Guest guest Posted April 17, 2001 Report Share Posted April 17, 2001 > Could someone please post the scriptural significance of performing/ > attending mangala aarti. I recently discovered a considerable quantity of nectar in this regard from the "Acarya Kesari", the biography of Srila Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja. I am hoping that this will be of use for your bhajana. An excerpt from the seventh chapter: --------- Sri Mangala-arati We stated earlier that our most revered Srila Guru-padapadma was a rasika poet as well as a self-realised philosopher. We shall now present some of his verses of mangala-arati, from which we can easily understand how rasika a poet he really was. In this mangala-arati he has described Sri Sri Radha-Krsna’s nisanta-lila in a confidential way. Ordinary sadhakas cannot imbibe these profound emotions into their heart; only some raganuga Vaisnavas can understand these meanings. The eternal pastimes of Sri Sri Radha Krsna have been divided into eight periods (astakaliya-lila) so that raganuga sadhakas can remember and contemplate them: 1) nisanta (the end of the night); 2) pratah (dawn); 3) purvahna (morning); 4) madhyahna (midday); 5) aparahna (early afternoon); 6) sayam (evening); 7) pradosa (first part of the night); 8) madhya-ratri-lila (pastimes in the middle of night). Mangala-arati is connected with nisanta-lila, the pastimes of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna Yugala which take place in the last part of night before dawn. The description of nisanta-lila has been given in Sri Sanat-Kumara Samhita, in Padma Purana (patala khanda) and in the books of the Gosvamis. Srila Rupa Gosvami has described these eightfold pastimes in a condensed (sutra) form, while Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami has described them in detail in his Sri Govinda-lilamrta, as has Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura in his Sri Krsna-bhavanamrta. Here, we shall give a very brief overview of nisanta-lila. Sri Sri Radha-Krsna Yugala are tired after Their midnight pastimes, and are sleeping in a charming kunja (forest bower). Some special sakhis, carrying in their hands the articles and ingredients required for their service at that time, are waiting for Sri Yugala-Kisora to wake up. The cool and gentle early morning breeze, kissing each and every flower, has become intoxicated with the fragrance and is now moving unsteadily. Buzzing bumblebees also wake up quickly, and kiss the flowers in turn, leaving them for new flowers. The whole atmosphere of Vrndavana is becoming enchanted by the aroma of these blossoming flowers. Sri Vrnda-devi becomes worried when sees Yugala Kisora-Kisori still sleeping. “Aho! The sun is just about to rise now, and this Couple is still sleeping, happily bound to each other in Their tight embrace.” Seeing this, she becomes worried and tells the birds of Vrndavana such as the parrot, the she-parrot, the cuckoos, peacocks and papihas, “Wake Them up with your sweet songs, otherwise They will be put to shame when everyone else wakes up.” As soon as the birds hear Sri Vrnda-devi’s orders, they all sing in their sweet voices about the pastimes of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna Yugala and begin to wake Them up. Meanwhile, some of the prana-prestha-sakhis become enchanted while peering through a small opening in the bushes of the kunja. In their jubilation on seeing the incomparable, lustrous beauty of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna, they begin to perform arati with their eyes. Although the Couple have been awakened by the sweet chirping of the birds, They do not want to get up from Their bed, for fear of losing the happiness of Their deep embrace. At last, on the request of the suka (parrots) and sari (female parrots), They get up and sit on the bed. At that time svadhina-bhartrka Srimati Radhika requests Her dearmost Sri Krsna to rearrange Her srngara (ornaments and garments), and dhira-lalita Krsna complies with Her request. At that time the sakhis also come into the kunja. Melodiously describing the pastimes of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna Yugala, they approach the Divine Couple and start performing their respective services. Suddenly, the female monkey named Kakkhati loudly calls out the name ‘Jatila’. Upon hearing this, Sri Sri Radha-Krsna become anxious due to the mellow of transcendental fear and longing. They return to Their respective homes, and sleep for a while. Sri Rupa Gosvami’s sutra sloka is as follows. ratryante trastavrnderitabahubhiravairbodhitau kirasari padyairhrdyairahrdyairapi sukhasayanadutthitau tau sakhibhih drstau hrstau