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from Mahanidhi Swami-purushottama adhika masa vratas

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Mahamantra (das) ACBSP (Vrindavan - IN) [14243]

Purushottama adhika masa vratas


this may be useful to you or yours Recommended Vows for Purusottama Month


(2001 18 September-16 October) The main vrata is to worship Radha Krishna



***Rise Brahma-muhurta DAILY (bm means one . hours before sunrise til one

hour; if sunrise at 6am then bm starts 4:30 goes to about 5 a.m.) Means

taking rest EARLY night before.


***take vow to REMAIN TRUTHFUL for whole month.

***Careful not to BLASPHEME any devotee,sastra, brahmin, cows, saints, or

one observing the Purusottama Vrata.

1.fixed increased chanting 25, 32, 64,128 rounds daily!

2. hearing hari katha (Study Krishna Book (chapters dealing with Vraja

lila and Krishna meeting gopis at kuruksetra)

SB& CC specifically desc. RK guna and lila) and/or speaking daily hari-katha

3. worshiping Radha Krishna, which means, unless you have deity with =

you, then daily offer fresh first class lotus or rose plus tulasi =

garlands to Radhe Shyam photo or painting of Radha-Govinda Yugal.

*if worship Salagrama (could apply to Radha-Govinda also) offer 100,000

tulasi leaves and achieve "unlimited merit beyond the powers of Brahma to


4. Sing bhajans and kirtans specifically glorifying Yugala Kishora.

Such as Jaya Radha Madhava; Radhe jaya jaya madhava dayite; radha-krishna

prana mora; Radha-krpa kataksa (in back our radhakunda book or in Giti

Guccha song book; also sing Nandanandana Astakam (also in Giti Guccha song

book); jaya radha madana mohan.. sanatana prana dhana he; jaya madhava

madana murari radhe shyam shyama shyam; radha-krsna bol bol bolo re sobhai;

vrndavana ramya sthana; tulasi arotik prayers with deep prayer of

longing and meditation;

5. MUST OFFER Daily GHEE (pure cow's ghee only) lamp to Radha-Krishna

Deity or photo.

6. Bathe DAILY in Yamuna around sunrise. Or if not in holy land then pour

drops on head from bottle of Radha-kunda water or Yamuna after offering

obeisances and prayers to Radha-kunda or Yamuna.

7.Eating--Fast till noon and eat only fruits or just vegetables without

any beans or grains. (like ekadasi preps for one month!) once a day if you

can. Or just eat mahaprasadam, full to neck ONCE A DAY. Take a vow according

to your capacity to follow, and in no condition can one break his vow in the

middle of the month.


1. Worship Radha-Govinda and chant this mantra: "O Supreme Lord! O Sanatana!

O Purusottama! O Lord Hari! I offer my obeisances unto You. May You and Your

beloved Srimati Radhika please accept my offerings. I offer my repeated

obeisances unto Radha-Syamasundara, who wears effulgent yellow garments on

His beautiful body."

2. Offer pushpanjali and dandavats to Radhe-Syama.

3. Give charity to 3,5,7,9, 11 brahmanas to best of your ability.

**Best charity to give Srimad Bhagavatam to qualified Vaisnava devotee

brahmana. This charity will deliver all you forefathers to Goloka dhama and

the association of Lord Purusottam!

***Other recommended gifts: new clothes, gold (rupees, bucks, pounds), two

pairs of new shoes

4. Feed brahmanas with prasadam


1. If not bathed in sacred waters---nullify reaction by donating milk and

yogurt to brahmanas

2. If eat rice, wheat, fruits,oil, or ghee during P.M.-give charity to

brahmanas (as mentioned above)

3. If eat on leaf plates for month-then feed brahmanas with ghee and


4. Not cut hair and nails for P.M.-give mirror to one brahmana.


Must feed brahmanas with different kinds of sweet juice. (sugar cane, oj,

grape, etc)


1. All the holy places in the world come to reside in your body.

2. One who observes Purusottama Month with faith and devotion will go back

home, BTG to serve Radha-Govinda eternally in Goloka Vrndavana at the end of

his life!

THese are the recommended vratas described in Padma Purana PUrusottama =

Mahatyam. We are sure Prabhupada will help you honor this month nicely.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Vaisnavas,


Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Babhru Prabhu writes:


>You want some tapasya? Try sticking to a marriage and raising kids.


Well said! I never had kids, but I know what a tapasya it is to make a

marriage work.


>So manyof our society's problems can be traced to men (and women) who


>their spouses for a life of "renunciation" when the gloss wears off, or

>when things become difficult, or after a couple of kids have been born.


Srila Prabhupada writes:


"These things cannot be taken so lightly, otherwise the whole thing will

become a farce. Simply get married without considering what is the serious

nature of married life, then if there is little disturbance, or if I do

not like my wife or my husband, let me go away, everyone else is doing

like that. So in this way the whole thing is becoming a farce." (letter to



"We cannot imitate Krsna, but we can follow Krsna. We can follow His

footsteps, how He was living. He was a grhastha. He was not a sannyasi. So

our sannyasi is not very great credit. To remain grhastha, because we are

going back to Godhead, back to home, the whole, our master, is grhastha.

Not only grhastha, He has got so many wives. So to become sannyasi is not

very great credit, according to our Vaisnava philosophy. To become perfect

house-holder, that is credit. Perfect householder, like Krsna." (Tokyo,

Apr 23, 1972)




"Now you are a sannyasi, but do not think it is a great credit for you.

It is easy to renounce. The ones performing austerities are the

householders." (Srila Prabhupada to Sudama Swami after giving him

sannyasa, as told by Sudama Swami to an audience of householders in LA

around 1973.)


"Just because no woman will have you, you think no one should get

marrried." (Srila Prabhupada to Panca Dravida Swami as told by Panca

Dravida Swami in a class at New Vrindaban.)


I may not have the exact words for these quotes, but this is pretty close.


Your most humble servant,


Umapati Swami

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