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Vrindavana, November 14th, 1977

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Following is an excerpt from Tamal Krishna Goswami's "TKG Diary:

Prabhupada's Final Pastimes". It describes last two days in Srila

Prabhupada's life + the day of the samadhi ceremony. I appologise for

sending it late but I had no access to the Internet to send it earlier.




Radhe Govinda dasa



November 13


At 1:30 a.m., Srila Prabhupada had severe pain in his left leg. After some

time, it subsided; but it resumed at 3:00 a.m. With our help Srila

Prabhupada was moving himself from one side to another. Wanting us to

apply heat to his thigh, he asked for a coal stove on which to heat salt

compresses. In the meantime, he asked for De's or Sloan's liniment. We

found Sloan's, and I rubbed it on; but this did not bring sufficient

relief. Prabhupada was moaning from the pain. The devotees had stopped

kirtana and were surrounding his bed. The kaviraja was also present. It

was concluded that rubbing witchhazel had produced too much coldness.

Prabhupada said, "Upendra wants to give cold to get rid of cold." As the

liniment was not effective, I applied a heating lamp, moving it back and

forth along Prabhupada's thigh. This action brought relief, and

Prabhupada became calmer. Before the lamp, we had also used hot water

bottles. Now, a hot plate had been located, on which Upendra heated two

salt poultices and alternatively applied them to Prabhupada's leg.

Gradually the pain subsided, and Srila Prabhupada could rest again.

During the pain, Prabhupada had thrown off his blankets.


We were all praying that this painful attack would not again assault our

spiritual master; but again and again it came, at 6:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m.,

noon, and 3:00 p.m. I was very sorry to see this trauma because it did

not bode well. Srila Prabhupada was most sensitive, and we were worried

that if these painful attacks continued, he would not be willing to remain

with us any longer. Ironically, at the same time, Srila Prabhupada has

drunk 1,150 cc, half of it as milk, and passed 550 cc of urine and stool.


In the evening, as we had planned previously, Bon Maharaja and Krsnadasa

Babaji Maharaja visited. Prabhupada asked me to bring the Russian diploma

given to the BBT at the Moscow book fair. Then I showed various

photographs of Deities and temples around the world, just as Prabhupada

would do whenever important persons would come. Bon Maharaja was very

much praising Prabhupada's work, and afterwards said how wonderful it was

that Srila Prabhupada was in such perfect consciousness. Prabhupada also

discussed with Bon Maharaja His desire for tirtha-yatra.


Srila Prabhupada also spoke with Bhagatji, and at the end quoted from

Bhagavad-gita, "Bhogaisvarya-prasaktanam."





November 14


Today, the attacks continued in regular three-hour intervals. Prabhupada

was in deep consciousness, not external. The kaviraja came frequently;

but Prabhupada took medicine only with great efforts on behalf of

Bhakti-caru Maharaja.


When the attacks came again, Srila Prabhupada moved his right arm back and

forth gracefully in the air, but we could not properly understand him.

Although we all wanted to help him, we felt we could not. The kaviraja

confirmed that Prabhupada's condition was very serious. No entry was made

in the medical journal, because Prabhupada had not passed any urine,

although there must have been urine in the body. We all could understand

the end was approaching. Thus, the room was packed with devotees, and

chanting was continuous. The kaviraja suggested inserting a catheter to

empty his bladder of urine. The G.B.C. members present (Hamsaduta

Maharaja, Svarupa Damodara, Jagadisa, Bhavananda Maharaja, and I)

deliberated and decided that we would not permit catheterization, since

Prabhupada had not appreciated Tirtha Maharaja 's expiring with tubes in

his body. Besides, catheterization would have prolonged his presence only

a short while; and we could now sense that our beloved Srila Prabhupada

wished to return back to Godhead, back to home. We tried everything and

it failed; thus, we informed the kaviraja of our decision and he agreed

and understood, being himself a devotee.


By now, we had all returned to Prabhupada's room, surrounding him and

sitting on his bed -- Upendra, Svarupa Damodara, Satadhanya Maharaja,

Bhavananda Maharaja, Hamsaduta Maharaja, and I -- with other devotees,

both men and women, present. Pisima came in and asked, "Prabhupada, have

you eaten something?" Srila Prabhupada did not respond, even though she

asked again and again. She placed Ganges water in Prabhupada's mouth. We

had placed tulasi leaves and Yamuna water by Prabhupada's head.


Prabhupada's Godbrothers arrived. I had set up benches on each side of the

bed for them -- Bon Maharaja , Krsnadasa Babaji , Ananda Prabhu -- and his

Godnephew Narayana Maharaja. They sat and watched intently, observing

Srila Prabhupada's consciousness. Narayana Maharaja spoke in Srila

Prabhupada's ear, but there was no response; but when Bhakti-caru Maharaja

spoke into Prabhupada's ear, telling him that Narayana Maharaja and

others were present, Prabhupada slowly raised his left hand to his head in

salutation and started crying. Prabhupada's Godbrothers explained that

Prabhupada's attacks were simply the moving of the airs in the body, not

actual pain. They said that Prabhupada was in perfect consciousness and

they did not feel the time had yet come for his departure. After two or

three hours they left, promising to come immediately whenever we called.


