizingly

> study and avoid the 10 nama-aparadhas in chanting and the 64

> seva-aparadhas in worshiping the Deity.


> Attached to this email are the closeup pictures of the worshipable Deities

> Nityananda-Gauranga of HH Bhaktiratna Sadhu Maharaja. These may be one of

> the most beautiful Deity photos of Nityananda-Gauranga which you may seen.

> (Text PAMHO:5997310) ------


> I am sorry I was not able to respond to HH Kavichandra Swami's and other

> questions immediately due to being actively involved in preaching work

> here. I am very surprised that these questions are being raised inspite of

> the extensive and colossal scriptural evidence regarding the importance of

> regularly chanting the'Gauranga' and 'Nityananda' Mantras, which I have

> already posted earlier in many different forums. Anyway I will again try

> to summarize all the scriptural quotes into 25 sections (below) regarding

> the authencity of the regular chanting of the 'Gauranga' and 'Nityananda'

> Mantras. There are many more references which I have not included because

> the email text size limit is exceeded.


> I humbly beg with a straw in my mouth falling at the feet of those who

> have hastily commented on this matter to kindly read this whole email and

> think deeply before coming to some ashastric and dangerous conclusion

> apparently in the name of Shrila Prabhupada which may be extremely

> hazardous to one's own spiritual life and which is to minimize or

> discourage the regular chanting of the 'Gauranga' and 'Nityananda' Mantras

> alongwith the atleast 16 rounds of the Maha-mantra. Believe it or not,

> this will be most displeasing thing to Lord Nityananda Prabhu and will

> invoke His great displeasure on whoever minimizes the chanting of these

> two mantras in any subtle as well as gross way because it is His dearmost

> mission to propogate the chanting of the name of 'Gauranga' all over the

> creation as stated by Prabhupada himself on the Jaladuta. If Gauranga is

> displeased with someone, Nityananda protects and somehow engages that soul

> in Gauranga's service but if Nityananda is displeased with someone, that

> soul becomes permanently bereft of the mercy of Gauranga. This is my

> understanding from the quotes which are posted below.


> I want to begin with a quote which I have not stated earlier:


> Shrila Prabhupada writes in Cc Madhya 24.330: "The spiritual master has to

> select a mantra for his disciple according to the disciple’s ability to

> chant different mantras."


> "[...]Vaisnavas consider Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu nondifferent from

> Radha-Krsna (sri-krsna-caitanya radha-krsna nahe anya). Therefore *ONE WHO


> KRSNA ARE ON THE SAME LEVEL." (Srila Prabhupada in Cc Antya-lila 2.31

> purport)


> On board the ship Jaladuta, September 13, 1965, Verse 3


> tara iccha balavana, pascatyete thana thana; hoya jate gaurangera nama.


> "By his (Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada's) strong

> desire, THE HOLY NAME OF GAURANGA will spread throughout all the countries

> of the Western world."


> Prabhupada: "Now, what is the difference, Nitai-Gauranga and Hare Krsna?

> Nitai-Gauranga and Hare Krsna, there is no difference. Nitai-Gauranga is

> also nice. Whatever he finds convenient, let him chant." (Shrila

> Prabhupada's Room Conversation with Yoga Student, March 14, 1975, Iran)


> "In the beginning one should #### very regularly #### chant Sri

> Gaurasundara's holy name and then chant the holy name of Lord Nityananda.

> Thus one's heart will be cleansed of impure desires for material

> enjoyment. Then one can approach Vrndavana-dhama to worship Lord Krsna.

> Unless one is favored by Lord Caitanya and Nityananda, there is no need to

> go to Vrndavana, for unless one's mind is purified, he cannot see

> Vrndavana, even if he goes there." (Cc Adi 8.31 purp)


> "A neophyte student who is not sufficiently educated or enlightened should

> not indulge in the worship of Sri Radha and Krsna or the chanting of the

> Hare Krsna mantra. Even if he does so, he cannot get the desired result.

> One should therefore chant the names of Nitai-Gaura and worship Them

> without false prestige." (Cc Adi 8.31 purp)


> "The expert devotees also can discover novel ways and means to convert the

> nondevotees in terms of particular time and circumstance. Devotional

> service is dynamic activity, and the expert devotees can find out

> competent means to inject it into the dull brains of the materialistic

> population. Such transcendental activities of the devotees for the service

> of the Lord can bring a new order of life to the foolish society of

> materialistic men." (SB 1.5.16 purport)


> The acharyas have already given the detailed instructions in their books.

