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· Visnu and Krsna bhakti

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> >So, we should not divert our attention to other forms of the Lord, like

> >Vishnu. We should not be interested in them. This is the clear conclusion

> >here.


> When our attention is towards maya, is it a diversion to turn to Vishnu?


> Next someone will tell me that they aren't even interested in Krishna's

> Dvaraka form, nor His Mathura form.




Prem Bhakti Chandrika (55) mentions:


sadhana bhavibo yatha, siddha-dehe pabo taha


"Whatever I think of during my sadhana (spiritual practise - while I am

still imperfect), that I will attain when I reach perfection.




Brhan Aranyaka Upanishad (4.4.5) states:

sa yathakamo bhavati tat kratur bhavati tat karma kurute yat karma kurute

tad abhisampadyate iti


"The jiva acts according to his desires, completes these actions and

consequently reaps their fruits."



yatha yathopasate tad eva bhavantiti


"As one worships and meditates, so one becomes.



Bhagavad Gita (8.6)

sad€ tad-bh€va-bh€vitaƒ


"Whatever one constantly thinks of during life is what one will remember at

the time of leaving the body, and whatever one thinks of while leaving the

body will be attained in the next existence."



k…˜aƒ peasktaˆ dhy€yan

kuy€ˆ tena praveitaƒ

y€ti tat-s€tmat€ˆ r€jan

p™rva-r™pam asantyajan


(Srimad Bhagavatam 11.9.23, see also 7.1.28 and 7.10.39)


"O King, once a wasp forced a weaker insect to enter his hive and kept him

trapped there. In great fear the weak insect constantly meditated upon his

captor, and without giving up his body, he gradually achieved the same state

of existence as the wasp. Thus one achieves a state of existence according

to one’s constant concentration."



yath€ sa‰kalpayed buddhy€

yad€ v€ mat-paraƒ pum€n

mayi satye mano yuñjaˆs

tath€ tat samup€nute (Srimad Bhagavatam 11.15.26)


"A devoted person who meditates on Me, who am also called "satya sankalpa" -

He who keeps always His promises - will get any of his thoughts fulfilled

exactly according to his wishes."



And in Brhad Bhagavatamrta tika:


siddhasya laksanam yat syat

sadhanam sadhakasya tat


"What is the characteristic of siddhi, is the practise of the sadhaka."



Not disrespect or pride, but a deep understanding of the power of constant

meditation is the reason why Gaudiya Vaishnavas do not give attention to

Vishnu or any other forms of the Lord (even Krishna in Dvaraka or Mathura).

This is called ananyata.

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