The kaviraja, however, said Prabhupada had only two or three hours left.

Already, we had informed ISKCON around the world. Pujaris brought tulasi

flower garlands from Krsna-Balarama and placed them on the pillow around

Prabhupada's head. Understanding that the end was near, we chanted and

prayed, there being nothing else to do. When the last attack came at 3:00

p.m., Prabhupada rubbed his hand quickly back and forth across his heart.

Upendra also massaged his heart, while I sat holding his lotus feet. For

four hours, Prabhupada was very peaceful.


At 7:25 p.m., Prabhupada opened his eyes, which were very clear, more so

than in many months. His mouth opened, his tongue moved, and then he

became still. The kaviraja took Prabhupada's pulse and held a cotton swab

to his nostril, detecting no movement of air. Our beloved Srila

Prabhupada had departed. Surrounded by his loving disciples, who were

chanting the holy name of Krsna; lying very peaceful in his bed in

Vrndavana-dhama, the holy land of Krsna's birth; his head directed toward

the Deities of Krsna-Balarama; surrounded by photos of all the Deities and

his Guru Maharaja; decorated with candana and a big tulasi leaf on his

forehead; and holding tulasi in his right hand, he departed and returned

to the lotus feet of Krsna, from whence he came.


Oh, how the world has become devoid of its crest jewel, Srila Prabhupada!

Oh, how everything is now vacant! The room filled with wailing and

crying. Devotees clutched Prabhupada's lotus feet, and Pisima approached,

crying piteously.


We asked most of the devotees to leave while the chanting continued around

the bed. Bon Maharaja returned and advised that we take Prabhupada's body

on parikrama of Vrndavana to the seven major temples. Ananda Prabhu had

been there all the time. Narayana Maharaja arrived. We sat Prabhupada up

and crossed his legs, afraid that his body would stiffen. Bhavananda

Maharaja closed his jaw, which had remained open; and we tied it closed

with a cloth around his head. We placed Prabhupada in his palanquin and

carried him into the temple with the blowing of conchshells and beating of

mrdangas and karatalas. First taking him before each Deity and then

circumambulating the temple three times, we brought him again before the

altar of his Lords, Krsna and Balarama. We circumambulated his

transcendental body four times with kirtana, afterwards placing his whole

palanquin on the vyasasana.


Led by Narayana Maharaja, Krsnadasa Babaji, and Ananda Prabhu, we performed

kirtana and prayers throughout the whole night. Prabhupada's expression

was sublime, just as when he had previously sat on the vyasasana. His

eyes were closed, there was a slight smile on his face, and we all

expected and prayed that at any moment he would lift his hand and return

to us.


The day was Gaura-caturthi-tithi (the fourth day of the light half of the

month of Karttika). The time was 7:25 p.m., five minutes after the most

auspicious time of that day, amrta-yoga, began.


November 15


November 15


The residents of Vrndavana awaited the last darsana of the great acarya of

the Gaudiya Vaisnavas, who has spread Vrndavana's glories to the darkest

regions of the world. At 6:30 a.m., the Gosvamis of the seven temples

arrived to escort the divine form of Srila Prabhupada to their respective

Deities. Prabhupada had his hat and chaddar on, and he sat in his

palanquin. He would not circumambulate lying down. Like a strong lion,

he sat up; and when the residents of Vrndavana saw him, they were amazed.

He was covered with flowers offered the previous night by his disciples.


Taking him into the courtyard to the accompaniment of kirtana led by

Narayana Maharaja, we circumambulated his body four times and began our

procession with grand kirtana. The Brijabasis, happy to see his

perfection, chanted, "Jaya Prabhupada!" Everyone knew him as Vrndavana's

most famous son, and they loved him.


As we approached each temple, the head pujari came out. The kirtana rose

to a crescendo, with Narayana Maharaja chanting, "Jaya Madana-mohana jiva!

Jaya Radha-Damodara jiva! Jaya Radha-ramana jiva...," glorifying the

particular Deity and Prabhupada, who represented Them so well. Then,

Narayana Maharaja chanted, "Jaya Prabhupada." We were all merged in an

ocean of grief, yet proud to be the disciples of our Guru Maharaja. The

parikrama lasted three hours, ending when we again arrived at the

Krishna-Balaram Mandir at 9:30 a.m.


