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kartika purnima

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Camp: Iskcon Vrndavana


Dandavats Dear Pujari's. Jaya Krishna-Balarama!

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


as Pujaries help other devotees love Lord Damodara in Kartika. I've posted

these texts here.


Text 126


bodhanat para-dipasya

vaisnavanam ca sevanat

karttike phalam apnoti


bodhanat-by lighting; para-dipasya-another's lamp; vaisnavanam-of the

Vaisnavas; ca-and; sevanat-by serving; karttike-in Karttika; phalam-the

result; apnoti-attains; rajasuyasvamedhayoh-of rajasuya and asvamedha



"By serving the Vaisnavas and lighting the lamps they offer during the month

of Karttika one attains the result of performing many rajasuya and asvamedha



Text 127


dipamanam tu ye dipam

bodhayanti harer grhe

parena nrpa-sardula

nistirna yama-yatana

dipamanam-glowing; tu-indeed; ye-which; dipam-lamp; bodhayanti-light;

hareh-of Lord Krsna; grhe-in the house; parena-by another; nrpa-sardula-O

tiger of kings; nistirna-crossed; yama-yatana-the torments of Yama.


"O tiger of kings, a person who in Lord Krsna's temple lights the lamps that

others will offer during the month of Karttika becomes free from the

tortures of Yamaraja.



Chanting SB & Bhagavad gita as our temples do in the evening everyday, in

Kartika is auspicious;


Text 81


yah pathet prayato nityam

slokam bhagavatam mune


karttike phalam apnuyat

yah-who; pathet-recites; prayatah-mostly; nityam-always; slokam-terse;

bhagavatam-of Srimad-Bhagavatam; mune-O sage; astadasa-purananam-of the

eighteen Puranas; karttike-in Karttika; phalam-result; apnuyat-attains.


"O sage, a person who in the month of Karttika regularly recites the verses

of Srimad-Bhagavatam attains the pious result of reciting all eighteen




Text 68


kim ca


karttikam yo nayen narah

na tasya punar avrttir

maya drsta kali-priya

kim- ca-furthermore; gita-sastra-vinodena-by happily reading Bhagavad-gita;

karttikam-in Karttika; yah-who; nayen-pass; narah-a person; na-not; tasya-of

him; punah-again; avrttih-return; maya-by me; drsta-seen; kali-priya-O



It is further said:

"O Narada, I have personally seen that a person who happily reads

Bhagavad-gita' during the month of Karttika does not return to the world of

birth and death."


> 30 Oct 2001 Tu Caturdasi G Harsana Revati

> 31 Oct 2001 We Purnima G Vajra Asvini

> Sri Krsna Saradiya Rasayatra

> Sri Murari Gupta -- Disappearance

> Laksmi Puja

> Fourth month of Caturmasya begins.

> (Fast from urad dahl for one month.)

> 1 Nov 2001 Th Purnima G Siddhi Bharani

> Damodara Masa, Gaurabda 515


due to the overlapping tithi *both* are purnima, so I also asked about it

and I saw some vaisnava's observe it on one day and others the other..


so just happily observe it on one of the days and go about your service in a

normal way externally, but internally or in discussions with your devotees

you can relish some special KC thoughts appropriate to remembering Kartika

rasayatra purnima ..


hope you've done this...


padme ca

tatraiva dvadasesv api masesu

karttikah krsna-vallabhah

tasmin sampujito visnur

alpakair apy upayanaih

dadati vaisnavam lokam-

ity evam niscitam maya

padme-in the Padma Purana; ca-and; tatra-there; eva-indeed; dvadasesv-in the

twelve; api-even; masesu-months; karttikah-Karttika; krsna-to Lord Krsna;

vallabhah-dear; tasmin-in that; sampujitah-worshiped; visnuh-Lord Visnu;

alpakaih-with slight; api-even; upayanaih-vow; dadati-gives; vaisnavam-of

Lord Visnu; lokam-the world; iti-thus; evam-thus; niscitam-concluded;

maya-by me.


In the Padma Purana it is said:

"Of the twelve months, Karttika is the most dear to Lord Krsna. To anyone

who even slightly worships Lord Visnu during its time, the month of Karttika

gives residence in Lord Visnu's transcendental abode.


Text 42


yatha damodaro bhakta-

vatsalo vidito janaih

tasyayam tadrso masah

sv-alpam apy uru-karakah

yatha-as; damodarah-Lord Damodara; bhakta-the devotees; vatsalah-loves;

viditah-known; janaih-by the people; tasya-of Him; ayam-this; tadrsah-like

this; masah-month; st-alpam-very slight; api-even; uru-karakah-making big.


"As everyone knows, Lord Damodara loves His devotees. Lord Damodara's month,

the month of Karttika, also loves the devotees. The month of Karttika thinks

even the slightest devotional service is very big and important.


dipenapi hi yatrasau

priyate harir isvarah

su-gitam ca dadaty eva


dipena-with a lamp; api-even; hi-indeed; yatra-where; asau-He; priyate-is

pleased; harih-Lord Hari; isvarah-the Supreme Personality of Godhead;

su-gitam-glorified; ca-and; dadati-gives; eva-indeed;

para-dipa-prabodhanat-from liughting another's lamp.


"Lord Krsna is pleased by the offering of a single lamp during the month of

Karttika. Lord Krsna glorifies anyone who lights a lamp for someone else to


Yours in the service of Krishna-Balarama,



Tridandi Bhikshu, Bhakti Visrambha Madhava

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