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birds and plants in vaishnava literature

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> Should not "kumda" be "kumud"?


Yes. There were several other typos. I spell-checked it and added several

entries from Hindu Dictionary by Manurishi Foundation and Puranic



ys bh. Jan




Birds and Plants in Sastras




Chakora Alectoris graeca, a Himalayan partridge, the lover of the

moon, said to feed on the rays of the moon.


Chakravaka Casarca ferruginea, a variety of duck, also called chakava

(surkhab). Legend relates that pairs of these birds are souls of two

sinning lovers, who are said to sleep apart at night, and call

endlessly to one another, "Chakava, may I come to you?No, Chakavi".


Chataka Cuculus melanoleucas, a type of swallow said to drink only

drops of rain as they fall from the clouds.


Hamsa Phoenicopterus ruber, the flamingo, and also the goose, Acer



Kasturi Amaryllis zeylanica, medicinal plant mentioned in Atharva



Khanjana Motacilla maderaspatensis, the wagtail, symbol of

restlessness, and also of the eyes of the beloved.


Koel Eudynamis scolopaceus, a dark bird commonly found in mango

gardens during the large trees' flowering and fruiting times. Its cry

is kuhu, kuhu, kuhu, rising in pitch with each successive call, and

its panchama-note is the dominant of nature's chorus.


Koonja Anthropoides virgo, the demoiselle crane.


Krauncha Numenius arquata, the curlew.


Nilakantha Coracias benghalensis, roller or blue jay, sacred to Sri



Papiha Hierococcyx varius, the hawk-cuckoo or the brain-fever bird.

Its cry "Pi kahan" sounds like "Where is my love?"


Parrot Psittacula eupatria, a pet bird said to overhear conversations

of lovers and to repeat them in awkward circumstances.


Peacock Pavo cristatus, the male is said to be lover of the clouds and

delights in rain.


Saras Antigone antigone, a slate colored crane, said to pair for life

and hence a symbol of devoted love.



Trees, Shrubs and Climbers


Aguru Aquilaia agallocha, a large evergreen tree with fragrant wood.


Amaltas Cassia fistula, a small hardy tree with pendulous racemes of

large bright yellow flowers blossoming in April and May.


Arjuna Terminalia arjuna, a large, shady tree.


Ashoka Saraca indica, a herald of spring, has scarlet or crimson

bunches of flowers in early March. It is said to flower upon being

touched by a beautiful woman's feet.


Asvattha Ficus religiosa, fig tree, bo tree or milk tree venerated as

sacred. Pipal, Vanaspati (lord of forest).


Atimukta Jasminum sp.


Bandhuka Pentapetes phoenicia (or Lucas linifolia)


Banyan Ficus indica, indian fig tree. Nyagrodha, Udumbara, Vata.


Betel Piper betel, a climber, leaves used for chewing.


Bilva Crataeva religiosa, Aegle marmelos, a large, round fruit also

known as Bengal quince. Honey apple, bael.


Bimba Momordica coccinia, a climber with bright red fruit.


Champaka Michelia champaka, a large tree, commonly grown in temples,

with fragrant, light yellow flowers. A type of jasmine.


Chameli Jasminium sambac, Arabian jasmine.


Damanaka Grislea tomentosa, tree associated with Bhairava.


Devadaru Cedrus deodara, Himalayan cedar.


Gandharaja Gardenia florida, a shrub with highly fragrant white



Gunja Abrus precatorius, seeds used as weights by jewelers.


Gul Mohar Delonix regia, an umbrella tree with pinnate feathery

leaves. It bears scarlet flowers in May.


Jasmine several varieties are mentioned, including chameli, champaka,

malati and kunda.


Jujube Zizyphus jujuba, small round fruits that are favorites of boys.


Kachnar Bauhinia variegata, a medium sized ornamental tree with

drooping branches. It produces a rich harvest of mauve and white

blossoms, that resemble orchid flowers, in February-March.


Kadamba Anthocephalus indicus, tree with ball-like flowers blossoming

in the rainy season. One of Krsna's favorites.


Kandali Aneilema nudiflorum, an annual herb with blue purple flowers

in the rainy season.


Karnikara Pterospermum acerifolium, a large tree with broad leaves.


Kasa Saccharum spontaneum, a tall grass.


Kesara Crocus sativa, safflower, a herald of spring.


