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· Visnu and Krsna bhakti

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>> To say something like, "I'm not

>> interested in Vishnu-bhakti, only Krishna bhakti" sounds ludicrous to me.

>> If that were true we would have no interest in anything material first.

>> Is that the case for anyone here? Just curious.


>i wouldn't go so far as to say i'm not 'interested' in vishnu bhakti, but

>i'm certainly not pursuing it - i'm pursuing Krishna.


I hope you see the difference between being "not interested in Vishnu

bhakti" and having Krishna as one's ishta-devata. There is a great

difference between the two.


And as for those who are not interested in Vishnu-bhakti, who else are they

not interested in having devotion for? Anyone here not interested in

Narasimha bhakti? How about Rama bhakti, don't be interested in that either.

And certainly not Dvaraka Krishna bhakti. I would hate for someone to be

interested in that.


The fact is, devotees of Krishna have devotion for every single form He

takes, knowing there is no difference between any of them. Refer "His forms

are one and the same." - Teachings of Lord Chaitanya. This does not negate

one's special affection for one's ishta-devata.

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