> Sometimes they practically implement only some of their instructions given

> in their books and the leave others to be implemented to their followers

> due to their causeless mercy. But all the guidelines are there in their

> books and instructions. An acharya who is eternal associate of Lord

> Gauranga may give even the most fallen people the qualification to chant

> the Hare Krsna maha-mantra directly by his causeless mercy. But for his

> followers, his instructions are more important than what he has done

> because we cannot imitate his activities. And Shrila Prabhupada has

> categorically stated in Cc Adi 8.31 purp posted above that a neophyte

> student should not directly indulge in chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra

> but should first take shelter of very regularly chanting the names of Lord

> Nityananda and Lord Gauranga.


> And Panca-tattva is not recommended to be chanted by Shrila Prabhupada

> regularly on beads:


> "Who is that rascal sannyasi who has recommended to chant Pancha Tattva

> mantra on the japa beads? First, send me his name." (Letter to: Govardhan

> 4, Juhu, Bombay-54, 18 November, 1973)


> Then what will the neophytes do as per the above quotes? According to

> Prabhupada they should not indulge in the chanting of Hare Krishna mantra

> instead they should very regularly chant the names of Nitai-Gaura but they

> cannot chant the Panca-tattva mantra on beads. How will they be ever

> raised from the neophyte stage if they don't begin chanting in the first

> place. That is why the chanting of the authorized 'Nityananda' and

> 'Gauranga' Mantras on the beads (which is not prohibited by Shrila

> Prabhupada anywhere like he did for the Panca-tattva mantra) will give

> them qualification or raise them to the platform of chanting the Hare

> Krishna maha-mantra. This regular chanting of the two mantras is the

> direct practical implementation of Shrila Prabhupada's purport in Cc Adi

> 8.31 considering the fact the Prabhupada did not recommend the regular

> chanting of the Panca-tattva mantra on the beads. Chanting of the

> Panca-tattva mantra once before each round or three times before beginning

> the kirtana cannot be termed as "very regularly" (as insisted by Shrila

> Prabhupada) and "karite karite" (as insisted by Shrila Sarasvati Thakura

> Prabhupada) for the chanting of Lord Nityananda and Lord Gauranga's Names.


> The order of Lord Nityananda is the life and soul of all acharyas

> including Shrila Prabhupada. If someone says that Shrila Prabhupada does

> not want us to chant the name of 'Gauranga', they are commiting the

> biggest offense against Prabhupada by saying that Prabhupada is desiring

> something against the desires of Lord Nityananda.


> I would say that it is the most dearmost and pleasing thing to the heart

> of Shrila Prabhupada and the greatest service to him, all acharyas (like

> Narottama das Thakura who said that he will become a slave of someone who

> chants 'Gauranga') and Lord Nityananda to make others chant Gauranga's

> name regularly. This is proved by Shrila Prabhupada's song on the Jaladuta

> and his direct statements in the Chaitanya-charitamrita.


> > I would like to know where, besides the fertile mind of Sadhu Swami,

> > these idea are coming from.


> Maharaj, inspite of reading so much shastric proof posted earlier and

> which wil be again posted below, I am surprised that you are stating that

> the introduction of the regular chanting of the Gauranga and Nityananda

> Mantra is an invention of someone's fertile mind. With all due regards, I

> consider this and all such statements given by others as a direct

> minimization of the glories of chanting the Gauranga Mantra which is

> eternally effulgent in the spiritual sky. The spiritual opulences present

> in the 'Gauranga' and 'Nityananda' Mantras cannot even be compared to the

> combined opulences present in the millions of universes in this material

> world multiplied millions of times. So who are we, tiny insignificant

> souls to minimize or belittle the chanting of the 'Nityananda' and

> 'Gauranga' Mantras which all the acharyas have personally advocated (as

> given above) following in the footsteps of Lord Nityananda Balarama

> Himself.


> > Did any acharya in our line chant rounds of r Gauranga and or

> > Nityananada.?


> Yes, Lord Nityananda did, Shivananda Sena did (in Cc), Parvati,

> Sapta-rishis, Markandeya. Suvarna Sena etc etc etc etc etc....... did in

> the Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya, Narada in Chaitanya-mangala, associates of

> the Lord in Cc etc. Lord Nityananda explicitly instructed all the living

> entities to chant the Gauranga Mantra. Where did He instruct anyone to

> chant Gauranga only without beads but not on beads? It is absurd and

> ludricous to say that Gauranga's name can be chanted in any form but not

> on beads. I challenge, "Why not?" Please show me any statement in the

> scripture which says that it is prohibited to chant Gauranga or Nityananda

> Mantra on the beads or to chant Gauranga on beads in apasiddhantic or

> apasampradayic. Please support your statements with scriptural quotes

> before saying that chanting of the Gauranga Mantra on beads in not

> recommended by the acharyas or that chanting of the Gauranga Mantra on

> beads falls in a category of an apasampradaya or that chanting the

> Gauranga Mantra is a manufactured bhajana. It is like saying that Shrila

> Shivananda Sena engaged himself in a mnaufactured or invented process of

> bhajana. Don't you think this is an extremely offensive statement to the

> authorized 'Gauranga' Mantra which is known as the Gaura Gopala Mantra in

> the Cc and also to Lord Nityananda and the acharyas themselves who have

> chanted japa and preached the chanting of the Gauranga Mantra?


