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Srila Rupa Goswami's Disappearance Day

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Srila Rupa Goswami's Disappearance Day 30th or 31st July


In 1517, Sri Rupa Gosvami and Sri Sanatana Gosvami, his elder brother, came

to Vrndavana to fulfill four orders of Lord Caitanya's: (1) Uncover Sri

Krishna's lost pastime places. (2) Install Deities, start puja. (3) Write

bhakti-sastras. (4) Propagate the rules of bhakti-yoga.


Wearing only kaupina (loincloth) and kantha (patchwork quilt), Sri Rupa

Gosvami lived a mendicant's life absorbed in hearing, chanting, writing

about Radha-Govinda's sweet loving pastimes in Sri Vrndavana-dhama. More

details of his conduct and character are mentioned in Sanatana Gosvami's



Sri Rupa Gosvami wrote practical yet profound transcendental books. He

established Sri-Sri Radha-Govindaji, the beloved Deities of the entire

Gaudiya sampradaya. Through extensive Vedic research Sri Rupa Gosvami proved

that Sri Caitanya's teachings present the highest philosophy and the

perfection of religion.


Gaudiya Vaisnavas are known as rupanugas, followers of Sri Rupa Gosvami.

Every raganuga devotee aspires to become a servant of the servant of the

lotus feet of Sri Rupa Gosvami. Sri Narottama Dasa Thakura sings,

sri-rupa-manjari-pada' se more sampada, sei mor bhajana pujana: "The feet of

Sri Rupa-manjari (Rupa Gosvami's eternal form as Sri Radha's maidservant in

Vraja are my only wealth. They are the only object of my service and



Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu commissioned Sri Rupa Gosvami to write on the

science of rasa-tattva. In Caitanya-candrodaya, Sri Kavi Karnapura says that

Sri Rupa Gosvami is the form of true love and devotion. Sri Caitanya

empowered him to explain His own love and devotion, and to propagate it to

the world. Lord Caitanya manifested His own pastimes through Sri Rupa

Gosvami. He received the title bhakti-rasacarya (guru of devotional mellows)

for his devotional classics, Bhakti-rasamrta sindhu, Ujjvala Nilamani Lalita

Madhava and others. Bhakti-rasamrta sindhu gives the essence of all Vedic

scriptures regarding the kingdom of bhakti. In great detail it explains how

to advance in Krishna consciousness and attain prema-bhakti, pure unalloyed

love for Radha-Govinda in Sri Vrndavana.


To understand the loving affairs of Radha and Krishna, says Narottama Dasa

Thakura, you must serve the lotus feet of Sri Rupa Gosvami with intense

eagerness. Serving means hearing (studying), chanting and strictly following

the teachings of Sri Rupa Gosvami. Serving also means praying to, crying out

to, meditating upon, and dedicating your entire life to the lotus feet of

Sri Rupa Gosvami (Sri Rupa-manjari). Sadhana Dipika states that those on the

path of devotional service must always associate with Sri Rupa Gosvami's

doctrines on prema-bhakti. By the grace of Sri Jiva Gosvami one can

understand the transcendental truths of Rupa Gosvami's teachings.


The following quote shows the incredible potency of Sri Rupa Gosvami's

transcendental writing:


"When Sri Rupa Gosvami would sit in his bhajana kutir at Ter Kadamba

(Nandagram, Vrndavana), and write about the pangs of separation that Sri

Radha and Sri Krishna felt for one another the leaves of the Kadamba tree

would fall off;just like tears running down the face of someone in pain. And

when Sri Rupa wrote about Radha and Krishna's ecstatic loving reunion, that

overjoyed Kadamba tree immeditately sprouted new leaves and blossoming

flowers. By the mercy of a pure Vaisnava like Srila Rupa Gosvami this

Kadamba tree could understand and appreciate the intimate and confidential

subject matters which remain beyond our comprehension." (Sripad B.V.

Narayana Maharaja)


Sri Rupa Gosvami established the Deities of Radha-Govinda in Vrndavana.

Bhakti-ratnakar quotes one song from Srinivasa Acarya to describe the beauty

of Rupa Gosvami's beloved Govindaji Deity: "Having seen the incomparable

beauty of Sri Govinda, Sri Radhika begins describing it to Her sakhis: 'Who

has sculptured that moon-like face and who has sculptured those two lotus

eyes? Only My heart knows how I feel when I see Him. Who has shaped His

earrings, cut carefully in gems? My mind is fixed on them. His nose pearl

surrounded by a golden ring looks like a moon-like white flower surrounded

by lightning, smiling from behind some blue clouds.


'His forehead is decorated with sandal tilaka and beautiful mind-enchanting

designs. He shines within My heart. Yet My heart aches being incapable of

beholding His beautiful face to My full satisfaction. If God had given Me

the power I could continually enjoy His sweet voice. His arms are stronger

than the trunks of elephants. My youthful body longs for the touch of His

fingers. His graceful movements rival the gait of a maddened elephant. He is

an ocean of beauty."'


