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· Visnu and Krsna bhakti

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> I hope you see the difference between being "not interested in Vishnu

> bhakti" and having Krishna as one's ishta-devata. There is a great

> difference between the two.


you're pointing this out for my benefit?? i believe the words "not

interested" were yours! i hope you can see the difference.


> And as for those who are not interested in Vishnu-bhakti, who else are

> they not interested in having devotion for? Anyone here not interested in

> Narasimha bhakti? How about Rama bhakti, don't be interested in that

> either. And certainly not Dvaraka Krishna bhakti. I would hate for someone

> to be interested in that.


please try to avoid using sarcasm. it's not conducive to even minded



> The fact is, devotees of Krishna have devotion for every single form He

> takes, knowing there is no difference between any of them. Refer "His

> forms are one and the same." - Teachings of Lord Chaitanya. This does not

> negate one's special affection for one's ishta-devata.


i think you should read Kavicandra Swami's text.

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