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Inquiries into the Absolute: Digest 28

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Digest 27, March 21, 2002


Answers by His Holiness Romapada Swami Maharaja


Spiritual advancement


Q) It took me nearly three years to be able to follow all the rules of ISKCON

correctly. However when I get married, since the chances of me marrying a

Krishna conscious girl is remote, is it reasonable for me to expect my wife to

become totally compliant to all the regulative principles from day one? How do

I correct her and bring her to the level of compliance? How do I conduct

myself during this time?


A) Ideally, the best thing for an aspiring and properly practicing devotee

would be to try to find a like-minded marriage partner who is interested or at

least inclined towards spiritual life. Even if it does not seem possible to

find a practicing devotee, it would be good to at least discuss before the

marriage and make clear to the other person about one's own Krishna conscious

practices and ideals. If the girl seems receptive and enthusiastic, then based

on mutual understanding both husband and wife can strive together and help one

another as needed in maintaining the proper standards of spiritual practices.

Once the basic understanding and respect for your mutual spiritual goals are

established, then by your own good example and inspiration, your wife would

easily be able to follow your lead. While this is all being established in your

relationship, the challenge for you would be to remain patient, kind and

understanding with your new wife, all the while remaining intern!

ally determined in your own higher purposes and in your spiritual practices.

Create an atmosphere within your home in all possible ways that inspires a

sense of acceptance, care and protection for your wife; in this environment,

gently but firmly maintain the lines of spiritual discipline that you have

already communicated that you are committed to uphold.


It is very advisable to find a 'role model', a mature devotee couple who are

themselves properly maintaining these standards, and who you feel you can trust

with confidentiality, to help closely guide you through these initial phases of

grhastha life.





Q) The word 'sannyasi' means one in the renounced order of life, which also

means being away from homely comforts. But how is that some sannyasis [gurus]

hold administrative positions and material assets [fixed and liquid], accept

material gifts and tend to lead an opulent life style [taking very opulent

prasadam, jet traveling, doing shopping during foreign trips etc.] Is it that

if one is spending 24 hours of his time in Krishna consciousness, he is

exempted from the above rules?


A) Being affected by one's position of respect, or worse, abuse of that

position, is very detrimental to a spiritually accomplished person, and should

be closely guarded against by a sincere bhakta. According to Visvanath

Cakravarti Thakur, labha, puja and pratistha are sources of unwanted conditions

of heart (anarthas) for anyone who becomes a little spiritually capable. Your

concerns and cautions are most warranted.

Serving Krishna from a position of administration, or using technology in His

service (eg air travel), however, are not in themselves blemishes upon the

ashram of sannyasa. I will attempt to explain.


The general idea of sannyasa, which is especially popular among the

impersonalists school, is that everything material has to be rejected. However

the vaishnava understanding of renunciation is quite different. Vaishnavas see

everything as belonging to Narayana and therefore to be used in the service of

Narayana. As vairagya is symptom of sannyasa, yukta-vairagya must also be

carefully considered in the service of a vaishnava sannyasi.


Prabhupada gives the example of a hundred dollar bill lying on the street. One

man might pocket it, while another man may think that it does not belong to him

and walk away in a spirit of renunciation. Yet another person might pick it up,

find its original owner and return it to him. This third position is the most

honest, and the most intelligent.


Living one's life in this world according to this principle is called 'yukta

vairagya', or detachment by dovetailing everything in Krishna's service. Srila

Rupa Gosvami, one of our principal acaryas and follower of Lord Caitanya,

taught this principle of yukta vairagya. That renunciation which shuns things

which can be useful in relation to the service to Lord Hari, he says, is in

fact 'phalgu' or false renunciation! This is a very deep concept, however, and

only those who are completely free from the propensity to enjoy and fully

surrendered to the Lord can successfully implement it - to go fishing but not

get wet, as they say! So, your note of caution is well deserved.


Time and again we see the principle of yukta-vairagya exhibited in the lives of

great acaryas - Sanatana Gosvami, Rupa Goswami, and in recent times by Srila

Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati and ISKCON's founder acarya Srila Prabhupada. They

engaged wealthy disciples in building grand temples for Lord Krishna and dealt

with worldly men and matters, but strictly to spread Krishna consciousness

only. On my wall right by my desk in NY, I have a photograph of Srila

Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur riding in a convertible car, decked out in an

overcoat and turban, driving right through the main shopping streets of

Vrndavan! He was making a strong statement to those not understanding the

principle of yukta-vairagya: for Krishna's service, a renunciate can accept a

wide range of facilities--*IF* they are accepted in a mood of service to

Krishna, only.


Our Srila Prabhupada set an example by traveling around the globe, building

grand temples, printing and distributing millions of dollars worth of books,

and accepting the worship of thousands of adoring disciples. Yet his followers

have repeatedly recorded his remarkable detachment, renunciation, humility and

simplicity. He extended his efforts of humble service to Krishna, and accepted

the worship and profit in the mood of a menial representative of Krishna ---

much like a bank clerk may deal with transactions of hundreds of thousands but

does not claim anything for himself. Srila Prabhupada's purpose was simply to

glorify Krishna, in service to his guru maharaja.


In conclusion, we have to carefully consider one's capacity utilize some part

of God's creation fully in the spirit of detatchment. While it is true that

certain activities are strictly forbidden for a sannyasi, utilizing products of

technology and accepting overseeing posts in service to the mission of

spreading Krishna consciousness are not fundamentally in that category. When

exercising caution in estimating what is an appropriate application of the

yukta vairagya principle, it is best to err on the side of caution, especially

for a sannyasi, while abuse of this principle is never condoned. Yet we must

not forget that the essence of the renounced order of sannyasa is attachment to

Krishna; a sannyasi's sacrifices and efforts to utilize God's creation in the

Lord's service may well be an actual demonstration of his sannyasa. (Please

refer to Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Verses 5.3, 5.6, and 6.1.)




Q) What austerities were done by Yasoda to obtain Krishna as her son? Why is

Subhadra worshipped with Krishna and Balarama?


A) Mother Yasoda is actually an eternal associate of Krishna, She is eternally

Krishna's mother. However, in terms of lila or pastimes, it is described that

Yasoda and Nanda, in their previous lives, underwent great austerities as

Sutapa and Prsni. The 10th Canto of SB refers to Subhadra Devi as the daughter

of Vasudeva and Devaki, thus she is the sister of Krishna and Balarama. She

represents the internal potency of Krishna.


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----- Festivals over the next week ------

Mar 25 2002, Monday Disappearance Sri Madhavendra Puri (Fast)

Ekadasi Amalaki vrata (Break fast 06:03-10:10)

Mar 28 2002, Thursday Appearance Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu (Fast)

(Fasting till moonrise)


*** NOTE: All times are for Washington D.C, USA, EST ***

For festival information for your city please go to http://www.iskcondc.org and

click on 'Calendar'




** A brief biography of His Holiness Romapada Swami available at


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