Today in Jaipur, Rajasthan Sri Rupa Gosvami's original Deities of

Radha-Govindaji are forever expanding their unlimited beauty. Everyday

ten-thousand devotees run to attend Their mangala arotika. A prati-bhu Deity

of Govindaji resides in "new" Govindaji temple behind the historic

masterpiece of architecture that once served Radha-Govinda in Vrndavana.


Sri Krishna Dasa Kaviraja says the Deity of Radha-Govindaji shows us how to

worship Radha and Krishna. Radha-Govindaji accept our service and give

inspiration to increase our surrender on the path of bhakti. Acting exactly

like the siksa-guru, Govindaji directs us and gives us opportunities to

serve Him.


Some authorities claim that in 1564 Sri Rupa Gosvami entered

Radha-Govindaji's nitya-lila, just twenty-seven days after the disappearance

of Sri Sanatana Gosvami. Sri Rupa Gosvami's samadhi and bhajana kutir are in

Seva Kunja within the courtyard of the Radha-Damodara temple.


The glory of Sri Rupa is endless and whoever describes that glory in any

form can be praised everywhere.285


In Caitanya Candradaya Sri Kavi Karnapura Gosvami states that Sri Rupa

Gosvami is the most suitable person as the inheritor of Svarupa and of Sri

Radha, and he is the ultimate resting place of Sri Radha. Sri Rupa is the

form of true love and devotion. Prabhu Caitanya empowered Sri Rupa to

explain his own love and devotion and propagate that within the world.

Prabhu Caitanya manifested his own lilas through Sri Rupa.286


Sadhana Dipika states that the followers of the bhakti cult must not keep

the company with those who have divorced themselves from Sri Rupa's doctrine

on love and devotion. Simply by the grace of Sri Jiva, one can understand

the truths of his philosophy. Again and again I worship the lotus feet of

Sri Rupa.287-288


In Prema Bhakti Candrika Sri Narottama says that Sri Rupa has occupied a

place in the heart of Sri Krsna Caitanya. "O Prabhu Rupa when will you give

me a place beneath your feet?"289

Sadhana Dipika also says, "O tongue, always sing the name of Sri Rupa. O

mind, always remember Sri Rupa, the personification of kindness. O head,

always bow to Sri Rupa, the embodiment of grace. Simultaneously remember to

worship Sri Raghunatha Gosvami, the unseperable for of Sri Rupa."290


The wonderful attributes of Sri Rupa Gosvami havae been described by learned

men in various ways.291


If Rupa were not born in the Kali Yuga who would distribute love of Krsna

throughout the world? Who would renounce all pleasures, worship Vrndavana

and discuss the books of the the Bhakti cult? Only the swans can seperate

the milk from the water.


Simultaneously who could have understood the activities of Krsna in Vrndvana

and who could explain the love of Sri Radha and Krsna? Sri Krsna is pleased

with anyone who attempts to praise him through Rupa.292-295


Not only lay men but even Sri Caitanya himself liked to praise the qualitie

of Sri Rupa.296

It is well known that Sri Rupa Gosvami was the life of the associates of the


A large number of the associates of the Lord tried to sing the glory of

Sanatana and Rupa but could not describe them completely.298


All glories to Sanatana and Rupa - my very life - who gave direction to

countless people. They were the only persons who knew the Vaisnava



Within Vrndavana they were the resivors of natural love and mercy; they were

oceans of kindness and friends of the poor. They were the foremost amongst



Only Sri Rupa and Sanatana knew how to behave according to the teachings of

the Bhagavata and other Bhakti scriptures. All three worlds praised their



The dust of their lotus feet cooled the earth from the scorching rays of the

sun of Kali. They continually worshipped Sri Vyasa deva and the holy feet

of Sri Radha.302


All glories to Sri Rupa and Sanatana, the jewels of all ascetics, who had

unflinching devotion to Sri Radha and Krsna. Giving up all worldly

pleasures they sang the glories of the groves of Vrndavana and the feet of

Sri Radha. Therefore these two brothers were gifts from Sri Caitanya, the

ocean of mercy, and in their absence I have become an orphan.303-305


It becomes apparent that the position of Srila Rupa Goswami is very special,

even among the six Goswamis, including Srila Sanatana Goswami who was his

spiritual master:


vrndavaniyam rasa-keli-vartam

kalena luptam nija-saktim utkah

sancarya rupe vyatanot punah sa

prabhur vidhau prag iva loka-srstim


"Before the creation of this cosmic manifestation, the Lord enlightened the

heart of Lord Brahma with the details of the creation and manifested the

Vedic knowledge. In exactly the same way, the Lord, being anxious to revive

the Vrndavana pastimes of Lord Krsna, impregnated the heart of Rupa Gosvami

with spiritual potency. By this potency, Srila Rupa Gosvami could revive the

activities of Krsna in Vrndavana, activities almost lost to memory. In this

way, He spread Krsna consciousness throughout the world." (Madhya 19.1)