> It seems that you have not read or even glanced through my previous emails

> entitled 'The Gauranga Mantra in the scriptures', '16 reasons to chant

> Nityananda' and 'Prabhupada and the Gauranga Mantra'. Or you have simply

> ignored them. The Gauranga mantra has been chanted by many acharyas

> beginning with the Adi-Guru Lord Nityananda Balarama Himself.

> ________________________

> _




> The Gauranga (Gaura Gopala) Mantra is the most worshipable ista-mantra of

> Shrila Shivananda Sena who chanted the mantra constantly as per Cc given

> below:


> The four-syllable Gauranga-mantra or the Gaura-gopala mantra is described

> as follows in Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila 2.24,31:


> apane bolana more, iha yadi jani;

> amara ista-mantra jani' kahena apani.


> `gaura-gopala mantra' tomara cari aksara;

> avisvasa chada, yei kariyacha antara"


> Nakula Brahmacari told Sivananda Sena, "You are chanting the Gaura-gopala

> mantra, composed of four syllables (which is your ista-mantra i.e.

> worshippable mantra). Now please give up the doubts that have resided

> within you."


> Purport by Srila Prabhupada:


> Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura explains the Gaura-gopala mantra in his

> Amrta-pravaha-bhasya. Worshipers of Sri Gaurasundara accept the four

> syllables 'gau-ra-an-ga' as the Gaura mantra, but pure worshipers of Radha

> and Krsna accept the four syllables ra-dha krs-na as the Gaura-gopala

> mantra. However, Vaisnavas consider Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu nondifferent

> from Radha-Krsna (sri-krsna-caitanya radha-krsna nahe anya). Therefore one

> who chants the mantra "gauranga" and one who chants the names of Radha and

> Krsna are on the same level.


> Purport by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in his Amrta-pravaha-bhasya:


> gaura-gopala-mantra-gauravadi gana `gauranga'-name

> catura-aksara gaura-mantra ke uddesya karena; kevala

> krsnavadi gana ei `gaura-gopala-mantra' sabde radha-krsnera

> catura-aksara-mantrake uddesya karena.


> "The following is the explanation of the Gaura-gopala mantra. The

> followers of Lord Gaura accept `Gauranga' as the four-syllable mantra and

> the followers of only Krsna accept `Radha-Krsna' as the Gaura-gopala

> mantra. The followers of both Lord Gaura and Lord Krsna accept either one

> of them as the Gaura-gopala mantra understanding that They are

> non-different from each other."


> Purport by Tridandi Bhikshu Bhaktiratna Sadhu Swami:


> So it is very clear that the most intimate devotees of the Lord like

> Shrila Shivananda Sena were constantly chanting the four-syllable

> 'gau-ra-an-ga' Mantra which is non-different than the four syllables of

> 'ra-dha-krs-na'. Thus the constant chanting of the name or mantra of

> 'Gauranga' is authorized in the revealed scriptures and implemented by the

> previous acharyas. The great advantage is that the ultimate benefit of

> 'radha-krsna' or the Hare Krishna maha-mantra can be realized by siddha

> and mukta souls whereas the 'Gauranga' mantra is the most prayojaniya

> (useful) for anartha-yukta, badha, patita (fallen conditoned) souls

> according to Shrila Prabhupada's purport and also the Anubhashya purport

> of Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta to Cc Adi 8.31 which will follow in the next

> messages on this subject.

> ________________________

> _





> The four-syllable Gauranga Mantra is chanted in Goloka Vrndavana by all

> the eternal associates of the Lord in the direct worship of Lord Gauranga:


> In Sri Caitanya-mangala Sutra-khanda Verse 527 by Srila Locana Dasa

> Thakura, the four-syllable Gauranga-mantra is described as the mantra

> through which Lord Gauranga is worshipped in Goloka Vrndavana, the topmost

> Vaikuntha planet in the spiritual world:


> hema-gaura kalevara, mantra cari-aksara;

> sahaja vaikuntha-natha syama.


> "The Lord sits on a golden bejewelled throne. He posseses a complexion

> millions of times more brilliant than the colour of molten gold. He is

> worshipped by all His devotees with the four-syllable mantra, `Gauranga'."

> ________________________

> _




> Also it is the direct, open and primary instruction of the Guru of all

> Gurus, Adi-Guru, Sakshat-Mula-Sankarshana, origin of the spiritual and

> material worlds Lord Shri Nityananda Prabhu to all the moving and

> non-moving living entities to take shelter of chanting the Gauranga Mantra

> as quoted by Shrila Prabhupada himself::


> bhaja gauranga kaha gauranga laha gaurangera nama re;

> ye jana gauranga bhaje sei amara prana re.


