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Questions for the wise

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> Questions:


> 1) ** it is always said that what ever we are now is because of

> the Karma Siddanta(The Law of Karma).

> ** At the same time it is said that Krishna is the one who makes

> you to do things or to play in this material world.(i.e if some

> thing is to happen ,it will happen only by the wish of Krishna).


> Dont u think the above two are contrasting statements.


It works otherwise. Acarya Baladeva Vidyabhusana in his Govinda Bhasya

commentary explains it (Vedanta-sutra 3.3.39-40). See below. (You can d/l

the whole book from www.philosophy.ru/library/asiatica/indica/index.html)


Bhagavata Purana 4.11.18 onward also solves this apparent contradiction.


> 2) In our Indian tradition ,when ever some one dies we normally

> perform some pooja(prayers) so that spirit will get

> shanthi(holyness). and at the same time we also check in which

> star(nakshatra) he died so that there should not be any bad

> effect on others in the family.


> If there is any,can u please give justification to above.

> is it necessary to do all these things.


Things should be done in accordance with sastra, in this case Garuda Purana

which focuses on these death-connected activities. To make everything

perfect one should chant the holy names of Vishnu/Krishna. In this way we

move from the level of dharma to the level of sanatana-dharma which is

qualitatively higher. On this level is the concern for bad effects replaced

by concern for pleasing the Supreme Lord.


> please try to answer the above....


> With best regards,

> M.S.Krishna(DBA-JOT),


Hope this helps


Yours, Jan




Adhikaraëa 16


The Individual Spirit Soul is Dependent on the Supreme

Personality of Godhead



Introduction by Çréla Baladeva Vidyäbhünaëa


Now another doubt is considered.


Saaçaya (doubt): Is the individual spirit soul independent

in his actions, or does he depend on another?


Pürvapakna (the opponent speaks): The scriptures say:


svarga-kämo yajeta


"One who desires Svargaloka should perform yajnas."




tasmäd brähmaëau suräa na pibet päpmanotsaasaja


"A brähmaëa should not drink liquor and should not commit sins."


That the scriptures give orders and prohibitions for the

soul to follow is proof that the soul is independent, for

independence means to have the power to do one thing and to

refrain from doing another.


Siddhänta (conclusion): In the following words the author of

the sütras gives his conclusion.



Sütra 39


parät tu tac-chruteu


parät - from the Supreme; tu - but; tat - of that;çruteu - from

the scriptures.


But from the Supreme, because of the scriptures.


Purport by Çréla Baladeva Vidyäbhünaëa


The word "tu" (but) is used to remove doubt. The

Supreme Personality of Godhead inspires the individual spirit

soul to act. How is that known? The sütra explains: "tac-

chruteu" (It is known from the scriptures). The scriptures give

the following explanations:


antau pravinöau çästä janänäm


"Entering their hearts, the Supreme Personality of

Godhead controls all living entities."


ya ätmani tinöhann ätmänam antaro yamayati


"Entering their hearts, the Supreme Personality of

Godhead controls all living entities."


ena eva sädhu karma kärayati


"The Lord engages the living entity in pious

activities so he may be elevated."*


Here someone may object: So be it. However, if the Supreme

Personality of Godhead is the actual performer of actions, then

the orders and prohibitions of the scriptures are all

meaningless. The scriptures can give orders and prohibitions only

if the individual spirit soul is independent and thus has the

power to make choices.


If this is said, then the author of the sütras gives the

following reply.


Sütra 40


kata-prayatnäpeknas tu vihita-pratiniddhävaiyarthyädibhyau


kata - done; prayatna - effort; äpeknau - relation;tu - but;

vihita - ordered; pratiniddha - forbidden; a - not;

vaiyarthya - meaninglessness; ädibhyau - beginning.


But it is by effort because then orders and prohibitions are

not without meaning.


Purport by Çréla Baladeva Vidyäbhünaëa


The word "tu" (but) is used here to dispel doubt.

The individual spirit soul performs pious and impious deeds.

Taking into consideration the individual soul's efforts, the

Supreme Personality of Godhead gives him facility to act in a

certain way. Therefore the previously stated objection is not valid.

The pious and impious deeds of the individual spirit soul

are like different seeds that sprout into different kinds of

plants. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is like the rain that

falls on these seeds and makes them grow. Therefore in this

situation the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the instrument

by which these seeds of karma bear fruit. The seeds of various

trees, vines, and other plants are the specific cause of these

plants, and the rain that makes them grow is the general cause.

If no raincloud brings water there will not be any variety of

sweet flowers or other plants. If there is no seed there will not

any flowers or plants either. In this way the Supreme Personality

of Godhead gives the results of the pious and impious deeds

performed by the individual spirit soul. Even though dispatched

by another, a person is still the performer of the actions he does.

Therefore it cannot be said that the individual spirit soul does

not perform actions.

Why is that? The sütra explains: "Because then

orders and prohibitions are not without meaning." The word

ädi" (beginning with) in this sütra means that the Supreme

Personality of Godhead gives mercy and punishment according to

the pious and impious actions of the individual spirit souls. If

that interpretation is accepted, then the orders and prohibitions

of the scriptures are not without meaning. If the Supreme

Personality of Godhead actually forces the individual spirit soul

to act piously or impiously, and the soul is like a rock or a log

and has no independence, then the orders of the scripture to

perform pious deeds and avoid impious deeds are all worthless and

should be rejected.

The scriptures say that when He is merciful the Supreme

Personality of Godhead engages the individual spirit soul in

pious activities so he may be elevated, and when He withdraws His

mercy the Supreme Personality of Godhead engages the individual

spirit soul in impious activities so he may go to hell. If this

means that the individual living entity has no choice, and pious

and impious deeds are forced on him by the Supreme Personality of

Godhead, then the Supreme Personality of Godhead is cruel and

unjust, a monster. Therefore it must be concluded that the

individual spirit soul does have free will, and is responsible

for his actions, although he does not have the power to transfer

his desire and will into concrete action unless the Supreme

Personality of Godhead permits. In this way everything is


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