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Appearnce of Goverdhana & Happy Diwali

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Hare Krishna,




Once again we are celibrating Diwali and New Year but more important then this

is the Appearance of Goverdhana. Kindly recite Goverdhanaacarya dasaka and

glorify Sri Sri Goverdhana.


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Çré Govardhanäçraya-daçaka

Ten Appeals for Shelter at Govardhana Hill


Text 1

saptähaà murajit-karämbuja-paribhräjat-kaniñöhäìguli-

prodyad-valgu-varätakoparimilan-mugdha-dvirepho 'pi yaù

päthaù-kñepaka-çakra-nakra-mukhataù kroòe vrajam- dräg apät

kas taà gokula-bandhavaà giri-varaà govardhanaà näçrayet

Who will not take shelter of Govardhana Hill, the best of mountains, the

friend of Gokula, the charming bumblebee that for seven days stood on the

graceful whorl of the lotus flower of Lord Kåñëa's hand and protected Vraja

from the mouth of the Indra-crocodile raining a great monsoon?


Text 2

indratve nibhåtaà gaväà suranadé-toyena dénätmanä

çakreëänugatä cakära surabhir yenäbhiñekaà hareù

yat-kacche 'jani tena nandita-janaà govinda-kuëòaà kåté

kas tam- go-nikarendra-paööa-çikharam- govardhanam- näçrayet

What pious person will not take shelter of Govardhana Hill, whose peak is

the place of pastimes for Lord Kåñëa, the master of the surabhi cows, and near

which is blissful Govinda-kuëòa, where a surabhi cow, followed by humbled Indra

bearing the waters of the celestial Ganges, bathed Lord Kåñëa and secretly

crowned Him king of the surabhi cows?


Text 3

svar-dhuny-ädi-vareëya-tértha-gaëato hådyäny ajasram- hareù

séri-brahma-haräpsaraù-priyaka-tat-çré-däna-kuëòäny api

prema-kñema-ruci-pradäni parito bhräjanti yasya vraté

kas tam- manya-munéndra-varëita-guëam- govardhanam- näçrayet

What pious person will not take shelter of Govardhana Hill, which is

glorified by the great sages, and which is encircled by the lakes Séri-kuëòa,

Brahma-kuëòa, Hara-kuëòa, Apsaraù-kuëòa, Priyaka-kuëòa, and Çré-däna-kuëòa,

which are splendid with the happiness of pure love and more dear to Lord Hari

than the celestial Ganges and a host of other sacred places?


Text 4


gändharvädi-saräàsi nirjhara-giriù çåìgära-siàhäsanam

gopälo 'pi hari-sthalam- harir api sphürjanti yat-sarvataù

kas tam- go-måga-pakñi-våkña-lalitam- govardhanam- näçrayet

Who will not take shelter of Govardhana Hill, which is charming with cows,

deer, birds, and trees, and which is the place where the lakes

Jyotsnämokñaëa-kuëòa, Mälya-kuëòa, Hära-kuëòa, Sumanaù-kuëòa, Gauré-kuëòa,

Baläridhvaja-kuëòa, Gändharvä-kuëòa, many other lakes, many swiftly-moving

mountain streams, many lion-thrones for amorous pastimes, many places for Lord

Hari's other pastimes, and the cowherd boy Lord Hari Himself, are all

splendidly manifest?



Text 5

gaìgä-koöy-adhikam- bakäri-pada-järiñöäri-kuëòam- vahan

bhaktyä yaù çirasä natena satatam- preyän çiväd apy abhüt

rädhä-kuëòa-maëim- tathaiva murajit-prauòha-prasädam- dadhät

preyaù-stavyamano 'bhavat ka iha tam- govardhanam- näçrayet

Who will not take shelter of Govardhana Hill? He who with always devotedly

caries on his bowed head the lake known as Çyäma-kuëòa, which is millions of

times greater than the Ganges, and which was born from the foot of Lord Kåñëa,

becomes more dear to the Lord than even the demigod Çiva. He who in the same

way carries the jewel known as Rädha'-kuëòa attains the full mercy of Lord

Kåñëa. He becomes the most dear and glorious of devotees.


