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Sri Govardhanastakam

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Çré Govardhanäñöakam


by Çréla Viçvanätha Cakravarté Öhäkura


kåñëa-prasädena samasta-çaila-

sämräjyam äpnoti ca vairiëo 'pi

çakrasya yaù präpa balià sa säkñäd

govardhano me diçatäm abhéñöam (1)


May Govardhana Hill fulfill my deepest desire - to get darçana of Çré Rädhä

and Kåñëa's léläs. By Kåñëa's mercy Govardhana became the emperor of all

mountains and was worshiped by his arch-enemy Indra in front of everyone.



sukhänubhüter ati-bhümi våtteù

mahendra-vajrähatim apy ajänan

govardhano me diñatäm abhéñöam (2)


Feeling that softness of Kåñëa's soft lotus hand when he was being held

aloft by Him filled him with so much änanda that he did not even notice

Indra's thunderbolts striking his body. May that Govardhana fulfill my



yatraiva kåñëo våñabhänu-putryä

dänaà gåhétuà kalahaà vitene

çruteù spåhä yatra mahaty ataù çré-

govardhano me diñatäm abhiñöam (3)


Demanding a road tax, Kåñëa quarreled for several hours at Dän Ghäöé with

the daughter of Våñabhänu Mahäraja. Rasika bhaktas visiting Govardhana are

eager to listen to that sweet prema quarrel. May that Govardhana fulfill my

desire that I also can hear that verbal battle.


snätvä saraù svaçu saméra hasté

yatraiva népädi-paräga dhüliù

älolayan khelati cäru sa çré-

govardhano me diñatäm abhéñöam (4)


Bathing in Govardhana's lakes which are filled with lotuses and surrounded

by kadamba and other flowers, the cool, sweet and strong breeze blows over

the water, shaking the pollen from the flowers as it blows the flowers

against each other. This breeze, mixing playfully with the pollen and

fragrance of the flowers, is like an elephant who covers himself with dust

after taking his bath and then plays with his female friends. May that

Govardhana fulfill my desire.


kastürikäbhiù çayitaà kim atrety

ühaà prabhoù svasya muhur vitanvan


govardhano me diñatäm abhéñöam (5)


Is the sweet fragrance of Govardhana coming because Kåñëa is sleeping on a

bed of musk here? If Kåñëa is not sleeping here, how is this fragrance

coming? All of Govardhana's çiläs are fragrant because the breeze is

carrying the fragrance and pollen of the flowers and the fragrance of

Kåñëa's léläs here with all the gopés. May that Govardhana fulfill my




didåkñavo yatra harià hariëyäù

yäntyo labhante na hi vismitäù sa

govardhano me diñatäm abhéñöam (6)


The deer on Govardhana start running upon hearing the sound of the wind

blowing through the holes of all the bamboo trees, thinking that Kåñëa is

there playing His flute. Not finding Him, they are astonished and wander

here and there searching for Him. May that Govardhana fulfill my desire.


yatraiva gaìgäm anu nävi rädhäm

ärohya madhye tu nimagna-naukaù

kåñëo hi rädhänugalo babhau sa

govardhano me diñatäm abhéñöam (7)


In the middle of Mänasé Gaìgä, which has arisen from the heart of Çré

Govardhana, Rädhä was sitting in Kåñëa's boat. As He began to make the boat

sink, He embraced Her and She, in turn, tightly clung to Kåñëa's neck.

Together They looked very beautiful. May that Govardhana (who provides the

setting for this secret lélä) fulfill my desire.


vinä bhavet kià hari-däsa-varya-

padäçrayaà bhaktir ataù çrayämi

yam eva saprema nijeçayoù çré-

govardhano me diñatäm abhéñöam (8)


Without taking shelter of the lotus feet of Govardhana, who is the best of

Çré Hari's servants and who is full of love for Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa, how will

one ever attain çuddha bhakti? May that Govardhana fulfill my inner desire

and grant me special sevä for Çré Rädhä and Kåñëa when they are meeting in

his many kuïjas.


etat paöhed yo hari-däsa-varya-

mahänubhäväñöakam ärdra-cetäù

çré-rädhikä-mädhavayoù padäbja-

däsyaà sa vinded acireëa säkñät (9)


May that person who reads these eight verses glorifying Çré Hari's greatest

servant, with his heart melting, his voice choking, his hairs standing on

end and tears flowing, quickly attain direct service to the lotus feet of

Çré Rädhikä-Mädhava. Govardhana is feeling so many bhävas as he's watching

Their léläs and‚ being very kind, he can easily give this prema.

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