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does anyone have vallabhacharya's yamunastakam?

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You must have the Madhurastakam already, right? Here's something special

from Vallabhacarya's son, Vithalacarya.



Çré Rädhä-Prärthanä

by Çré Vithaläcärya


kåpayati yadi rädhä bädhitäçeña-bädhä

kim aparama vaçiñtaà puñöi-maryäda-yorme

yadi vadati ca kiïcit smera-häsodita-çrér-

dvija-vara-maëi-paìktyä mukti-çuktyä tadä kim (1)


If Çrématé Rädhikä is merciful to me, then all obstacles to my devotion will

be removed. There will be nothing more for me to attain because I will have

received the fruits offered by the paths of both vaidhé-märga and

räga-märga. And if She will speak to me while smiling gently, I will see Her

brilliant rows of teeth which are like lines of priceless jewels. Having

seen them one time, the goal of gaining liberation from material existence

will be rendered insignificant.


çyämasundara çikhaëòa-çekhara

smera-häsa muralé-manohara

rädhikä-rasika mäà kåpä-nidhe

sva-priyä-caraëa-kiìkaréà kuru (2)


He Çyämasundara! O Çikhaëòa-çekhara! Your face is always graced with a

playful smile, Your flute-playing is enchanting, and You are so expert in

relishing rasa with Çrématé Rädhikä. Because You are an ocean of mercy, I am

appealing to You to please make me a kiìkaré (maidservant) at the feet of

Your beloved.




rädhikä-pada-tale kåta-sthitià

tväà bhajämi rasikendra-çekhara (3)


You are the Lord of the life of the daughter of Våñabhänu Mahäräja and are

always greedy to taste the nectar of Her lips. O Rasika-çekhara, foremost of

those who are rasika! I don't desire anything other than to always reside at

the feet of Çrématé Rädhikä.


saàvidhäya daçane tåëaà vibho

prärthaye vraja-mahendra-nandana

astu mohana taväti-vallabhä

janma-janmani madéçvaré priyä (4)


He Nanda-nandana! O all-pervading Prabhu! O You who enchant my mind, and

indeed, the minds of all! Taking a piece of straw in my teeth, my humble

entreaty to You is that She, who is the love of Your life, will remain my

dear worshipable goddess birth after birth.



> Camp: Iskcon Vrndavana


> Dandavats Dear panditas and sloka relishers. Jaya Krishna-Balarama!

> Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


> does anyone have vallabhacharya's yamunastakam? or other astakams by

> vallabhacharya?


> Vaishnavadaasaanundaasaha,


> Tridandi Bhikshu, Bhakti Visrambha Madhava

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