> "Worship Gauranga, chant the 'Gauranga' mantra and take the name of

> 'Gauranga'. Those who will worship Gauranga in this way by constantly

> chanting His name are veritably My life and soul"


> Lord Nityananda was sent to preach the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra in Bengal

> by Lord Gauranga but He preached the Gauranga Mantra first because He knew

> that only the name of Gauranga will impart the qualification to the

> offensive, sinful souls of Kali-yuga to chant the Maha-mantra.


> kasta nahi, vyaya nahi na pabe yatana; srigauranga bali nace nahika

> bhavana. (Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya, Chp 1)


> "There is no trouble or loss nor will you suffer anymore, if you forget

> yourself while dancing and chanting 'Gauranga'."

> ________________________

> _




> Srila Narottama dasa Thakura has explicity glorified the chanting of the

> Gauranga Mantra in his various songs:


> je gaurangera nama loy, tara hoy premodoy, tare mui jai bolihari.


> "One who chants the name of 'Gauranga' instantly awakens his or her

> dormant pure love for the Lord. I (Narottama) worship such a person and

> surrender to him."


> grhe ba vanete thake, 'ha gauranga' bo'le dake, narottama mage tara sanga.


> "One may reside in the house or in the forest, but if he is feelingly

> calling out `Gauranga!', then I (Narottama) want his association."


> gauranga balite habe pulaka sarira; hari hari balite nayane ba'be nira.


> "In the beginning, when by chanting the name of 'Gauranga', my body will

> feel waves of ecstasy, only then will I be able to shed tears while

> chanting the names of Lord Hari."

> ________________________

> _




> Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya, Chp 1:


> kali jivera aparadha asankhya durvara;

> gauranga-nama vina tara nahika uddhara.


> The offenses and sins of the living entities in Kali-yuga are unlimited

> and absolutely insurmountable. That is why the souls can never be

> delivered without chanting the most merciful name of 'Gauranga'.


> ataeva gaura vina kalite upaya; na dekhi kothaya ara sastra phukaraya.


> "Therefore I see no other means except Lord Gauranga for everyone's

> deliverance in Kali-yuga and this is the repeated declaration of all Vedic

> scriptures."

> ________________________

> _




> In Shri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya, Chp 8, Lord Nityananda Prabhu tells

> Shrila Jiva Goswami:


> (A) gauri saha siva gauranga-nama; gaiya gaiya puraya kama.


> "In Navadvipa, Lord Siva constantly is singing the name of Gauranga

> alongwith his wife Gauri and thus fulfilling his innermost desires."


> (B) gauranga bhajana sarala ati; sahaja tahara phala-vitati.


> "Lord Gauranga's worship by the chanting of His name is very easy and

> simple to do. And Lord Gauranga very easily and immediately rewards the

> worshipper with the desired results or fruits of his or her worship."


> © gauranga baliya krandana kare; gauranga darsana paya satvare.


> "One who chants the name 'Gauranga' and cries in ecstasy will receive the

> audience of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Gauranga very

> quickly."


> Sri Ananta-samhita, Sri Caitanya-janma-khanda, Part Two, Chapter Three,

> Text 54, Lord Siva tells Parvati:


> dharayamy urdhva-vadane, devesi samhitam imam;

> mantram ca gauracandrasya, namedam sarva-mangalam.


> "O Parvati, the controller of all the demigods, I always recite with great

> enthusiasm this Ananta-samhita alongwith Lord Gauranga's mantra which is

> most auspicious in this world."

> ________________________

> _




> From Shri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya, Chp 7, the great sage Narada instructs

> King Suvarna Sena:


> gaura-nama na laiya, yei krsna bhaje giya; sei krsna bahu kale paya.

> gaura-nama laya jei, sadya krsna paya sei; aparadha nahi rahe taya.


> "If someone endeavours to worship Krsna without regularly chanting the

> name of Lord Gauranga, then he or she will achieve Krsna only after a very

> prolonged period of time. But if someone takes shelter of the names of

> Lord Gauranga, he or she will achieve Krsna very soon because his offenses

> will immediately cease to exist."

> ________________________

> _




> Jaiva Dharma describes the process of worship of Lord Gauranga and Lord

> Krishna through the chanting of the 'Gauranga' Mantra:


> Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's Jaiva Dharma Chapter 14:


> vrajanatha: sri gauranga yadi saksat paripurna-tattva hailena, tabe

> tanhara pujara vyavastha ki?


> Vrajanatha: Since Sri Gauranga is the the original complete Absolute

> Truth, how should one worship Him?


