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sloka needed about Lord caitanya from Caitanya Candramrta

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DEarest dravida ji. Jaya Prabhupada.


much thanks for the quick sloka. I'm always indebted to my sloka memorizing

siksa guru, Dravida dasa. Now I understand how you protect your brahmacarya

in USA. You are a sloka relisher!



> yatha yatha--to whatever extent; gaura-padaravinde--xx;

> vindeta--finds; bhaktia--xx; kata-punya-racih--heaps of piety;

> tatha tatha -- to that extent; utsarpati--arises; hrdy--in the heart;

> akasmad--spontaneously; radha-padambhoja-sudhambu-racih--xx.



is this the correct word for word? If not correct it please. I pasted your

verse in my sloka.doc files (which uses balarama font and stores the slokas

I trying lately to memorize) but it still did not give the correct



also you didn't give the verse reference which I need to give devotees when

I'll quote it during my manah siksa seminar.


What's the verse number?


dravida ji, do you have a complete romanized sanskrit, w/w trans in MS word

format of sri Caitanya candramrita? Can you zip up and send the whole thing?



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Haribol Maharaj


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


The translation for akasmat wasn't mine but Kusakratha's. From Monier

Williams we get "accidentally" or "suddenly." I guess suddenly makes the

most sense here. Thanks.


Your servant

Dravida dasa


At 05:42 AM 4/5/01 -0400, Bhakti Caru Swami wrote:

>Dear Dravida Prabhu,


>Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Thank

>you very much for sending the translation. I thought of responding to

>Mahamantra Prabhu's request. However, you sent it before I could.


>One small question - won't 'all of a sudden' be a more appropreate

>translation of the word 'akasmat'. I am sure you have reasons to translate

>it as 'spontenous', but I was under the impression that as one renders

>devotinal service to the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accordingly

>'all of a sudden his heart becomes inundated with the nectar emanating from

>the lotus feet of Srimati Radharani.'


>Your servant,

>Bhakti Caru Swami.


>> Haribol Mahamantraji


>> Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


>> I count Vrndavana mentioned only twice in the CCand, once at verse 22 and

>> again at 130, but neither seems to be the one your looking for. It looks

>> closest to the famous 88 (put in Tamal or Balaram font; obvious syns

>> marked xx):


>> yathä yathä gaura-padäravinde

>> vindeta bhaktià kåta-puëya-räçiù

>> tathä tathotsarpati hådy akasmäd

>> rädhä-padämbhoja-sudhämbu-räçiù


>> yathä yathä--to whatever extent; gaura-padäravinde--xx;

>> vindeta--finds; bhaktià--xx; kåta-puëya-räçiù--heaps of piety;

>> tathä tathä -- to that extent; utsarpati--arises; hådy--in the heart;

>> akasmäd--spontaneously; rädhä-padämbhoja-sudhämbu-räçiù--xx.



>> To the extent that a pious person attains devotion to the lotus feet of

>> Lord Gaura, to that extent the ocean of nectar from the lotus feet of

>> Srimati Radharani spontaneously floods his heart.


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