tadatvoditaratilalitau kakkhatigihsasankau radhakrsnau satrsnavapi nijanijadhanyaptatalpau smarami Many different vaisnava acaryas in the Sri Gaudiya Sampradaya have written mangala-aratis of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna Yugala. However, my Paramaradhya Srila Gurudeva’s mangala-arati has its own unprecedented and unique speciality. By singing this mangala-arati one is infused with the bhavas of the nisanta-lila of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna in a way which can not be found anywhere else. The whole mangala-arati is as follows: mangala sri guru-gaura mangala murati mangala sri radha-krsna yugala piriti (1) mangala nisanta lila mangala udaye mangala arati jage bhakata hrdaye (2) tomara nidraya jiva nidrita dharaya tava jagarane visva jagarita haya (3) subha drsti kara ebe jagatera prati jaguka hrdaye mora sumangala rati (4) mayura sukadi sari kata pikaraja mangala jagara hetu kariche viraja (5) sumadhura dhvani kare jata sakhi-gana mangala sravane baje madhura kujana (6) kusumita sarovare kamala-hillola mangala saurabha bahe pavana kallola (7) jhanjhara kansara ghanta sankha karatala mangala mrdanga baje parama rasala (8) mangala arati kare bhakatera gana abhaga kesava kare nama-sankirtana (9) “Glories to the auspicious forms of Sri Guru and Gaura and all glories to Sri Radha-Krsna’s auspicious amorous love. “All glories to Their auspicious nisanta-lila which heralds the end of night and to Their auspicious awakening, which brings auspiciousness to all! Glories to mangala-arati which awakens the devotees’ hearts. “While You sleep, the jivas lie sleeping deep in their ignorance, but upon Your rising, the whole world awakens. (If you manifest in their hearts, then all tattva and all siddhanta will be revealed to them). “Please bestow Your kind glance upon the world and awaken in my heart that most auspicious rati. “The peacocks, parrots, suka, sari and cuckoos all exist solely to sing for Your auspicious awakening. “Sitting in the branches of the trees, all the birds sing their supremely sweet morning melodies which resound throughout the forest. Those sweet, soft, auspicious sounds grace everyone. “Varieties of flowers, with lotuses in the centre, fill the pond and sway with the waves. Breezes carry auspicious aromas of pure delight and joy everywhere. “Large cymbals, gongs, bells, conches, karatalas and auspicious mrdangas play the supreme rasa. “Performing mangala arati in the company of devotees, Sri Kesava dasa sings nama-sankirtana.” The jiva is constitutionally a servant of Bhagavan. Unfortunately, the jiva who has fallen into this illusory world, being averse to Bhagavan since time immemorial, is burnt by the three-fold miseries in the cycle of repeated birth and death. Only by great fortune does the jiva take shelter at the lotus feet of a sad-guru and follow the path of suddha-bhakti. At that time he realizes that Sri Gurudeva, Sri Gaurasundara, and Sri Sri Radha-Krsna Yugala are the embodiment of auspiciousness for the whole world. The ultimate goal of the jiva is to attain prema for the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna. The life of that person in whose heart prema for Sri Sri Radha-Krsna has arisen is actually significant, meaningful and profitable. This condition is the ultimate good fortune of all jivas. By the mercy of the all-auspicious Bhagavan and His devotee, when a practitioner of bhakti goes on practising uttama-bhakti, he gradually crosses the successive stages of sraddha, nistha, ruci and asakti. At that time suddha-sattva, which is the combined essence of the hladini and samvit aspects of the svarupa-sakti, becomes self-manifest in the heart. Then that fortunate sadhaka’s pure intrinsic spiritual form, name, mood and other aspects also become manifest in his heart. By the association of tattva-jna and rasika bhaktas, he is naturally attracted to perform nama-kirtana with bhava and to remember the asta-kaliya-lila (eight-fold pastimes). Only in the heart of a jiva who has received such good fortune is mangala nisanta-lila manifested. The same love-laden mangala-arati which the priya-narma-sakhis perform in the transcendental abode of Vrndavana during Sri Sri Radha-Krsna Yugala’s nisanta-lila is specifically bestowed in the heart of such a sadhaka. This auspicious rati does not manifest without the mercy of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna or Their associates, and until this auspicious rati is manifested, the transcendental mangala-arati will also not manifest itself. Therefore the bhakti-sadhaka prays piteously in great distress to receive such good fortune (verses 1-4). This prayer causes the auspicious arati of Sri Sri Radha Krsna Yugala to manifest in the heart of the raganuga-sadhaka. Losing external consciousness of his body and this world, he sees with his eternal form 'mayura sukadi sari kata pikaraja mangala jagara hetu kariche viraja' (verse 5). The time of dawn is quickly approaching. In some pleasure grove such as Sanketa, Sri Sri Radha-Krsna Yugala are still asleep, bound by each others’ embrace. Afraid that everyone will soon wake up, Vrnda-devi inspires the birds such as peacocks, male and female parrots, cuckoos, and papiha to awaken Sri Yugala. At that time, all the birds in the water and on land start calling in their sweet voices. The description of this pastime in Sri Govinda-lilamrta touches the heart: draksasu saryyah karakesu kirah jaguh pikibhisca pika rasale pilau kapotah priyake mayurah latasu bhrngah bhuvi tamra cuda “Female parrots sitting on the grape-vines, parrots on the pomegranate trees, cuckoos on the branches of the mango trees, male and female pigeons on the pilu trees, male and female peacocks on the kadamba trees, male and female bumblebees on the creepers and roosters on the ground-all are produing their sweet sounds.” The male and female peacock start crying their sweet Ke! Ka! The male peacocks call out Ke! - “The patience, shyness and chastity of Srimati Radhikaji, who is the personification of mahabhava, are like a tall mountain. Who can crush that mountain to powder? Only Krsna!” Then the peahens reply Ka! -“Sri Krsna is like a mad elephant, sporting with His beloved in the waves of prema. Who can control that maddened elephant with the ankusa (goad) of Her love? Only Srimati Radhika!” Swarms of bumblebees blow Cupid’s conch as they buzz from one flower to another. Parrots like Daksa and Vicaksana, and female parrots such as Subha and Manjubhasini awaken Sri Yugala by heralding the auspicious dawn. Although Radha-Krsna are awakened by the sweet calling of these birds, They still keep themselves bound in Their embrace with Their eyes closed, fearing that the pleasure of that embrace may vanish. Here the line ‘mangala sravane baje madhura kujana’ (verse 6) can have many profound purports. The first meaning is that the sweet calls of the birds on the branches of different trees enters the auspicious ears of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna as a sweet but indistinct sound. The second meaning is that the sweet sound of the birds enters the ears of the priya-narma-sakhis, who are waiting for Sri Sri Radha-Krsna to wake up. There is another very confidential meaning of the word kujana. At the time of the rati-vilasa (amorous pastimes) of Sri Sri Radha and Krsna, They converse together and exchange sweet joking words. When this kujana enters the ears of priya-narma-sakhis, it enchants them with love. Intoxicated bumblebees are humming everywhere in Vrndavana, which is full of many different types of flowers such as beli, cameli, juhi, yuthika, mallika, malati, jati and kunda. The clear ponds of fresh, sweet water are full of lotuses over which swarms of bumblebees are humming. These lotuses sway at the touch of the cool, gentle breezes, and they dance in overwhelming jubilation when waves arise in the pond. In the midst of all this, everyone hears the word ‘Jatila!’ Sri Sri Radha-Krsna Yugala and Their sakhis, full of suspense and eagerness, immediately get ready to leave the kunja to go to Their respective palaces. At this very moment, the internal absorption of the sadhaka breaks and he regains his external consciousness. He becomes overwhelmed with grief, but just then the bell starts ringing in the temple room for the arati of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna Yugala. The doors open and the devotees start performing the arati of Sri Sri Yugala Kisora very affectionately. As the devotees dance and sing mangala-arati, their melodious voices combine with the sweet sounds of jhanjhara, kansara, ghanta, sankha, karatala, and mrdanga. Inspired by his previous absorption in nisanta-lila, the author of this poem also starts to perform nama-sankirtana with the other devotees. As he sings each verse of the kirtana, the bhavas of nisanta-lila appear in his heart, soothing his grief. I have tried to reveal some of the heart-felt moods of Paramaradhya Srila Gurudeva, following the sakha-candra-nyaya (logic of the moon and the branch), and but I know that I am incapable of collecting even one drop from his fathomless, endless ocean of rasa. May Srila Gurupadapadma bestow his causeless grace upon this useless servant, so that I one day may become qualified for this. --------- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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