> babaji: gauranga-nama mantre gaurapuja karileo yaha haya, krsna-

> nama-mantre krsna-puja karileo tahai haya. krsna-mantre gaurapuja va

> gaura-mantre krsnapuja-sakalai eka. ihate je bheda- buddhi

> kare, se nitanta anabhijna ou kalira dasa.


> Babaji: As one worships Lord Krsna by chanting the name and mantra of Lord

> Krsna, so one should worship Lord Gaura by chanting the name and mantra of

> Gauranga. One may worship Lord Gaura by chanting Krsna-mantras, or for

> that matter one may worship Lord Krsna by chanting Gaura-mantras. They are

> all the same. Anyone who thinks Lord Krsna and Lord Gaura are different is

> a fool. He is a servant of Kali-yuga.


> vrajanatha: channavatarera mantra ki-rupe paoya jaya?


> Vrajanatha: Where to obtain the mantras to worship Lord Gauranga who has

> come as a covered incarnation?


> babaji: je tantra prakasya-avataraganera mantra prakasarupe varnana

> kariyachena, sei tantrei channavatarera mantra channarupe likhiya

> rakhiyachena. yanhadera buddhi kutila naya, tahara bujhiya laite parena.


> Babaji: The scriptures that openly give mantras for worshipping the openly

> manifested incarnations of the Lord, secretly reveal the mantras for

> worshipping the secret and hidden incarnation of Lord Gauranga. People

> whose intelligence is not crooked can understand the presence of these

> mantras.

> ________________________

> _





> In Shri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya, Chp 10, the personified holy place


> Pushkara instructs the brahmana in Navadvipa:


> (A) **KOTI KOTI VARSE kari sri krsna bhajana;

> tathapi namete rati na paya durjana.


> "A sinful or offensive person will not acquire attraction for the Hare

> Krishna maha-mantra or Lord Krishna's devotional service even if he chants

> the maha-mantra and worships Lord Krishna **FOR MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF

> YEARS**.


> (B) gauranga bhajile dusta bhava dure jaya;

> **SVALPA DINE vrajadhama radha-krsna paya.


> "But if he worships Gauranga and regularly chants the name of 'Gauranga',

> then his sinful and crooked mentality will immediately leave him and **IN

> A VERY FEW DAYS** he will achieve Lord Radha-Krsna in Vrajadhama.


> © nija siddha-deha paya sakhira asraya;

> nija-kunja sri yugala-seva tara haya.


> "He or she will then instantly achieve his or her eternally perfect

> spiritual body and thus the shelter of the sakhis or gopies in Vrndavana.

> Then one will begin one's direct service to Shri Radha-Krishna in one's

> own transcendental grove of Vrndavana in one's constitutional position.

> All this is achieved simply by the chanting the name of Lord Gauranga."

> ________________________

> _




> In the Chaitanya-bhagavata, the glories of Lord Gauranga's name is

> described in Madhya-khanda 10.318:


> paksi-matra yadi bale caitanyera nama; sei satya jaibeka caitanyera dhama.


> "If even a bird chants the name of Lord Gauranga, it will most certainly

> attain the transcendental eternal abode of Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu."

> ________________________

> _




> In the Navadvipa-bhava taranga by Bhaktivinoda Thakura, it is stated:


> yatha deva-gana kore gaura-sankirtana;

> kabhu dhama-vasi taha korena sravana. (56)


> "Even the demigods continuously engage in Gauranga-sankirtana

> (congregational chanting of the names of Lord Gauranga) in Navadvipa.

> Sometimes the residents of the dhama participate and hear the sankirtana."


> keho va bolibe gaurahari bolo bhai;

> gaura-vina radha-krsna-seva nahi pai. (57)


> "Please chant the name of Gauranga because without Lord Gauranga's mercy

> one will never achieve service to Sri Radha-Krsna."

> ________________________

> _





> In the Gauranga-lila-smarana-mangala stotram Verse 97, Shrila

> Bhaktivinoda Thakura states:


> namaparadham sakalam vinasya, caitanya-namasrita-manavanam;

> bhaktim param yah pradadau janebhyas, tam gauracandram pranamami bhaktya.


> "With great devotion, I bow before Lord Gaurachandra, who for they who

> take shelter of His most merciful name of Gauranga, immediately destroys

> all the various kind of offenses in the chanting of the Hare Krishna

> maha-mantra, and in this way awards transcendental devotional service to

> the living entities."

> ________________________

> _





> In Shri Chaitanya-chandramrita Verse 53 , Shrila Prabodhananda Sarasvati

> states the paramount importance of the name of Lord Caitanya:


> ha hanta citta-bhuvi me paramosarayam,

> sad-bhakti-kalpa-latikankurita katham syat;

> hrdy ekam eva param asvasaniyam asti,

> caitanya-nama-kalayan na kadapi socyah.


