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harmony with Krsna in the center

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Animals are sent to the slaughterhouse. So this is because the center of

national feeling or international feeling is losing. The center is not fixed

up. If the center is right, then you can make circle from that center, any

number of circles, they'll never overlap. They'll be growing, growing, growing.

They'll not interact with one another if the center is all right.

So everyone is feeling nationally or internationally, but the center is

missing. Therefore your feeling, your international feeling, my international

feeling, your national feeling, my national feeling, they are overlapping. So

we have to find out the center. Then you expand your circle, it will not, I

mean to say, overlap or counteract. It will go on. That center is Krsna. Our

society, International Society for Krsna Consciousness, is teaching to the

people of all countries that the center is Krsna.


>>> Ref. VedaBase => Lecture to International Student Society -- Boston,

December 28, 1969




So it is said, mam ca yo 'vyabhicarena bhakti-yogena sevate [bg. 14.26]. People

are missing this point, that Krsna is the center. If any way we act, making

Krsna in the center, you may draw many thousands of circles, it will not

overlap. It will not overlap. So our, this Krsna consciousness movement is...

To become Krsna conscious means not to remain within this guna-vaicitrya, the

varieties of material color, or material gunas. Above that. Center Krsna. Make

center Krsna. Then whatever you do, it will be perfect.


>>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.46 -- Detroit, June 12, 1976




Prabhupada: Yes. This... Everyone in the human society is trying to establish

love in the society, but it is being failed. The reason is that we are missing

the central point. Just like from a point you can make a circle. What is called


Pradyumna: Compass.

Prabhupada: Compass. Yes. That compass, you put the pointed part on the center,

you can make a circle. So if I do not take the central point, I make my own

point, then my circle will overlap your circle, there will be a clash. But if

the center is the same, I can draw one circle, you can draw one, another

circle. None of these circles will overlap.


>>> Ref. VedaBase => The Nectar of Devotion -- Vrndavana, October 24, 1972




The difference between competition and Maya. Here, competition is for sense

gratification. How much I can enjoy, my sense, and the other person sees how

much he can enjoy his senses. In the spiritual world the competition is how to

satisfy Krishna. There the center is one. If you draw innumerable circles they

will not overlap. But here the circles will overlap. Even a small circle can

overlap a large circle. This is because in the material world there are many

centers, whereas in the spiritual world there is only one center. In the

spiritual world whether the circles are big or small they will never overlap.

In the spiritual world similarly, whatever or whoever is rendering the service,

there is never competition of maliciousness.


>>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Kirtiraja -- Bombay 2 January, 1972

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