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Text 42



govindadevas tu anuc€rayan g€

gat€ƒ purast€d udadhiˆ nir…kya

taˆ m€nyam€no yamun€ˆ pramod€t

sakh…n vih€r€ya sam€juh€va


govindadevas-KŠa; tu-certainly; anuc€rayan-herding; g€-the cows;

gat€ƒ-went; purast€d-ahead; udadhiˆ-the ocean; nir…kya-seeing; taˆ-it;

m€nyam€no-thinking; yamun€ˆ-the Yamun€; pramod€t-out of happiness;

sakh…n-His friends; vih€r€ya-for playing; sam€juh€va-called.



As He walked, herding the cows, KŠa saw the ocean. Thinking it the

Yamun€, He happily called His friends (to come and, play:



Text 43



gat€ƒ kutra vayasy€ƒ stha

r…d€man subal€rjuna

sarve bhavanto dh€vanto

vegen€yaˆ tu harataƒ


kŠ€y€ˆ p€yayitv€ g€

vih€r€ma yath€-sukham


v€hiny€m avag€hya ca


gat€ƒ-gone; kutra-where; vayasy€ƒ-friends; stha-are; r…d€man-O

®r…d€m€; subala-O Subala; arjuna-O Arjuna; sarve-all; bhavanto-you;

dh€vanto-running; vegena-quickly; ayaˆ-this; tu-indeed; harataƒ-out of

happiness; kŠ€y€ˆ-the Yamun€; p€yayitv€-causing the drink; g€s-the cows;

vih€r€ma-let us play; yath€-as; sukham-we please; madhura-sweet; amala-pure;

…ta-cool; ambu-water; v€hiny€m-flowing; avag€hya-plunging; ca-also.



"Where are My friends? ®r…d€m€! Subala! Arjuna! Everyone happily run

here! We will make the cows drink from the Yamun€, and then We will play as

We like! We will dive into the river flowing with sweet, pure, cool water!"



Text 44



evam agre saran gobhir

ambudhe nika˜e gataƒ


kol€halavato 'cyutaƒ


evam-thus; agre-in the presence; saran-going; gobhir-with the cows;

ambudher-the ocean; nika˜e-near; gataƒ-gone; mah€-great; kallola-of waves;

m€l€bhiƒ-with garlands; kol€halavato-with a great sound; acyutaƒ-the

infallible Lord.



Going ahead with the cows, the infallible Lord came near the ocean,

which made a tumultuous sound with its garlands of great waves.

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