> Alas! Alas! How will the desire creeper of pure unalloyed devotional

> service to Lord Krishna sprout in the supremely unfertile desert of my

> heart? In my heart, there is only one supreme consolation and solace. That

> is chanting of the name of Lord Gauranga. This chanting will eternally put

> an end to all my lamentation and will work wonders in my heart softening

> it with love of God.

> ________________________

> _





> Chaitanya-charitamrita Adi-lila 8.23:

> `nityananda' balite haya krsna-premodaya;aulaya sakala anga,asru-ganga

> vaya.


> "Simply by chanting the name 'Nityananda' one awakens his love for Krsna.

> Thus all his bodily limbs are agitated by ecstasy of love of God, and

> tears flow from his eyes like the waters of the Ganges."

> _______________________




> Chaitanya-bhagavata, Adi-khanda 9.385:

> nityananda-hena bhakta sunile sravane; avasya paibe krsnacandra sei jane.


> Shripada Madhavendera Puri states:


> "If one simply hears the name 'Nityananda', he will most certainly attain

> the lotus feet of Lord Krishnacandra irrespective of any other

> consideration."

> ________________________

> _




> Cc Adi 11.33:

> navadvipe purusottama pandita mahasaya, nityananda-name yanra mahonmada

> haya


> Purusottama Pandita, a resident of Navadvipa, was the Krishna's eighth

> gopala, Stoka-Krsna for Vrindavan. He would become almost mad as soon as

> he chanted or heard the holy name 'Nityananda'.


> Cc Adi 11.34

> balarama dasa--krsna-prema-rasasvadi, nityananda-name haya parama unmadi


> Balarama dasa always fully tasted the nectar of love of Krsna. Upon

> chanting or hearing the name of 'Nityananda', he would become extremely

> maddened.


> nityananda bali' yabe karena hunkara, taha dekhi' lokera haya

> maha-camatkara


> "Minaketana Ramadasa, the great associate of Lord Nityananda who loudly

> call ot the name of 'Nityananda' constantly and by hearing this the people

> around him were filled with great wonder and astonishment."

> ________________________

> _





> Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya, Chp 1, states:


> gauranga-nitai yei bale eka bara; ananta karama-dosa anta haya tara.


> "The most fortunate person who chants the names Nityananda and Gauranga

> just once immediately destroys the unlimited sinful reactions accumulated

> for unlimited number of past lives."

> ________________________

> _




> Chaitanya-Bhagavata:

> vanik adhama murkha ye karila para, brahmanda pavitra haya nama laile

> yanra


> "The entire universe is purified by chanting the name of Lord Nityananda

> as it is only He who delivered the fallen, the foolish, and the

> merchants."

> _____________________







> nitai-caitanya bali yei jiva dake; suvimala krsna-prema anvesaye thake.


> "If one calls out the names of Nityananda and Gauranga, the purest

> Krsna-prema (pure love of Krsna) comes searching after such a person."


> aparadha badha tara kichu nahi kare; nirmala krsna-preme tara ankhi jhare.


> "The offenses (which may be present) don't create any obstacles in path of

> achieving this love and tears start flowing from his eyes in pure ecstatic

> love."


> svalpa kale aparadha apani palaya; hrdaya sodhita haya prema bade taya.


> "In a very short, the offenses themselves flee and the heart becomes

> completely purified and thus the love furthur increases.

> ____________________





> Cc Adi 8.31

> caitanya-nityanande nahi esaba vicara, nama laite prema dena, vahe

> asrudhara


> "But if one only chants, with some slight faith, the holy names of Lord

> Gauranga and Nityananda, very quickly he is cleansed of all offenses.

> Since in the chanting of the names of Nityananda-Gauranga there is no

> consideration of offenses, one will very quickly come to the stage of

> love of God, simply by chanting Their names and tears of pure love for

> Krishna will flow from the eyes."




> [...] "The Hare Krsna maha-mantra considers the offenses whereas the names

> of Gauranga-Nityananda don't consider offenses. An offensive chanter will

> never achieve the fruit of chanting (pure love for Krsna) by chanting the

> Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Therefore till the time he is commiting offenses,

> he should chant the names of Gauranga-Nityananda. Due the repeated

> chanting of the names of Gauranga-Nityananda, the offenses will destroyed

> and he will achieve the fruit of chanting."


> [...]"The name of Krsna and Gauranga-Both are non-different than the named

> Lord. Those who think that Krsna is any way inferior or limited than Gaura

> are in gross ignorance. But in practical considerations with respect to

> benefit awarded to the conditioned souls, the chanting of Sri

> Gauranga-Nityananda's Name is more useful and helpful for everyone.