Text 6

yasyäm- mädhava-näviko rasavatém ädhäya rädhäm- tarau

madhye caïcala-keli-päta-valanät träsaiù stuvatyäs tataù

sväbhiñöham- paëam ädadhe vahati sä yasmin mano-jähnavé

kas tam- tan nava-dam-pati-pratibhuvam- govardhanam- näçrayet

Who will not take shelter of Govardhana Hill, where the divine couple

enjoy Their rescue-fee pastimes, and where the Mänasa-gaìgä flows? In the

Mänasa-gaìgä the pilot Mädhava took sweetly beautiful Rädha' on His boat, and

when She, frightened by a great storm, prayed that He calm it, He claimed from

Her as a rescue-fee the fulfillment of His amorous desires.


Text 7

räse çré-çata-vandya-sundara-sakhé våndäïcitä saurabha-

bhräjat-kåñëa-rasäla-bähu-vilasat-kaëöhé madhau mädhavé

rädhä nåtyati yatra cäru valate räsa-sthalé sä parä

yasmin sa sukåté tam unnatam aye govardhanam- näçrayet

Ah, what pious person will not take shelter of lofty Govardhana Hill, the

beautiful and transcendental place of the räsa dance, where Çré Rädhä,

accompanied by Her beautiful friends worshiped by hundreds of goddesses of

fortune, and the splendid, nectar arm of Lord Kåñëa playfully resting on Her

neck, dances in the springtime räsa-lélä?


Text 8

yatra svéya-gaëasya vikrama-bhåtä väcä muhuù phullatoù

smera-krüra-dåg-anta-vibhrama-çaraiù çaçvan mitho viddhayoù

tad yünor nava-däna-såñöija-kalir bhaìgyä hasan jåmbhate

kas tam- tat-påthu-keli-sücana-çilam- govardhanam- näçrayet

Who will not take shelter of Govardhana Hill where, blossoming with

happiness at the outrageous joking words of Their friends, perpetually wounded

by the swift arrows shot from the corners of Their cruel, smiling eyes, and

laughing at the crooked words of the ever-new däna-keli quarrel, the youthful

divine couple displayed so many transcendental pastimes?


Text 9

çrédämädi-vayasya-saïcaya-våtaù saìkarñaëenollasan

yasmin go-caya-cäru-cäraëa-paro réréti gäyaty asau

raìge güòha-guhäsu ca prathayati smära-kriyäà rädhayä

kas taà saubhaga-bhüñitäïcita-tanuà govardhanaà näçrayet

Who will not take shelter of graceful and auspicious Govardhana Hill,

where, accompanied by Çrédämä and His other friends, playing with Saìkarñaëa,

and carefully herding the cows, Lord Kåñëa happily sings ré ré, and where Lord

Kåñëa enjoys amorous pastimes with Rädha' in the räsa dance arena and deep in

the hidden caves?


Text 10

kälindém- tapanodbhavam- giri-gaëän aty-unnamä-cekharän

çré-våndävipinam- janepsita-dharam- nandéçvaram- cäçrayam

hitvä yam- pratipüjayan vraja-kåte mänam- mukundo dadau

kas tam- çåìgi-kiréöinam- giri-nåpam- govardhanam- näçrayet

Who will not take shelter of Govardhana Hill, the crowned king of all

mountains? For the people of Vraja's sake Lord Mukunda neglected the sun-god's

daughter Yamunä, a host of other lofty hills, the wish-fulfilling forest of

Våndävana, and the town of Nandéçvara, and respectfully worshiped Govardhana



Text 11

tasmin väsadam asya ramya-daçakaà govardhanasyeha yat

prädurbhütam idaà yadéya-kåpayä jérëändha-vakträd api

tasyodyad-guëa-vånda-bandhura-khaëer jévätu-rüpasya tat-

toñäyäpi alaà bhavatö iha phalaà pakvaà mayä mågyate

By the mercy of Govardhana Hill these ten beautiful verses about

Govardhana Hill, which grant residence at Govardhana Hill, have come from the

mouth of a blind old man. The pleasure of Govardhana Hill, which is my life and

soul, and which is a beautiful jewel-mine of transcendental virtues, is the

ripe fruit I seek from my labor in writing these verses.





Happy Diwali


to you all,


may you have a


prosperous new year.



Your Sarvent in mission of Srila Prabhupada


Nanda Gopal Dasa Mohan Priya Devi Dasi


Bhakta Krishna & Balarama

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