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The Appearance of Srila Narottama Das Thakura - 8th Feb 2001

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>From Narottama Vilasa by Narahari Chakravarti:


All glories to Narottama dasa Thakura, the beloved disciple of Lokanatha


How the illustrious Narottama took his birth in the house of Krsnananda Datta,

the elder brother of Sri Purusottama, I dare not discuss elaborately here.

However, for your pleasure, I shall give a brief description.

Rupa and Sanatana lived in Ramakeli, a beautiful village in a pleasant area of

Gaudadesh. Although acting as high ranking ministers in the court of the king,

they were always absorbed in discussing scriptures with scholars and

professors. Their genius and wisdom won them fame throughout the world. In the

courts of Maharastra, Karnataka, Dravida, Tailanga, Utkala, Mithila, Gaura,

Gujarata, Vanga, Kasi and Kashmir they were considered the greatest scholars.

(I have explained this further in Bhakti-ratnakara). Being favorites of the

king, the brothers had no shortage of wealth.

Meanwhile, Sri Gauracandra was performing His all-attractive pastimes in

Navadvipa. Rupa and Sanatana happened to hear reports of the Lord's activities

and were spontaneously attracted. Immediately they began writing numerous

letters to Mahaprabhu, while earnestly waiting for the opportunity to meet Him


The Supreme Lord, who is bound only by the love of His devotees, soon also

became anxious to meet Rupa and Sanatana. After accepting sannyasa, the Lord

consoled his devotees, went to Nilacala and later to Vrndavana. When Mahaprabhu

started for Gaudadesh millions of people ran behind him, thus He arrived at

Ramakeli surrounded by hoards of devotees.

On hearing of Lord Caitanya's arrival, Sanatana and Rupa, as well as Kesava

Chatri and other friends, were overwhelmed with joy. The royal ministers, Rupa

and Sanatana, could not contain their happiness and secretly rushed to meet the

associates of Lord Caitanya. By the grace of Nityananda Prabhu they were

introduced to Sri Krsna Caitanya. Who can describe the intense emotions of Rupa

and Sanatana at that meeting? Sri Gauracandra happily welcomed them with sweet

words, as Nityananda Prabhu, Haridasa, Vakresvara, Mukunda and others stood by

watching with pleasure.

Mahaprabhu stayed there for a few days constantly surrounded by an ocean of

ecstatic devotees who were eager to bath in the purifying waters of the Lord's

transcendental association. Not only the general mass of people were affected

by the Lord, even the Yavana king was moved by Mahaprabhu's presence.

One day while Caitanya Mahaprabhu was dancing with his associates during

sankirtana, He suddenly looked in the direction of Sri Kheturi village. A

peculiar look appeared on His face, tears whelmed up in His eyes, and He cried

out the name "Narottama! Narottama!" again and again. The ocean of mercy,

Nityananda Raya shouted in joy, and Haridasa, Vakresvara, and others were

inexplicable filled with happiness.

Witnessing the unusual behavior of the Lord, the devotees began talking amongst

themselves: "Prabhu is repeatedly calling out the name of someone called

Narottama.It seems that this Narottama is extremely dear to the Lord,

perhaps he is about to take birth soon.Oh who is that fortunate man who will

have such a son?The woman who bears him within her womb is the most

fortunate lady in the world.Obviously, the Lord has plans for this Narottama

to fulfill His mission."

In this way the rumors of the appearance of Narottama spread far and wide. A

similar event took place again when Mahaprabhu was traveling to Nilacala,

suddenly he cried out the name of Srinivasa. [unclear] These topics became

known to all and everyone waited eagerly anticipating the appearance of


Oh listeners please hear attentively as Narahari dasa narrates Narottama




All glories to Sri Gauracandra, Nityananda Prabhu, and all the devotees of

Mahaprabhu. Please bestow your mercy upon this poor fallen conditioned soul.

All glories to those who hear the nectar of this Narottama Vilasa, kindly

listen patiently to my narration.

The wheel of time turned, until finally, on the sixth hour of the full moon day

in the month of Magha, when all auspicious signs were visible, Narottama dasa

took birth to fulfill the mission of the Lord.

His mother, radiant with beauty, wept joyfully as she lovingly gazed at the

charming face of her son. An unearthly effulgence suddenly illuminated the

entire delivery room and happiness swelled in the hearts of everyone present.

>From that moment the village of Sri Kheturi became an auspicious place. The

residents suddenly felt purified; as if cleansed of all misgivings. They

trembled with ecstatic emotions, tears filled their eyes, and they

spontaneously chanted the holy name with devotion. They rushed to the house of

Krsnananda carrying all kinds of gifts for the newborn child.

The delighted Datta Mahasaya warmly welcomed them all without taking his eyes

off the face of his son for a second, while Krsnananda's exalted father

distributed charity profusely to the singers, musicians and others present, for

the protection of his grandson.

There was no woman in the world as fortunate as Narottama's mother, Narayani.

By the Lord's grace she was granted the eyes to see Gauranga, Nityananda, and

Advaita dancing ecstatically within her own home.

Narayani watched jubilantly as her son began to grow like the moon. Similarly,

Krsnananda's pleasure knew no bounds as he constantly stared at the jewel-like

face of his son. Grateful for his good fortune, he fed the brahmanas daily.

At the appropriate time on an auspicious day, Krsnananda arranged for the

ceremony of offering rice to his son. The astrologer present on that joyful

occasion noted all the auspicious signs upon the child's body and predicted

that the boy would be an illustrious person: "This baby will be the greatest of

men, therefore he should be called Narottama."

The festivities went on happily until Krsnananda tried to feed his son the

rice. To everyone's dismay the child refused to eat. Although they coaxed him

again and again, the boy repeatedly turned his head away, refusing to eat. The

festive atmosphere was replaced with anxiety and everyone looked at each other

nervously, not knowing what to do.

The thoughtful astrologer, however, reassured everyone, "Don't worry, this baby

will not accept food unless it has first been offered to Lord Visnu."

Thus the rice was offered to Lord Visnu, then again offered to the child. To

everyone's relief, the child happily devoured it. From that day on, realizing

the value of prasada, the king ordered: "Only food which has been offered to

Krsna should be given to my son." Although the worship of Krsna was customary

in their family, from the time of Narottama's birth everyone became much more

attentive to the service of the Lord.

After a few years Narottama began his studies and soon proved to be a genius.

Within a short time he became a scholar in all subjects. The teachers use to

comment: "How is it possible that this boy can learn so quickly? Do you think

he is an incarnation of God?"

He was an adorable boy and endeared himself to everyone, soon he was the talk

of the town: "Just one glance at Narottama is sufficient to cool my mind and

chase away all miseries.From every angle of vision the prince is beautiful."

"I have never seen such a gorgeous boy." In this way Krsnananda's son was

glorified throughout the town.


Krsnananda was happy simply to gaze upon his son, but as time passed he began

to think, "My son is capable in all respects, he must be married soon. I am

getting old and should follow the path of my father, it is time to be relieved

of my kingly duties." Thus he consulted with the wise Kayasthas to find a

suitable bride for his son.

Meanwhile Narottama was lost in the ecstacy of love for Krsna. With eyes full

of tears he joyfully worshipped his Lord privately, oblivious to everything

else. In this way he lost all taste for mundane pleasures and could not bear to

even hear topics related to royal pleasures and properties. Aware of their

son's growing apathy for material life, Krsnananda and Narayani were filled

with anxiety and could think of nothing else. Finally they decided to appoint

someone to constantly watch over their son, but still they were unable to find

peace of mind.

Narottama's home became a prison for him and he longed to be free. Although he

said nothing, he was constantly waiting for the opportunity to leave home.

Everyday he secretly pleaded desperately for the Lord's help. His body became

covered with dust as he rolled on the ground crying. Raising his arms in the

air he begged pitifully, "Oh Gauranga! Nitai! Advaita! My Lords, please save me

from this hell."

At that time the news of Lord Gauranga's glories was spreading throughout the

world. Narottama's only solace was when he received some word of the Lord's

pastimes. There was one aged brahmana in Sri Kheturi named Krsnadasa. He was a

genuine servant of Lord Krsna and loved Narottama deeply. He could not let a

single day pass without seeing Narottama. That brahmana, Krsnadasa, was so

powerful by dint of his devotion, that no one dare disobey him.

Everyday after completing his worship of Krsna, Krsnadasa would visit

Narottama. Narottama welcomed him with wholehearted enthusiasm, humbly falling

prostrate at his feet. Offering him a seat, he would then eagerly enquiring

about Lord Caitanya and His associates. Krsnadasa happily narrated the

pastimes of the Lord in three parts (Adi, Madhya and Antya). He went on to

glorify the transcendental activities of Nityananda and Advaita with such

emotion then even wood or stone would melt upon hearing his devotional

narration. He explained the life histories of Pandita Gadadhara, Pandita

Srivasa, Vakresvara, Svarupa, Murari, Haridasa, Narahari Dasa, Gauridasa,

Gadadhara, Vasu Ghosh, Mukunda, Sanjaya, Damodara, Kasisvara, Sri Paramananda

Bhattacarya, Krsnadasa brahmacari, Lokanatha Varya, Sanatana, Rupa, Sri

Gopala, Raghunatha, Raghunatha Bhatta, Sri Jiva, Subuddhi Misra, Raghava, Krsna

Pandita and others.

He then narrated the story of Srinivasa Acarya's birth. Krsnadasa took hold of

Narottama's hands and tearfully said, "Oh Narottama, how can I describe the

wonderful qualities of Srinivasa? In his youth he was renowned as a great

scholar and the embodiment of love and devotion. When he left for Nilacala to

meet Sri Caitanya, along the way he received the stunning news that the Lord

had disappeared from this world. He was devastated and immediately fell

unconscious. Only due to the wish of the Lord did life remain within his body."

The glories of the Lord's devotees are described by Kavi Karnapura in

Gunalesasucakam: "Glory to Srila Srinivasa Prabhu, the embodiment of mercy, who

was born in a Rarhi brahmin family in Ghantesvari. In his childhood he

conquered the world by his scholastic genius. Upon hearing about Lord Caitanya,

Srinivasa rushed to Nilacala to see the Lord."

"Glory to Srinivasa Prabhu who fell unconscious on the road to Nilacala upon

hearing of Sri Mahaprabhu's disappearance. After regaining consciousness he

frantically cut his own beautiful hair and so doing hurt his forehead, then he

continued on to Purusottama remembering the lotus feet of Mahaprabhu."

In a dream Lord Caitanya appeared before Srinivasa, encouraging him to go on to

Nilacala. Upon seeing Srinivasa, everyone there shed tears. Gadadhara,

Vakresvara Pandita and others welcomed him into their association. Showering

their mercy upon him they ordered him to go to Vrndavana. Srinivasa first took

darsana of Sri Jagannatha and then started for Gauda via Srikhanda. After

reaching Gauda he again returned to Nilacala via Srikhanda, but along the way

he heard that Gadadhara Pandita Gosvami had disappeared from the world.

Devastated, Srinivasa turned around and headed back towards Gauda, looking like

a man on the verge of death. After traveling sometime he lay down and fell

asleep. In his dream Sri Pandita Gosvami appeared before Srinivasa and lovingly

consoled him.

When he awoke in the morning his mind was still extremely perturbed, yet he

continued on towards Gauda. Along the road he met one of the residents of Gauda

who informed Srinivasa about the disappearances of Prabhu Nityananda and

Advaita. Again, Srinivasa fell unconscious in despair. When he came back to

consciousness he immediately decided to commit suicide and began building

a fire to throw himself into. However, Nityananda and Advaita Prabhu suddenly

appeared before Srinivasa. They quickly pacified him and ordered him to go to


In the morning Srinivasa continued on to Gauda. In Srikhanda he met Narahari

and Sri Raghunandana and bowed to their feet. This is described by Kavi

Karnapura in Gunalesasucakam: "All glory to Srila Srinivasa Prabhu who went to

Srikhanda and bowed before Narahari Sarkara Thakura, the dear-most associate of

Sri Caitanya Candra. Being ordered by Narahari, Srinivasa also sought the favor

of Yadunandana."

When Srinivasa arrived in Navadvipa he was overwhelmed with astonishment to see

the Supreme Lord Gauranga and His associates sporting happily there. Srinivasa

had been granted the eyes to see this wonderful scene. Actually everyone in

Navadvipa was floating in an ocean of sorrow. Srinivasa eagerly went to the

house of Prabhu where Visnupriya Devi bestowed her mercy upon him. Dasa

Gadadhara, Srivasa and others also welcomed Srinivasa with tears of love in

their eyes. From there, Srinivasa went to Santipura to see Sita Devi. Who can

describe the loving reception he received from her? In ecstatic trance he

traveled on to Khardaha, there Sri Jahnava and Vasudha greeted him with great

affection. He then went to Khanakula to receive the blessings of Sri Abhirama

and his wife Malini devi. He then returned to Srikhanda and met Sri Narahari

Thakura who bestowed his mercy upon him and again advised him to go to Vraja.

With great affection Sri Raghunandana gave Srinivasa complete instructions for

his journey to Vrndavana. Srinivasa went back to Yajigrama to visit his mother

and after consoling her, started off alone for Vrajapura."

After hearing this story, spontaneous love for Srinivasa arose within the heart

of Narottama. Floating in a river of tears Narottama thought, "When shall I get

the company of Srinivasa?" Who can understand Narottama's state of mind? Daily

he listened attentively to the stories of Prabhu and his devotees, and cursed

himself for not having attained their association. His mind was always

disturbed, he could not eat, nor could he sleep at night.

One day, due to the desire of the Lord, Narottama fell asleep and in his dream

he saw Gauraraya. His splendid beauty could not be compared to gold, lightning,

or anything else of this world. The beautiful curling hair hanging down His

back could turn the mind of even the most virtuous woman. His earrings shone

brightly and His lotus eyes were the trap of Cupid. His smiling face could

easily defeat the effulgence of the moon, and the beautiful tilak on His

forehead could capture one's breath. His graceful hands swept down to His

knees, and how broad His chest was. Beautiful jewelled garlands hung around His

conch-like neck, and His deep navel was finely shaped. His thin waist defeated

even the lion. His knees looked like toppled banana trees, and His feet were

more attractive than lotuses. How gorgeous was His three fold loin cloth.

Observing the beauty of Prabhu, Narottama shed tears of love and fell on the

feet of the Lord. Placing His feet on Narottama's head, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

said sweetly, "Oh, Narottama, look at me. I cannot bear your tears. Don't

worry, go straight to Vrndavana. There you will be initiated by my dear devotee

Lokanatha. He will happily pour the nectar of the Mahamantra into your ears. I

have many plans which are to be served by you." Narottama's sleep was then


Narottama could not bear Prabhu's disappearance and he rolled on the ground in

disappointment. Thus again, due to the Lord's wish, Narottama fell asleep. In

his dream he saw Lord Caitanya on the bank of the Ganges in Navadvipa. He was

enjoying His pastimes along with Nityananda, Advaita, Gadadhara, Srivasa,

Svarupa, Narahari, Haridasa, Vakresvara, Mukunda, Murari, Govinda, Madhava,

Vasu Ghosh, Suklambara, Gauridasa, Sri Sanjaya, Damodara, Mahesa, Sankara, and

Yadu Acarya. All of them surrounded Gauranga as they engaged in sankirtana,

while the people of Navadvipa witnessed their divine pastimes. Eager to inspect

this beautiful scene, even Brahma, Siva and other demigods and goddesses

mingled with the crowd in disguise. Even the animals and birds were charmed.

Those who were born blind, were suddenly able to see and rushed to observe the

extraordinary sankirtana performance. Seeing this wonderful fun, Narottama wept

with joy. On seeing Narottama, Prabhu Gauracandra emotionally took him to His

bosom and soaked Narottama with His tears. Narottama fell on Prabhu's feet, and

the Lord affectionately lifted him from the ground and put him in the care of

Nityananda and Advaita. He also helped Narottama to obtain the mercy of His

associates, and they all advised Narottama to go to Vrndavana. Narottama was

unable to control his emotions. Observing the beauty of Nityananda, Narottama

fell on His feet, and Nityananda put His feet on Narottama's head, blessing him

with unconditional love for Sri Gauranga, then advised him to go to Vrndavana.

Upon seeing the beauty of Advaita, Narottama fell at his feet, who at once

lifted Narottama and placed him at the lotus feet of Gauranga. He bowed to the

feet of Gadadhara, Srivasa and others who also embraced Narottama one by one.

Narottama bathed in the tears of everyone. All of them encouraged Narottama to

go to Vrndavana. Narottama then woke up and it was morning. He consoled himself

and finished his daily morning duties. He wept with joy as he began to see many

auspicious signs, indicating good fortune. In anticipation he waited, hoping

that the fortunate moment would soon arise.

Shortly thereafter, Narottama's father and his men went to Gauda for business.

Narottama seized the opportunity. He somehow managed to trick his mother, then

he deceived the guard watching over him and quickly left his home secretly. In

fear of being caught, Narottama did not visit Navadvipa, but started towards

Vrndavana through the woods. He disguised himself in such a way that no one

could identify him. For fifteen days he ran at random, then heaved a sigh of


The miserable condition of Narottama's parents was beyond description.

Narottama became the talk of Gauda, "Prince Narottama must have gone to


"He must be the Narottama whom Prabhu had called for in Ramakeli village.The

strength of mind he has manifested is not known to an ordinary man."

In this way Narottama became very popular in that town. Nityananda, Advaita and

other favorite associates of Sri Caitanya always thought of Narottama's well

being. It is said that he who was fortunate enough to have seen Narottama could

forget his fear of material life.

Narottama undauntedly passed through the main roads now. Who can describe

Narottama's sincere efforts in the service of the Lord? Traveling along the

road he sang the glories of Gauranga with continuous streams of tears rolling

down his face. Those who just once looked upon the face of Narottama, attained

peace of mind. The villages which Narottama selected to halt at each night

became blessed by his presence. Whether male or female, anyone who kept company

with Narottama during his journey would comment softly amongst themselves about

the wonderful characteristics of Narottama: "Even the golden campaka flower

would become ashamed to see the beautiful color of this young man's

complexion.Look at his beautiful face and big eyes. How superb his nose,

cheeks, eyebrows, forehead and ears are." Some one else said, "Look how long

his hands are and how broad his chest is.Who are the fortunate parents of

this extraordinary man with such beautiful knees and feet?" Some one said, "He

cannot be an ordinary human being. He must be a demigod or a son of a king."

Another person remarked, "Alas, how sad it is that such a young man has become

apathetic toward family life." Others said, "We wonder how his parents are

living without him.Fie to providence, who has no mercy for this boy and has

dragged him out of his family at such an young age."

Being extremely moved by Narottama's presence, no one wanted to return to their

houses. They brought many things for Narottama to eat and offered him a

comfortable bed to sleep on. But Narottama could not eat or sleep, he spent the

night in sankirtana. Everyone felt sad to see the body of Narottama smeared

with dust. In the morning the villagers did not want to let him go, but

Narottama begged their leave. This was the normal scene which occurred daily

along his journey to Vraja. Narottama stole the hearts of everyone he met.

Within a short time Narottama visited all the holy places and at last, with an

enchanted mind, entered Vrndavana. First of all he went to visit Visrama Ghat

in Sri Mathura, where he bathed in the Yamuna and took some rest. In the

solitude of the night he began kirtana there. At that time a great vaisnava

resident of Mathura came there carrying many varieties of Krsna prasada and

affectionately fed Narottama. Narottama asked him about the well being of

Vraja. With a pierced heart the brahmana informed him of the demise of

Raghunatha, Kasisvara, Rupa and Sanatana. On hearing of the disappearance of

Rupa and Sanatana, Narottama fell on the ground crying. Striking his head on

the ground he called out, "Kasisvara Pandita, Sri Bhatta Raghunatha." Tears

streamed from his eyes like a river and he was about to faint. Seeing the

death-like state of Narottama, the brahmana took him in his lap and consoled

him. They spent most of the night together discussing many topics. Late at

night, due to the will of the Lord, both of them fell asleep. In Narottama's

dream, Rupa, Sanatana, Kasisvara and Raghunatha appeared before Narottama.

Narottama at once fell on their feet. All of them embraced Narottama and soaked

him with their tears. They spoke sweetly to Narottama, some of which the

brahmana could hear. With great satisfaction they showered their blessings upon

Narottama and then disappeared.

Narottama was unable to tolerate their disappearance, he began to lament gazing

desperately in all directions. The brahmana was astonished to see Narottama's

condition. He hastily took Narottama in his lap and tearfully spoke sweetly to

him, thanking him for his purifying association. After considerable time the

brahmana's emotions cooled and he begged Narottama to come to his house in the

morning. Narottama bowed before the brahmana and requested him to let him go,

"Please be kind to me and let me go, for I am dying to see the feet of the

Gosvamis. Please be merciful and help me to fulfill my desires." With tears in

his eyes the brahmana affectionately took him in his lap and blessed him. He

accompanied Narottama for some distance but due to his old age could not walk

further. Thus he gave Narottama directions to reach Vrndavana and ordered one

man to assist Narottama in his journey. After Narottama's departure, the

brahmana, with a broken heart, stood staring at the path.

While walking Narottama began to think, "Caitanya Mahaprabhu has brought such a

low and unqualified man as me here to the sacred land of Vrndavana. He has sent

me to the abode of mercy, Sri Lokanatha Gosvami Prabhu. Will he accept me as

his servant? Will I be able to hold the lotus feet of Sri Gopala Bhatta, Sri

Bhugarbha Gosvami, Sri Jiva Gosvami and others on my head? Will they show their

mercy to a worthless man like me? Srinivasa Acarya who is the embodiment of

love, will he love a poor soul like me?" Thinking in this way his eyes filled

with tears, his body trembled uncontrollably and he was unable to walk a single

step further.

Meanwhile, on the same night that Narottama entered Vrndavana, Srinivasa

suddenly became overwhelmed with joy for no apparent reason. He took this as a

good sign and tears of love began to fall from his eyes as he thought, "I'm

probably going to meet a very dear friend." In eager anticipation he began

kirtana and continued on throughout the night. However, late into the night he

fell asleep. In his dream Sri Rupa Gosvami appeared before him saying, "Oh

Srinivasa, in the morning you will meet Narottama." Thus speaking, he


In the morning when Srinivasa awoke he rushed to meet Sri Jiva Gosvami and

revealed his dream. Sri Jiva Gosvami was very happy to hear the news, as he had

been in great anxiety waiting for Narottama's arrival. He told Srinivasa,

"Previously Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu told me about Narottama, and I have already

told you about him. This is that Narottama for whom we have been waiting for so

long." Saying this, Sri Jiva hurried off to the temple of Sri Govinda, and

Srinivasa happily returned to his house.

Suddenly a person approached Srinivasa and informed him, "A prince has come

from Gauda. He is a young man with beautiful features and his body is soaked

with tears. I cannot describe the wonderful emotions of that man after

observing the face of Sri Govinda. Crying incessantly, Sri Jiva Gosvami took

him in his lap and welcomed him with sweet words. He sent me to bring you to

that place." Hearing this, Srinivasa could not control his emotions and began

running to the temple of Govinda.

Srinivasa was overwhelmed to at last see Narottama. Like a poor man who has

gained a priceless gem, Srinivasa rushed to embrace Narottama. What Srinivasa

expressed to Narottama through his embrace, I am unable to describe. Nor can I

explain with one mouth how Narottama felt upon meeting Srinivasa. Everyone

began to whisper about the uncommon friendship between Srinivasa and Narottama.

They became such close friends that one could hardly differentiate one from the

other. Sri Govinda had at last fulfilled the desires of Narottama. Sri Krsna

Pandita, the head priest of Sri Govinda, brought the garlands worn by the Deity

for both of them. It should be noted that Sri Krsna Pandita was a great scholar

and intimate associate of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. After the demise of

Kasisvara Pandita, Sri Krsna Pandita became the head priest of Sri Govinda.

Everyone knew that Sri Krsna Pandita had great love for Narottama. Narottama

humbly bowed to the feet of Sri Krsna Pandita.

Sri Jiva Gosvami quickly took Narottama to the solitary hermitage of Sri

Lokanatha Gosvami. They found him alone in a secluded place where he had been

suffering the misery of separation from Rupa and Sanatana. Sri Jiva Gosvami

bowed to his feet and slowly told him about Narottama. Lokanatha had been

restlessly waiting for Narottama to come, now seeing Narottama before him,

Lokanatha began to float in an ocean of tears. Narottama fell at the feet of

his spiritual master, and Lokanatha placed his feet on Narottama's head. With

sweet words he assured Narottama that after a few days he would initiate him.

Again and again Lokanatha asked Sri Jiva, "Please help him to establish his

grasp of devotional books." To Srinivasa he affectionately said, "Always make

sure he is properly situated on the path of devotion". Thus speaking, Lokanatha

uttered the names of Rupa and Sanatana and extracted a heavy sigh. Observing

Gosvami, Sri Jiva was unable to check his tears. Sri Jiva took his leave and

left to take darsana of the lotus feet of Sri Radhavinoda.

Thereafter Sri Jiva Gosvami took Narottama to meet Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. He

was also sitting alone in a secluded place, cultivating the memories of Rupa

and Sanatana. I have no words to accurately depict the sweet relationship

between Sri Gopala Bhatta and Sri Sanatana Gosvami. This has been described in

one sloka: "I worship Sri Gopala Bhatta Gosvami whose heart is filled with love

for Sanatana and the friendship of Sri Rupa. He who worships them, is able to

obtain mercy of Sri Gopala Bhatta. I worship Sri Gopala Bhatta whose life and

soul is Sri Radharamana."

Sri Jiva Gosvami bowed to the feet of Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, who was very happy

to meet Narottama. Narottama fell at his feet and Gosvami at once showed him

great affection, warmly embracing Narottama and soaking his body with tears.

Sri Jiva and Narottama offered their obeisances and went for darsana of the

lotus feet of Sri Radharamana. They also went to the temples of Sri Govinda,

Gopinatha and Madanamohana.

While conversing together they entered the temple of Sri Gopinatha, and Sri

Jiva introduced Narottama to Sri Madhu Pandita. Narottama immediately touched

the lotus feet of Sri Pandita. Sri Pandita affectionately held Narottama to his

bosom and brought him to see Sri Radha Gopinatha. He gave the garland which had

decorated the Deity to Narottama.

Sri Jiva Gosvami then took Srinivasa and Narottama to the house of Sri

Bhugarbha Gosvami, a great scholar and inseparable associate of Sri Lokanatha

Gosvami. He always spent his days in remembrance of Mahaprabhu. Sri Jiva

Gosvami introduced him to Narottama, who at once touched the feet of Gosvami.

Bhugarbha Gosvami embraced him very lovingly. After bowing to his feet, Sri

Jiva returned to his house with Srinivasa and Narottama and brought them before

Sri Sri Radha Damodara. Narottama was overwhelmed with love at the sight of the

Deity. How can I describe Narottama's state of mind upon seeing the tomb of Sri

Rupa Gosvami? Tears streamed down his face as he rolled on the ground.

Gradually, his body became still and there was no sign of heaving. Srinivasa

quickly took him in his lap. Sri Jiva pacified him and took him to his cottage.

Sri Jiva then received a message to go quickly to Govindaji Temple. Thus he,

Srinivasa and Narottama went to the temple and observed the rajabhoga arati of

Sri Govinda. After respecting mahaprasada they returned to Sri Jiva's cottage.

There they spent time discussing topics related to Krsna. Later they went to

the temple of Sri Madanamohana and observed the uthvapana arati of the Deity.

Sri Jiva then introduced Narottama to everyone there. Seeing Sri Madanamohana,

Narottama became overwhelmed with love, forgetting himself he wept incessantly.

The Gosvami priest lovingly gave him the garland which had decorated the Deity.

Sri Jiva then took him to the tomb of Sanatana Gosvami. One mouth is incapable

of describing the emotions of Narottama upon observing Sanatana's tomb. With

great affection Sri Jiva pacified Narottama and brought him to his cottage.

There he put Narottama into the hands of his dear Srinivasa. With great

happiness Srinivasa bowed to the feet of Sri Jiva and started for his cottage

with Narottama, where they spent the entire night discussing topics related to

Krsna. In the morning, they bathed in the Yamuna and worshipped the Lord. With

joyful minds they went to see Sri Jiva Gosvami, who immediately sent them to

the Radha Kunda.

After observing the beauty of the two kunda's, they went to the place of Sri

dasa Gosvami and Srinivasa cautiously introduced Narottama to him. Though Dasa

Gosvami had been in a miserable state of mind due to separation from the Lord

and His devotees, he suddenly became very happy. "Where is Narottama"? Saying

this he opened his eyes. Narottama bowed to his lotus feet. Being

affectionately moved, Dasa Gosvami showered his mercy upon Narottama. Narottama

was then introduced to all the great scholars there. Sri Raghava Pandita, who

had been living at Govardhana, was extremely happy to see Narottama. Srinivasa

and Narottama finished their travels to all the sacred spots and then reported

back to Sri Jiva.

Without delay Sri Jiva happily began educating Narottama. During his studies

Narottama won the hearts of all with his sensitive and scholastic explanations.

Who can understand the heart of Narottama? His service attitude towards

Lokanatha Gosvami was beyond compare, and Lokanatha Gosvami was extremely

pleased with his beloved disciple. One day, observing Narottama's eagerness,

Lokanatha fulfilled Narottama's long cherished desire and initiated him into

the chanting of the Mahamantra. Everyone in Vrndavana was greatly impressed by

the depth of Narottama's understanding of devotional scriptures. Thus, to

everyone's pleasure, Sri Jiva Gosvami conferred upon Narottama the title of

`Sri Thakura Mahasaya.' All the mahantas were filled with joy and Narottama's

fame rapidly spread throughout Vrajapura. The practice of manasa seva in

Vrndavana was first started by Narottama (this episode has been described in


Please listen attentively as I describe how Narottama again returned to Gauda.

I, Narahari dasa continue the narration of Sri Narottama Vilasa.


All glories to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda, Advaita Acarya and all the

devotees. Please bestow your mercy upon me. All glories to the listeners, who

are an ocean of mercy. Now listen attentively as I continue my narration.

After consulting with all the mahantas of Vraja, Sri Jiva Gosvami determined an

auspicious date for sending all of the Gosvami's manuscripts to Gauda. It had

previously been predicted by the Lord Himself that these books would be

distributed far and wide. Thus Sri Jiva handed over all the precious

manuscripts to Srinivasa Acarya, who was responsible for carrying them to

Gauda. In this regard Sri Thakura Mahasaya composed one famous sloka: "When

shall I see the abode of mercy, Sri Caitanya Deva who has distributed his

power in two ways; He invested Sri Rupa, and others, with the power to write

devotional books wherein priceless treasures of spiritual knowledge shine like

brilliant jewels. And He has empowered Srinivasa to circulate them. Thus I

worship the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Deva who has manifested these two

powerful mediums to shower His mercy upon this world."

Sri Jiva Gosvami's knowledge and devotion was deeper than millions oceans.

Although his outward expression was most stable, inwardly he was extremely

emotional and greatly perturbed at the thought of separation from Narottama and

Srinivasa. Nevertheless, he calmly helped Srinivasa to say good-bye to everyone

and gave him his blessings to start for Gauda at an auspicious moment.

With great affection Lokanatha Gosvami handed over his dear disciple,

Narottama, to the hands of Srinivasa. Again and again he instructed Narottama,

"Always remember to serve the Deities and dedicate your life to spreading the

sankirtana movement." Narottama happily accepted these instructions as his life

and soul, and Srinivasa accepted the charge of Narottama jubilantly. Putting

Syamananda and Narottama under the care of Srinivasa, Sri Jiva said, "From now

on, these boys are yours." He ordered Syamananda , "First go to Gauda, then

travel to Utkala via Sri Amvika Puri." (This is elaborately described in

Bhakti- ratnakara). Thus taking the blessings of all the mahantas, they started

their long journey to Gauda. The carts filled with the priceless treasure of

books moved ahead and eleven armed guards from Vraja followed behind. With a

disturbed mind, Sri Jiva Gosvami accompanied the party to Mathura. The

residents of Mathura greeted them ecstatically and they rested there for the

night. Their departure the following morning, however, was a pathetic scene,

no one could bear to see them go.

After a long journey Srinivasa, Narottama and Syamananda finally reached

Gaudamandala and headed through the woods in the direction of Vanavisnupura. In

the midst of the forest they came upon a village were they decided to halt for

the night. Generally they were extremely cautious about protecting the books at

night. However, on this night, due the desire of the Lord, they all fell sound


Meanwhile, the local king, Vira Hamvira, had received a report that many carts

filled with jewels, carried by a number of wealthy persons, had arrived in

their village. Hearing this, the enthusiastic king at once sent a team of

dacoits to rob them. The dacoits easily robbed the caskets and carried them to

the king. Without even opening the caskets the king suddenly became

overwhelmed with awe and bowed to the ground again and again. Bewildered, the

king exclaimed, "Oh, what has happened to me. What kind of jewels are in these

caskets?" Saying this the king began to weep inexplicably. In this way the

goddess of devotion transcendentally tricked the king. Feeling uncertain about

the robbery, the king secretly opened the caskets and found the books.

Repentant, he cried out, "Alas, what have I done? I don't know who the

gentlemen are whom I have hurt. If I am fortunate enough to meet them, I shall

certainly seek their refuge and return their books." Sitting alone in a

secluded place the king lamented in this way.

In the morning when Srinivasa and his party awoke they were horrified to find

that the precious life-long works of the Gosvami's had been stolen by dacoits.

The miserable scene which then insued is to heart-breaking to describe.

Throwing themselves on the ground they cried out loudly in utter despair. They

were unable to pacify one another. A long time passed in heated lamentation,

until Srinivasa calmed himself down and tried to pacify the others. "On our

long journey we passed safely through many dangerous places. But here we

accidentally fell asleep and everything has been easily stolen. There must be

some hidden purpose behind this incident." Sri Thakura Mahasaya also took

heart and privately said, "This must be a divine arrangement in order that

this country receive some special mercy." At that time they suddenly heard an

oracle in the sky, "Do not worry, the books will soon be recovered."

Shortly thereafter, someone whispered to Srinivasa, "The king is the real

culprit, go to Vanavisnupura." Hearing this, Srinivasa first consoled his

companions and sent a letter to Vrndavana. He requested Sri Thakura Mahasaya to

go to Kheturi without hesitation, and told Syamananda, "Go immediately to

Utkala via Sri Kheturi. I shall go to Vanavisnupura and fetch the books, then

I will send you a letter to reassure you that the books have been recovered.

Now don't worry and don't think about anything else." Saying this he bade

farewell to them. It was impossible for them to disobey the order of Sri

Acarya, yet they could not conceal their grief when they were about to leave.

Together Narottama and Syamananda traveled to Kheturi, but Narottama did not

let Syamananda go to Utkala.

In Vanavisnupura Srinivasa bestowed his mercy upon King Vira Hamvira, who

happily returned the books without hesitation. Later the king, along with his

followers and family, took shelter under the lotus feet of Srinivasa and became

great devotees. This incident is elaborately described in Bhakti-ratnakara.

Relieved and happy, Sri Acarya Thakura sent word to Vrndavana assuring the

devotees that the books had been recovered. He also sent a letter to relieve

the minds of Thakura Mahasaya and Syamananda in Kheturi. Upon receiving the

news they joyfully raised their hands, singing and dancing ecstatically. Sri

Santosa Datta, the son of Sri Purusottama Datta, was also jubilant. Santosa was

the son of Narottama's uncle and was full of all good qualities. Krsnananda

Datta had appointed him as the heir to the throne. He was a good and kind

hearted king and gave profuse charity to the brahmanas, scholars and poor. Sri

Thakura Mahasaya happily sent a reply to Srinivasa in Vanavisnupura.

Thereafter Syamananda took his leave. The parting of Narottama and Syamananda

was a pathetic scene. Even the animals and birds cried upon hearing the loving

exchange between the two dear friends. Sri Thakura Mahasaya selected an escort

to accompany Syamananda to Utkala, and Syamananda began his journey with a

heavy heart.

Syamananda traveled to Amvika via Navadvipa. There he was overwhelmed with

ecstatic emotion upon observing the temple of Sri Gaura-Nitai. Seeing

Syamananda crying helplessly, someone rushed to inform Sri Hrdaya Caitanya of

Syamananda's arrival, "Your Dukhi Krsnadasa is here. I saw him lying on the

ground in front of the temple praying to the Lord with extreme humility. I was

completely amazed by the boy's expressions of love and devotion. I cannot

describe how his eyes incessantly shed tears. Since he did not come to see

you, I ran here immediately to inform you of his arrival."