> Krsna's mercy is generally only upon liberated or perfected souls who are

> surrendered to Him. But the magnanimity of Lord Gauranga-Nityananda is

> especially for the souls who are offenders and full of anarthas and

> desires for material sense-gratification. The chanting of Lord

> Gauranga-Nityananda's name and Their worship quickly delivers the soul

> from all the offenses and thus the soul achieves shelter at the lotus feet

> of Lord Gaura-Krsna."

> ____________________





> Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu Himself predicted that His holy names will spread

> all over the world in the Caitanya-bhagavata (Antya 4.126):


> prthivite ache yata nagaradi-grama; sarvatra pracara haibe mora nama.


> "My Name will be broadcasted and glorified in all various towns, villages,

> cities, countries and continents of the world."


> These Names are Gauranga, Nityananda, Gaura, Gaurahari, Sri Krsna

> Caitanya, Nimai, Sacinandana or Nitai etc. alongwith the Hare Krsna

> maha-mantra and the names of Lord Krsna.

> ____________________







> (A)ara eka gudha katha suna sarva jana;kalijive yogya vastu

> gaura-lila-dhana


> ""Please hear a most confidential secret. The most suitable thing for the

> conditioned souls in Kali-yuga in the treasure of Gaura-lila."


> (B) krsnanama krsnadhama mahatmya apara;sastrera dvaraya jane sakala

> samsara


> "The unlimited glories of Krsna's Name (maha-mantra) and Krsna's Abode

> (Sri Vrndavana) are known to the whole world through the revealed

> scriptures.


> © tabu krsna-prema sadharane nahi paya;

> ihara karana kiba cintaha hiyaya.


> "Even then pure love for Krsna is not attained by the common man. Please

> meditate on the reason for this fact."


> (D) ihate achaye ta eka gudha-tattva sara;

> maya-mugdha jiva taha na kare vicara.


> "The reason for this is the secret of all secrets. The souls bewildered by

> illusion (maya) do not think about this reason."


> (E) bahu janma krsna bhaji prema nahi haya;

> aparadha punja tara achaye niscaya.


> "Even after worshipping Krsna for many lives, one may not achieve pure

> love for Krsna. The reason is that there is a great mountain of offenses

> is one's heart, without a doubt."


> (F) aparadha sunya haya laya krsna-nama;

> tabe jiva krsna premalabhe avirama.


> "When a living entity chants the maha-mantra without any offenses, he

> achieves incessant pure love for Krsna.


> (G) sri caitanya avatara bada vilaksana;

> aparadha-sattve jiva labhe prema-dhana.


> "The incarnation of Lord Sri Gauranga is very powerful and munificent. By

> His mercy, a living entity can get pure love of Krsna even if he is not

> free from the offenses."


> (H) nitai-caitanya bali yei jiva dake;

> suvimala krsna-prema anvesaye take.


> "If one calls out the names of Nityananda and Gauranga, Krsna-prema (pure

> love of Krsna) comes searching after such a person."


> (I) aparadha badha tara kichu nahi kare;

> nirmala krsna-preme tara ankhi jhare.


> "The offenses (which may be present) don't create any obstacles in path of

> achieving this love and tears start flowing from his eyes in pure ecstatic

> love."


> (J) svalpa kale aparadha apani palaya;

> hrdaya sodhita haya prema bade taya.


> "In a very short, the offenses themselves flee and the heart becomes

> completely purified and thus the love furthur increases.

> ____________________





> Shri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya, Chp 2, states:


> (A) aibe kali ghora haila roga haila bhari;

> kathina ausadha vina nivarite nari.


> Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu states, "Due to the advent of the most horrible

> Kali-yuga, the material disease has become chronic and very hard to cure.

> In such a case only the most powerful medicine will help the patient.


> (B) atisaya gopane rakhinu yei dhama;

> atisaya gopane rakhinu yei nama.


> © atisaya gopane rakhinu jei rupa;

> prakasa na karile jiva taribe ki rupa.


> "The most merciful Names (Gauranga, Nityananda etc.) Abode (Navadvipa),

> and Form (golden forms of Gauranga & Nityananda), which I had kept most

> confidential and hidden for all these ages, have to be manifested

> otherwise the living entities cannot be delivered in this age of Kali.


> (D) jiva ta amara dasa ami tara prabhu;

> ami na tarile sei na tarile kabhu.


> "All the souls are My infinitesimal parts and servants and I am their real

> master. So if I don't deliver them, they will never be delivered."


> (E) ei bali sri caitanya haile prakasa;

> nija nama, nija-dhama, laye nija-dasa.


> Thinking like this, Lord Gauranga appeared alongwith His own Names, Abode

> and eternal Associates. How will then the living entities ever be

> delivered without taking shelter of These most merciful Names, Abode,

> Pastimes etc.

> ____________________





> In Shri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya, Chp 8, the Surabhi cow instructs

> Markandeya Muni:


> (A) surabhi kahila siddhanta-sara; sri gaura-bhajane nahi vicara.