There are some other verses from the same chapter: (Madhya 19.118-121):


kalena vrndavana-keli-varta

lupteti tam khyapayitum visisya

krpamrtenabhisiseca devas

tatraiva rupam ca sanatanam ca


"In the course of time, the transcendental news of Krsna's pastimes in

Vrndavana was almost lost. To enunciate explicitly those transcendental

pastimes, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, at Prayaga, empowered Srila Rupa Gosvami

and Sanatana Gosvami with the nectar of His mercy to carry out this work in



yah prag eva priya-guna-ganair gadha-baddho 'pi mukto

gehadhyasad rasa iva paro murta evapy amurtah

premalapair drdhatara-parisvanga-rangaih prayage

tam sri-rupam samam anupamenanujagraha devah


"From the very beginning, Srila Rupa Gosvami was deeply attracted by the

transcendental qualities of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Thus he was permanently

relieved from family life. Srila Rupa Gosvami and his younger brother,

Vallabha, were blessed by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Although the Lord was

transcendentally situated in His transcendental eternal form, at Prayaga He

told Rupa Gosvami about transcendental ecstatic love of Krsna. The Lord then

embraced him very fondly and bestowed all His mercy upon him.


priya-svarupe dayita-svarupe

prema-svarupe sahajabhirupe

nijanurupe prabhur eka-rupe

tatana rupe svavilasa-rupe


"Indeed, Srila Rupa Gosvami, whose dear friend was Svarupa Damodara, was the

exact replica of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and he was very, very dear to the

Lord. Being the embodiment of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's ecstatic love, Rupa

Gosvami was naturally very beautiful. He very carefully followed the

principles enunciated by the Lord, and he was a competent person to explain

properly the pastimes of Lord Krsna. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu expanded His

mercy to Srila Rupa Gosvami just so he could render service by writing

transcendental literatures."


We can also appreciate from the point of view of the position of Srila Rupa

Goswami as Rupa Manjari.


So Srila Rupa Gosvami received knowledge from Lord Caitanya just like Lord

Brahma did from Lord Krsna ( see first quote above), and then he wrote many

books, out of which Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu is the best known, and is one of

the first books Srila Prabhupada chose to translate.


Srila Prabhupada refers to the Bhakti-ratnakara, which gives a list of Srila

Rupa Goswami's most popular books as follows: (1) Hamsaduta, (2)

Uddhava-sandesa, (3) Krsna-janma-tithi-vidhi, (4 and 5)

Radha-krsna-ganoddesa-dipika, Brhat (major) and Laghu (minor), (6)

Stavamala, (7) Vidagdha-madhava, (8) Lalita-madhava, (9) Dana-keli-kaumudi,

(10) Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (this is the most celebrated book by Sri Rupa

Gosvami), (11) Ujjvala-nilamani, (12) Akhyata-candrika, (13) Mathura-mahima,

(14) Padyavali, (15) Nataka-candrika and (16) Laghu-bhagavatamrta.


Srila Rupa Gosvami Sucaka Kirtana


are mor sri rupa gosai!


gauranga-candera bhava, pracara kariya saba,

janaite hena ara nai


vrndavana nitya-dhama, sarvopari anupama,

sarva avatari nandasuta.


tanra kanta-gana-dhika, sarvaradhya sri radhika,

tanra sakhi gana sanga juta.


raga marge taha paite, jahara karuna haite,

bhujilo pailo jete jana.


emona dayalu bhai, kothao dekhiye nai

tanra pada koraho bhavana.


sri caitanya ajna paiya, bhagavata vicariya,

yata bhakti siddhanter khani


taha uthaiya kata, nija grantha kari yata,

jive dila prema cintamani


radha krsna rasa keli natya gita padavali

sudha-parakiya-mata kori.


caitanyer mano vrti sthapana karila ksiti

asvadiya tahara madhuri.


caitanya virahe sesa, pai atisya klesa,

tate jata pralapa vilapa


se saba kahite badi dehe prana rahe nai

e radha-vallabha hiye tapa


Sri Rupa Gosvami Sucaka Kirtana (translation)


O. My Sri Rupa Gosvami!


(1) Your presentation of the devotional mellows of Lord Sri Gauracandra is



(2) In the eternal spiritual world of Vrndavana, which is mathchless and

supreme, the source of all avataras sports as Nanda Maharaja's son (Sri



(3) He always enjoys with thousands of gopis, and especially with His most

beloved and best worshiper Sri Radhika.


(4) Sri Rupa, you mercifully reveal the path of raganuga bhakti. By adopting

this anyone can attain the spontaneous love the gopis have for Krishna.


(5) