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Visnu or Krsna bhakti

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> >

> > > The difference is only between sva-sukha-aisvarya pradanakari and

> > > prema-seva-pradanakari, of which the first is never acceptable for

> > > pure Vaishnavas, and the latter may be acceptable under certain

> > > conditions. However, neither of them are accaptable for those in the

> > > line of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There is not a single instance in our

> > > sampradaya of an acaryas' aspiring for Vaikuntha-rasa.

> >

> > whilst other sampradayas cannot be considered 'wrong'; and whilst one

> > may claim 'i'll be happy for a drop of any kind of devotion in any life

> > time' or similar; we are serving in the Gaudiya sampradaya of Sri

> > Caitanya Mahaprabhu. and again, one who dives into the ocean of the

> > sankirtan movement of Caitanya Mahaprabhu emerges on the shore of Braj -

> > not Vaikuntha loka. if one wishes to strive for that, it is purely their

> > personal choice. there is no point 'defending' the question of which is

> > 'right' or 'wrong'. it is merely a question of which sampradaya we are

> > in.


> "There is not a single instance in our sampradaya of an

> acaryas' aspiring for Vaikuntha-rasa."

> Murari Gupta? Anupama? I guess you could argue that they're not acaryas.


why argue? they're not. your point is absolutely correct, however, i do

believe atul krishna was referring to our 'acaryas', which i took to mean

the disciplic succession.



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