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Murari Gupta

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Hare Krishna,




Kindly glorify the pastimes of Srila Murari Gupta on his disappearnce day on

27th Oct.


PS use font type 'Balarama' 'Sca Goudy' or 'Palaka' to read the text below.


your servant in mission of Srila Prbhupada


nanda gopal dasa


Adi 10:49


çré-muräri gupta çäkhä--premera bhäëòära

prabhura hådaya drave çuni' dainya yäìra


Muräri Gupta, the twenty-first branch of the tree of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu,

was a storehouse of love of Godhead. His great humility and meekness melted the

heart of Lord Caitanya.


Çré Muräri Gupta wrote a book called Çré Caitanya-carita. He belonged to a

vaidya physician family of Çréhaööa, the paternal home of Lord Caitanya, and

later became a resident of Navadvépa. He was among the elders of Çré Caitanya

Mahäprabhu. Lord Caitanya exhibited His Varäha form in the house of Muräri

Gupta, as described in the Caitanya-bhägavata, Madhya-khaëòa, Third Chapter.

When Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu exhibited His mahä-prakäça form, He appeared

before Muräri Gupta as Lord Rämacandra. When Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu and

Nityänanda Prabhu were sitting together in the house of Çréväsa Öhäkura, Muräri

Gupta first offered his respects to Lord Caitanya and then to Çré Nityänanda

Prabhu. Nityänanda Prabhu, however, was older than Caitanya Mahäprabhu, and

therefore Lord Caitanya remarked that Muräri Gupta had violated social

etiquette, for he should have first shown respect to Nityänanda Prabhu and then

to Him. In this way, by the grace of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu, Muräri Gupta was

informed about the position of Çré Nityänanda Prabhu, and the next day he

offered obeisances first to Lord Nityänanda and then to Lord Caitanya. Çré

Caitanya Mahäprabhu gave chewed pan, or betel nut, to Muräri Gupta. Once

Çivänanda Sena offered food to Lord Caitanya that had been cooked with

excessive ghee, and the next day the Lord became sick and went to Muräri Gupta

for treatment. Lord Caitanya accepted some water from the waterpot of Muräri

Gupta, and thus He was cured. The natural remedy for indigestion is to drink a

little water, and since Muräri Gupta was a physician, he gave the Lord some

drinking water and cured Him.

When Caitanya Mahäprabhu appeared in the house of Çréväsa Öhäkura in His

Caturbhuja mürti, Muräri Gupta became His carrier in the form of Garuòa, and in

these pastimes of ecstasy the Lord then got up on his back. It was the desire

of Muräri Gupta to leave his body before the disappearance of Caitanya

Mahäprabhu, but the Lord forbade him to do so. This is described in the

Caitanya-bhägavata, Madhya-khaëòa, Chapter Twenty. When Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu

one day appeared in ecstasy as the Varäha mürti, Muräri Gupta offered Him

prayers. He was a great devotee of Lord Rämacandra, and his staunch devotion is

vividly described in the Caitanya-caritämåta, Madhya-lélä, Fifteenth Chapter,

verses 137 through 157.

Ädi 10.50


pratigraha nähi kare, nä laya kära dhana

ätma-våtti kari' kare kuöumba bharaëa


Çréla Muräri Gupta never accepted charity from friends, nor did he accept money

from anyone. He practiced as a physician and maintained his family with his



It should be noted that a gåhastha (householder) must not make his livelihood

by begging from anyone. Every householder of the higher castes should engage

himself in his own occupational duty as a brähmaëa, kñatriya or vaiçya, but he

should not engage in the service of others, for this is the duty of a çüdra.

One should simply accept whatever he earns by his own profession. The

engagements of a brähmaëa are yajana, yäjana, paöhana, päöhana, däna and

pratigraha. A brähmaëa should be a worshiper of Viñëu, and he should also

instruct others how to worship Him. A kñatriya can become a landholder and earn

his livelihood by levying taxes or collecting rent from tenants. A vaiçya can

accept agriculture or general trade as an occupational duty. Since Muräri Gupta

was born in a physician's family (vaidya-vaàça), he practiced as a physician,

and with whatever income he earned he maintained his family. As stated in

Çrémad-Bhägavatam, everyone should try to satisfy the Supreme Personality of

Godhead through the execution of his occupational duty. That is the perfection

of life. This system is called daivé-varëäçrama. Muräri Gupta was an ideal

gåhastha, for he was a great devotee of Lord Rämacandra and Caitanya

Mahäprabhu. By practicing as a physician he maintained his family and at the

same time satisfied Lord Caitanya to the best of his ability. This is the ideal

of householder life.

Ädi 10.51


cikitsä karena yäre ha-iyä sadaya

deha-roga bhäva-roga,--dui tära kñaya


As Muräri Gupta treated his patients, by his mercy both their bodily and

spiritual diseases subsided.


Muräri Gupta could treat both bodily and spiritual disease because he was a

physician by profession and a great devotee of the Lord in terms of spiritual

advancement. This is an example of service to humanity. Everyone should know

that there are two kinds of diseases in human society. One disease, which is

called adhyätmika, or material disease, pertains to the body, but the main

disease is spiritual. The living entity is eternal, but somehow or other, when

in contact with the material energy, he is subjected to the repetition of

birth, death, old age and disease. The physicians of the modern day should

learn from Muräri Gupta. Although modern philanthropic physicians open gigantic

hospitals, there are no hospitals to cure the material disease of the spirit

soul. The Kåñëa consciousness movement has taken up the mission of curing this

disease, but people are not very appreciative because they do not know what

this disease is. A diseased person needs both proper medicine and a proper

diet, and therefore the Kåñëa consciousness movement supplies materially

stricken people with the medicine of the chanting of the holy name, or the Hare

Kåñëa mahä-mantra, and the diet of prasädam. There are many hospitals and

medical clinics to cure bodily diseases, but there are no such hospitals to

cure the material disease of the spirit soul. The centers of the Kåñëa

consciousness movement are the only established hospitals that can cure man of

birth, death, old age and disease.

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