> The Surabhi tells Markandeya Rsi, the essence of all secrets, "There is no

> considerations or rules of any kind in the worship of Lord Gauranga.


> (B) sri gaura bali dakibe jabe; samasta karama vinasa habe.


> "If you simply call out Gauranga's name, then all your previous sinful

> reactions are destroyed.


> © kichu nahi rabe vipaka ara; gucibe tomara bhava samsara.


> "When no sinful reactions remain, then you will be liberated from the

> cycle of birth and death.


> (D) karme kene eika jnanera phala; ghucibe samule haye vikala.


> "All the material reactions of previous frutive activities and specualtive

> knowledge will be destroyed at the root and you will become ecstatic in

> pure love for Lord Gauranga simply by chanting the name of Gauranga.


> (E) tumi ta majibe gauranga-rase; bhajibe tahara ei dvipa vase.


> "That is why you should chant Lord Gauranga's name and dive deep into the

> mellows of pure love for Lord Gauranga while residing in this island of

> Godruma in Navadvipa."

> ____________________




> In Shri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya, Chp 9, the seven sages, the sons of

> Brahma achieved Lord Gauranga in the following way:


> (A) aprakrta dhama, gaurahari nama; kevala sadhura asa.


> The only means of sadhana or worship is to take shelter of the

> transcendental Navadvipa and the names of Lord Gauranga. This is the only

> aspiration for the devotees.


> (B) kichu nahi khaya, nidra nahi jaya; gaura nama kare japa.


> The sapta-rsis (seven sages) who wanted to achieve Krsna-prema went to

> Navadvipa on the instructions of their father Lord Brahma and became

> indifferent to all material things. The constantly chanted japa of Lord

> Gauranga's Name without sleeping in the night.


> © madhyana samaya, gaura dayamaya; dekha dila rsi gane.


> In the afternoon, the most merciful Lord Gauranga appeared in front of the

> sages and fulfilled all their desires.

> ____________________


> > Did Srila Prabhupada eer recomend such a practice.?


> Yes surely. Shrila Prabhupada himself is chanting the 'Gauranga' mantra

> presently in the eternal abode of Navadvipa in his spiritual body as an

> associate of Lord Gauranga because it is stated in Chaitanya-mangala

> (quoted above) that all the associates of Lord worship Him in Goloka by

> the chanting of the four-syllable Gauranga Mantra. The dearmost desire of

> every acharya is to spread the chanting of the 'Gauranga' mantra alongwith

> the maha-mantra because it is Lord Nityananda's intense desire (sehai more

> prana re).


> "[...]Vaisnavas consider Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu nondifferent from

> Radha-Krsna (sri-krsna-caitanya radha-krsna nahe anya). Therefore *ONE WHO


> KRSNA ARE ON THE SAME LEVEL." (Srila Prabhupada in Cc Antya-lila 2.31

> purport)


> Prabhupada: "Now, what is the difference, Nitai-Gauranga and Hare Krsna?

> Nitai-Gauranga and Hare Krsna, there is no difference. Nitai-Gauranga is

> also nice. Whatever he finds convenient, let him chant." (Shrila

> Prabhupada's Room Conversation with Yoga Student, March 14, 1975, Iran)


> on board the ship Jaladuta, September 13, 1965

> Verse 3

> tara iccha balavan pascatyete than than, hoy jate gauranger nam


> "By his (Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada's) strong

> desire, THE HOLY NAME OF GAURANGA will spread throughout all the countries

> of the Western world."


> "A neophyte student who is not sufficiently educated or enlightened should

> not indulge in the worship of Sri Radha and Krsna or the chanting of the

> Hare Krsna mantra. Even if he does so, he cannot get the desired result.

> One should therefore chant the names of Nitai-Gaura and worship Them

> without false prestige." (Cc Adi 8.31 purp)


> "In the beginning one should very regularly chant Sri Gaurasundara's holy

> name and then chant the holy name of Lord Nityananda. Thus one's heart

> will be cleansed of impure desires for material enjoyment. Then one can

> approach Vrndavana-dhama to worship Lord Krsna. Unless one is favored by

> Lord Caitanya and Nityananda, there is no need to go to Vrndavana, for

> unless one's mind is purified, he cannot see Vrndavana, even if he goes

> there." (Cc Adi 8.31 purp)


> > Srila Prabhupada advised the we should do as the acharyas did.


> That is perfectly what is being implemented in this regard. The acharyas

> have done it so why will Shrila Prabhupada not want it or not like it.

> Infact he wrote and predicted on the Jaladuta that Gauranga's Name will

> spread first and then everyone will take up the chanting of the Hare

> Krishna Mantra. And how will Gauranga's Name spread unless people take up

> the regular...

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