We brought Srila Prabhupada's divine body to the Samadhi site. Upendra and

Bhavananda Maharaja undressed Srila Prabhupada, leaving only his kaupina,

and placed him on banana leaves. First, Narayana Maharaja, then Krsnadasa

Babaji, and then Ananda Prabhu poured Yamuna water over Prabhupada's

transcendental body. I took the conchshell next and, allowing all the

devotees to touch it, poured water over his body many times. We dressed

him in new silks and new sacred thread. Narayana Maharaja took a tulasi-

manjari and, with candana, wrote the samadhi mantra on Srila Prabhupada's

chest. Narayana Maharaja, Ananda Prabhu, Bhakti-caru Maharaja and I

descended seven to nine feet into the Samadhi pit, at the bottom of which

was a pure, white marble slab. We performed pujas, Ananda Prabhu chanting

the mantras while guiding the movements of my hands. Bhavananda Maharaja

and Upendra lifted Prabhupada's transcendental form and I received

Prabhupada's body for the last time. We placed him in a sitting position

and offered arati. All the devotees who were standing about, chanting and

blowing on conchshells, threw thousands of flowers upon Prabhupada. As

Prabhupada had previously instructed me, I saved a few to be taken to

Mayapur for another Samadhi.


We poured salt nine inches deep around Srila Prabhupada's body, then filled

the rest of the Samadhi with dirt. We marked where his head was; and

after reaching the ground level, we built up an area about three feet

square, marking the place where his body was seated. We covered the area

with fresh cow dung and placed fresh saffron silk on top. For shade, we

suspended from four bamboo poles another saffron cloth. We placed two

tulasi plants on each side, and on the raised ground, the photo of our

beloved Guru Maharaja. Pradyumna offered prasadam and full arati and we

circumambulated four times. In complete surrender, we took shelter of

Prabhupada's lotus feet.


nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine


namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine



One of Srila Prabhupada's last yearning desires was to go on parikrama

around Govardhana Hill. Because we wanted to fulfill that desire and

because we were feeling separation from our beloved Guru Maharaja, we

decided to take him to Govardhana. We selected the date of Gopastami,

when Krsna comes of age as a cowherd boy, on November 18.


On that morning after mangala-arati, all the devotees took prasadam of

puri, halva and sabji. In buses and vans, we then set out, with

Prabhupada present in his arca-vigraha form and in a large photograph. We

placed the deity of Srila Prabhupada in the back seat of his car, between

Upendra and myself. In the front were Bhavananda Swami, Acyutananda

Swami, and our devotee driver.


We went first to Radha-kunda, because Srila Prabhupada had said, when he

was unable to go, "You bathe on my behalf!" Now, he bathed personally to

our great happiness. Acyutananda performed the abhiseka ceremony. The

golden form of Srila Prabhupada was then lowered into the cool water of

Radha-kunda. Three times he bathed, as we looked on his golden body

through the water. The ceremony was being held on the thin strip of land

between the two kundas.


Next, Jayapataka Swami carried Prabhupada upon his head and bathed him

three times in Syama-kunda. He was dried and dressed in new silk cloth,

placed upon his palanquin, and offered full arati, the devotees chanting,

"Jaya Srila Prabhupada." Accompanied by kirtana, we circumambulated those

two most holy lakes.


We boarded our vehicles and proceeded to Govardhana, where we assembled and

in procession proceeded with Srila Prabhupada aboard his palanquin, which

had been wonderfully decorated. How beautiful the land of Govardhana is,

with its trees and grasses! Prabhupada has ascended to Goloka; and now by

his causeless mercy, we felt as if we too had been allowed to enter that

transcendental realm.


As we circumambulated the mountain, no longer did our hearts burn from

separation. We were with Prabhupada again. We were so glad to see him

riding again on his palanquin, leading us as always, giving us shelter.

It was a cool day, and our walking created dust, the whole atmosphere

becoming filled with dust. We could only remember Krsna, coming home from

tending the cows.


We came to Govinda-kunda, where Madhavendra Puri had found Gopala and Indra

had given abhiseka to Krsna. There we stopped and heard The Nectar of

Instruction, verses nine to eleven. Some of the sacred water of the kunda

we sprinkled on Prabhupada's head, and he was cooled and refreshed.


As we proceeded, our talks were all of Prabhupada. We remembered his

pastimes and recounted his unlimited glories. We especially remembered

the past two weeks, which had been so sweet. We took pleasure

understanding how the past months were given by Prabhupada for deepening

our love, and for no other purpose. He simply lay on his bed, week after

week, with no other purpose than to attract us. How merciful he acted

toward us! As we wound around the hill, the path was uneven; and we

reflected that Srila Prabhupada could have made this journey only in his

present eternal form. Though we walked for three hours, the eight miles

passed easily.


We again rode to Kusuma-kunja, where we refreshed ourselves in the bathing

ghat. Prabhupada having been placed high in a covered garden house, all

the devotees took pleasure sporting in the water.


We divided into two groups, Satsvarupa Maharaja speaking in one and

Acyutananda Maharaja in the other, recounting the glorious activities of

Prabhupada in the early days in New York. At 5:30 p.m., we all sat down

and enjoyed a most transcendental feast, eating to our full satisfaction.


We proceeded back to Vrndavana, back to home, with Prabhupada, weary as we

rode in our car. It had been a wonderful outing, because Prabhupada had

been present.


Srila Prabhupada lives with those who live to fulfill his desires. We take

shelter beneath the lotus feet of our beloved Guru Maharaja, whom we

eternally serve.

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