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Q. Srila Prabhupada said that Caitanya-caritamrta is the PhD studies of Krsna

consciousness. Is Caitanya-bhagavata not in a similar category?


A. No. Caitanya-bhagavata is the most wonderful book of the beautiful

sankirtana pastimes of Lord Caitanya & His devotees. The sankirtana pastimes of

Lord Caitanya are basically for the deliverance of the fallen conditioned

souls. It is only in Caitanya-caritamrta that Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami

explains the internal esoteric purpose of the advent of Lord Caitanya which can

only be understood by advanced devotees. Caitanya--bhagavata has no esoteric

or highly philosophical sections like the Caitanya-caritamrta. It is most

easily understood & accessible to the common man because Srila Vrndavana Dasa

Thakura has presented the philosophy so nicely intermingled with his vivid

descriptions of the Navadvipa pastimes of Lord Caitanya. All the aspects of the

Krsna conscious philosophy has been so nicely mixed with the pastimes that one

does not even notice it and the reader remains absorbed in reading the pastimes

while simultaneously realizing the philosophical imports.


It is said that for the less-intelligent people of Kali Yuga, Vyasadeva wrote

the Mahabharta & the Puranas which are full of stories. So what to speak of the

good fortune of reading the stories directly about Lord Gauranga, the most

merciful of all incarnations and learning the highest philosophy

simultaneously. This is what which makes Caitanya-bhagavata the supremely

unique literature which can easily save the whole world from its suicidal



Also the pastimes of Lord Nityananda are glorified throughout Sri

Caitanya-bhagavata. So by repeated reading of Caitanya-bhagavata one developes

firm faith in Lord Nityananda, the original spiritual master. By His mercy

alone can we even think of purifying our hearts and approaching Sri Sri Radha &

Krishna in Vrindavana. This is reason why Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati

Thakura has recommended the repeated reading of this book for the common man

and it is supported by Srila Prabhupada who states that it is aid for the

common man to quickly understand Krsna.


samsarera para hai' bhaktira sagare

ye dubibe, se bhajuka nitai-candere


Those who wish to cross the ocean of material existence and drown in the ocean

of devotional service should worship Lord Nityananda.(CB Adi 1.77)



The Glories of Sri Gauranga

(from Prarthana by Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura)



gaurangera duti pada, jar dhana sampada,

se jane bhakati-rasa-sar

gaurangera madhura-lila, jar karne pravesila,

hrdoya nirmala bhelo tar


(1) Anyone who has accepted the two lotus feet of Lord Caitanya as their only

asset knows the true essence of devotional service. If anyone gives submissive

aural reception to the pleasing and sweet pastimes of Lord Caitanya, then

immediately his heart becomes cleansed of all material contamination.



je gaurangera nama loy, tara hoy premodoy,

tare mui jai bolihari

gauranga-gunete jhure, nitya-lila tare sphure,

se jana bhakati-adhikari


(2) Anyone who simply chants the name of Sri Krsna Caitanya will immediately

develop love of Godhead. I offer him all congratulations by saying, 'Bravo!' If

anyone feels ecstasy and cries by simply hearing the transcendental qualities

of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he at once understands the eternal loving affairs

between Radha and Krsna.



gaurangera sangi-gane, nitya-siddha kori' mane,

se jay brajendra-suta-pas

sri-gauda-mandala-bhumi, jeba jane cintamani,

tara hoy braja-bhume bas


(3) Anyone who has understood that the associates of Lord Caitanya are

eternally liberated souls immediately becomes eligible to enter into the abode

of Krsna, the son of Nanda Maharaja in Vrndavana, in his next birth. If anyone

understands that there is no difference between Gau;da-man;dala, the place in

West Bengal wherein Lord Caitanya had His pastimes, and the transcendental

abode of Sri Vrndavana-dhama, then he actually lives in Vrndavana.



gaura-prema-rasarnave, se tarange jeba dube,

se radha-madhava-antaranga

grhe ba vanete thake, `ha gauranga' bo'le dake,

narottama mage tara sanga


(4) Anyone who takes pleasure sporting within the waves of the ocean of Lord

Caitanya's distribution of love of God immediately becomes a confidential

devotee of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava. It doesn't matter whether such a devotee is

in the renounced order of life or whether he is a householder. If he is

actually taking part in Lord Caitanya's sankirtana activities and actually

understanding what it is, then such a person is always liberated. Narottama

dasa aspires for his association.

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