Hearing this, Thakura was jubilant and excitedly requested that the man

immediately bring Syamananda to see him, "I am eagerly waiting for him", he

said. "I am very proud of his devotional service. After taking initiation from

me, he lived here for a long time and captured Sri Nitai Caitanya with the

bonds of his love. I affectionately sent him to Vrndavana, where he completed

his devotional studies. During that time he wrote me regularly to inform me of

his progress. Understanding his thirst for knowledge, I permitted him to carry

on. In Vrndavana he was so happily engaged in the service of the Nikunja, that

eventually his named was changed from Dukhi to Syamananda. Everyone in

Vrndavana loves him dearly. He had already written to me that he would be

coming here soon. By the desire of Gaura Nitai he will perform exalted service

which will be acknowledged throughout the world. Mind you, he is my favorite

disciple and I am anxious to see him after such a long time."

At that moment Syamananda appeared on the spot and fell at the feet of his

spiritual master. Sri Hrdaya Caitanya Thakura affectionately placed his feet on

Syamananda's head. When he tried to embrace his disciple, Syamananda shrank

away and stood in a distant place. Nevertheless Thakura grabbed him and

embraced him lovingly and then took him to the temple of Mahaprabhu.

There he dedicated Syamananda to the feet of Gaura-Nitai. Thakura then brought

Syamananda to his house and gave him the remnants of his food to eat, which

Syamananda relished happily. Thakura eagerly inquired about recent events, and

Syamananda pleased his guru with an elaborate description of everything.

Syamananda stayed with his spiritual master for a long time serving him

wholeheartedly. However, one day Hrdaya Caitanya said, "Do not delay any

longer, you must leave for Utkala at once. The Lord has many plans for you to

execute there." Saying this, he brought Syamananda before Gaura-Nitai and gave

him the garland offered to the Deities. After bestowing his blessings upon

Syamananda, Hrdaya Caitanya bade him farewell. Crying pathetically, Syamananda

said goodbye to his spiritual master, who was also unable to hold back his


I will not describe Syamananda's journey to Utkala, but I shall mention that

along the way Syamananda freely distributed his mercy and saved many fallen

souls from the repetition of birth and death. In Utkala he accepted many

disciples, of which Sri Rasikananda was one. Due to the powerful preaching of

Syamananda and his disciples the whole country became purified. I have

elaborately described these incidents in Bhakti-ratnakara.

When Syamananda finally arrived in Utkala he immediately sent a letter to Sri

Thakura Mahasaya to inform him of his safe arrival. Thakura Mahasaya, who had

been waiting anxiously to hear from Syamananda, was happy and relieved to

receive his letter. He immediately sent the letter on to the devotees in

Vanavisnupura, and wrote a reply to Syamananda.

Sri Thakura Mahasaya then left Kheturi and started for Navadvipa. Narottama

remained in an ecstatic loving trance as he traveled, like a maddened elephant.

A continuous shower of tears streamed down his face, wetting his chest.

Everyone who saw him observed his expressions of divine love with astonishment.

As he passed through various villages the residents became enchanted by his

presence and followed along behind him. Once he set foot in a village, the

inhabitants ran to greet him, swarming around him like bumblebees. And when he

left the village, the inhabitants sank into the depths of sorrow.

Traveling in this way he eventually reached the boarder of Navadvipa. Observing

the beautiful countryside he began to lament, "Oh, most merciful Sri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu, why have you sent me into this world now? Being unable to witness

your divine pastimes in Nadia I am lost in intense suffering." Thinking in this

way, he walked on very slowly, crying pitifully. But to his astonishment, when

he entered Navadvipa proper, he found that each and every house was full of joy

and happiness. In every corner the loud chanting of "Hari, Hari" resounded.

>From all directions men and women eagerly rushed to the house of Sri Caitanya.

There the Lord and His associates danced ecstatically in sankirtana, thus

Navadvipa was floating in the ocean of happiness.

For some time Narottama enjoyed the vision of this joyous scene, when suddenly,

everything changed. Again the city of Nadia was sunk into the depths of

despair. Narottama burst out crying, "Oh Lord, what have I seen?" Narottama sat

thoughtfully for some time, then eventually asked a passerby where he could

find the house of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. With his head hung down, tears

streaming from his eyes, the man replied, "Look over there, that is the house

of Prabhu, go in this way." Seeing the Lord's house Narottama began to cry


At that time Suklambara brahmacari happened to be passing by and his curiosity

was aroused upon seeing Narottama. Narottama bowed to his feet, and Suklambara

asked, "Who are you"? When Narottama stated his name, Suklambara immediately

broke out in tears and warmly embraced Narottama with deep affection. With a

choked voice he explained to Narottama, "When Gauracandra was absorbed in

ecstatic trance in the village of Ramakeli, He called out your name lovingly.

Who can understand the mystery of the Lord's pastimes? At that time he

predicted your arrival here. Oh my son, all the mahantas, including myself,

have been eagerly waiting for you. Actually Prabhu's disappearance is

unbearable for us. Some of us have already disappeared from this world."

He then introduced himself to Narottama and brought him to meet all the other

remaining devotees of Gauranga. Narottama worshipped everyone's feet, and they

embraced him. Though they were merged in intense suffering due to separation

from the Lord, they felt immediate relief and happiness upon seeing Narottama.

They eagerly questioned Narottama about many things, and Narottama happily

answered them all. Damodara Pandita and others did not want Narottama to leave

them, thus Narottama stayed in Nadia a few more days in the houses of the

favorite associates of Mahaprabhu. Narottama was so fortunate that in his

dreams he was able to meet those devotees who he had not met there due to their


After a few days passed the devotees reluctantly, and with heavy hearts,

allowed Narottama to leave. They told him sweetly, "Prabhu has kept us alive

only to see you. But, alas, we will not be able to see Srinivasa." Saying this,

their voices choked with emotion. With a perturbed mind, Narottama touched

everyone's feet and went to Gauracandra's house for a final visit. There he

found even the servants and maidservants of Prabhu on the verge of death, due

to separation. Seeing Narottama, their misery doubled. Blessing Narottama they

said, "Due to the wish of Prabhu, you will execute His plans and perform

wonderful service." Then they bade him farewell. Narottama cried loudly and

fell on the ground in the courtyard of Gauranga. After a long time, he

controlled himself and started for Santipura.

Narottama was charmed by the beauty of Santipura. He went to the house of

Advaita Acarya and worshipped the feet of Sri Acyutananda, son of Advaita

Prabhu. He was merciful to Narottama and introduced him to all the devotes.

Later he ordered Narottama, "Go to Nilacala first and then come back to your

place and begin to popularize kirtana." Saying this he began to weep and his

thin body trembled. Narottama again worshipped the feet of all the devotees and

took his leave.

Arriving at Harinadi village he crossed the Ganges and entered Amvika. There he

asked someone where he could find the house of Hrdaya Caitanya Pandita, and

found out that he was not far away. Someone who had seen Narottama pass by,

rushed ahead to Hrdaya Caitanya and informed him excitedly, "A beautiful young

man who is filled with love for Gaura-Nitai is coming to see you." Sri Hrdaya

Caitanya immediately understood that it was non-other than his beloved

Narottama. Filled with emotion, he ran to the door step to welcome his

disciple. Narottama fell at the feet of his guru, who tearfully welcomed him,

taking him in his lap. He then took Narottama to the temple of Gaura-Nitai for

darsana. Seeing his beloved Lord's before him, Narottama fell on the ground

crying. Hrdaya Caitanya pacified him and gave him the Deities garland.

With great affection, Sri Hrdaya Caitanya kept Narottama with him for 2 to 4

days and then, after dedicating him to the feet of Gaura-Nitai, ordered him to

go to Nilacala. All the great Bhagavatas, including Sri Hrdaya Caitanya, were

deeply aggrieved to see him go.

Narottama traveled quickly, eager to reach Khardaha. He became so excited upon

entering Khardaha proper, that he lost his usual reserve. Mahesa Pandita and

others rushed to greet Narottama when they saw him approaching. "We were dying

with separation from the Lord," they said, "but now you have come to soothe our

aching hearts, like a cooling oasis in the desert of misery. We have known

about you for a long time and have already heard about your travels to

Vrndavana, the stealing of the manuscripts, as well as your visit to Navadvipa.

We are so happy to finally see you." Saying this they each introduced

themselves, and Narottama tearfully worshipped their feet. Thereafter they took

Narottama to the house of Prabhu. When Sri Vasu and Jahnava were told of

Narottama's arrival, they eagerly requested that he be brought to the interior

of the house immediately. Entering the room, Narottama felt himself extremely

fortunate and worshipped the feet of the two Iswari's, then bowed to the lotus

feet of Sri Virabhadra. Upon seeing Narottama, Sri Vasu and Jahnava could not

conceal their overwhelming love for him. "The title Mahasaya is rightly

attributed to him," they said. Out of affection, they kept Narottama with them

for four days and all of the devotees of Khardaha came to meet him. Sri Vasu,

Jahnava and Viracandra could not bear to leave him for a moment. The

all-knowing Sri Jahnava Thakurani privately spoke to Narottama and ordered him

to go to Nilacala soon. At the time of Narottama's departure, Mahesa Pandita

and others embraced Narottama again and again and also advised him to go to

Nilacala. Narottama bowed to their feet and took his leave crying. The

devotees accompanied him for some distance, then after pacifying themselves, as

well as Narottama, they returned home.

He who attentively hears this narration of Narottama's journey in Gauda will

have his desires fulfilled. So listen attentively as I, Sri Narahari Dasa,

narrate Narottama Vilasa.


All glories to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu, Advaita Acarya, and

all the devotees of the Lord. Please shower your mercy upon this poor soul. All

glories to the all-merciful listeners. Now listen attentively as I narrate this

episode of Narottama Vilasa.

As Sri Thakura Mahasaya began his journey to Nilacala his mind was filled with

loving thoughts of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. With due reverence Narottama choose

to take the same road which had formerly been traversed by Sri Caitanya Candra

Himself. At night Narottama halted at the same villages which the Lord had

chosen as His resting place, and also discussed topics of Krsna with the local

people, just as Mahaprabhu had done previously. When Narottama happened to meet

someone who had personally met Mahaprabhu, he could not check his emotions and

cried uncontrollably. Everyone who met Narottama was extremely pleased and

immediately began glorifying him, "Sri Krsna Caitanya is the most merciful and

loving incarnation. Only one who is His great devotee is capable of displaying

such divine attributes as we see in this handsome young man. Just see how

gracefully walks, and how comforting it is to one's eyes to simply glance upon

his face." Speaking in this way the people became enchanted by the presence of

Narottama. In the morning when it was time for Narottama to resume his journey

crowds of local people swarmed around him, following along behind him as he

walked. Narottama was unable to disperse the crowd, but eventually, with sweet

words, he bid them farewell and continued his journey, halting only in those

places where Mahaprabhu had performed His divine pastimes.

Narottama became ecstatic upon reaching the place where Nityananda Prabhu had

broken the sannyasa stick of Sri Caitanya. He listened intently as the local

people described this incidence, then, after expressing his gratitude to those

persons, he continued along his way.

An aged brahmana, who was a great Vaisnava scholar, happened to pass Narottama

on the road. Observing Narottama's devotional mood, suddenly something came to

his mind. He slowly approached Narottama and asked mildly, "What is your name,

my son? From where are you coming?"

Upon hearing Narottama's reply the brahmana's suspicion was confirmed. With

tears of ecstacy rolling down his face the brahmana warmly embraced Narottama

saying, "For so long I have heard about you and I was cherishing the hope of

one day meeting you. Today providence has shown its mercy upon me. I have just

come from Ksetra, where I received the mercy of those associates of Prabhu who

are still alive in Nilacala, and now I have luckily found you here. With great

pleasure I heard them describe your glories while I resided there. I heard that

you were bringing books from Vrndavana to Gauda, but unfortunately they were

stolen along the way. I also heard that you would soon be coming to Ksetra and

everyone was eagerly waiting for you. Gopinatha Acarya and Kasi Misra explained

that Mahaprabhu had called for you when He visited the village of Ramakeli. At

that time Nityananda and other devotees were very happy and since then they

have all been eagerly waiting for you. Today, I have received the good fortune

to meet you personally, but now you must not delay. Go as quickly as possible

to Ksetra and I shall meet you there later."

...] Full book in the attached file

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