Ketaki Pandanus odoratissimus, screw pine, a highly fragrant plant

with spiny, sword-like, pointed leaves.


Khadira Acacia catechu, tree mentioned in Vedas


Kimsuka Butea frondosa, a tree with beautiful crimson flowers, a

herald of spring. Palasa.


Kovidara Bauhinia purpurea, a small tree bearing pink flowers in



Kumuda Nymphaea esculenta, a water lily with white flowers that open

at night, and close during the day.


Kunda Jasminium pubescens, a jasmine.


Kurabaka Lawsonia alba, mehende, crushed leaves used to make the dye

for painting decorations on brides' palms.


Kutaja Wrightia zeylanica, a small tree with white flowers.


Lavagna Vine Limonia scandens, a vine whose appearance indicates the

beginning of spring.


Lodhra Symplocos racemosa, pollen used as a face powder in ancient



Lotus and Water Lily Many varieties are mentioned. Aravinda and kamala

are day-flowering. Kubalaya and kumudini flower at night. Common

Lotus, Nelumbium speciosum Utpala, Nymphaea coerulea, the blue water



Madhavi Hiptage madhablota, a scadent, shrubby climber, herald of

spring, and lover of the mango tree.


Mahua Bassia latifolia, a common shade tree in central India. An

alcoholic beverage of the same name is distilled from its flowers.


Malati Jasminum grandiflorum, a twining shrub with fragrant white



Mandara Erythrina indica, a small tree that has red flowers during

March, when it has no leaves.


Mango Mangifera indica, tender shoots and herald of spring. Flowers in

early March in North India. Chuta and makanda in Sanskrit.


Marutu Terminalia alata, a tree.


Naga Kesara Mesua ferrea, a forest tree of Eastern India with flowers

that are mostly white, but with yellow inside.


Narikela Cocos nucifera, the coconut palm.


Navamallika Jasminium arboriscens, a shrubby jasmine.


Nim Azadirachta indica, a shady tree that flowers in March-April with

medicine properties.


Nimbu, lemon tree.


Padam Prunus cerasioides, wild cherry found in the temperate regions

of the Himalayas, at altitudes from 3,000' to 6,000'.


Parijataka Nyctanthes arbortristis, drops its flowers in the early



Patala Bignonia suaveolens, trumpet flower, herald of spring.


Pipal Ficus religiosa, a large tree with glossy, dark green,

poplar-like leaves. Asvattha, Vanaspati.


Pital An unidentified yellow flower.


Plantain Musa paradisiaca, smooth, straight stem, symbol of female

beauty. Kadali.


Priyangu Panicum italicum, a shrub that flowers in August.


Punnaga Calophyllum inophyllum, a tree with glabrous leaves, and

fragrant white flowers.


Rudraksa Elaco carpus, seeds of this tree are used as beads for

rosaries. According to Devi Bhagavata Purana, 11th skanda, it appeared

from tears of Siva.


Sala Shorea robusta, a tall timber tree, associated with the birth of

Buddha. Sarja in Sanskrit.


Sandal Santalum album, a small evergreen tree growing in Bangalore,

with fragrant heart wood. Sandal paste (finely ground sandalwood and

water) has a cooling effect when applied to the skin, and is used in

summer for cooling the body.


Saptachchhada Alstonia scholaris, a handsome tree.


Sarja see Sala.


Sarson Brassica campestris, an oilseed plant with golden yellow



Semal Bombax malabaricum, silk cotton tree.


Salmali Salmalia malabarica, silk cotton tree with beautiful cup-like

red flowers in early March.


Sirisha Albizzia lebeck, fragrant flowers in the beginning of the

rainy season.


Sisam Dalbergia sissoo, a deciduous tree with hard wood, principally

found in sub-Himalayan areas of North India.


Tala Borassus flabelliformis, palmyra, round purple fruits, symbol of

female charm.


Tamala Garcinia xanthochymus or Cinnamomum tamala, straight stem, dark

fragrant leaves, symbol of Krsna.


Tanni Terminalia bellerica, tree associated with Kali purusa

(Mahabharata, Vana Parva, ch. 58). Beleric myrobalan.


Tulasi, holy basil with medicinal properties, central in worship of



Vakula (Bakula) Mimusops elengi, a dwarf tree, bears highly fragrant

flowers during the rains.


Yuthika Jasminium auriculatum, a jasmine with fragrant white flowers

tinged with purple.

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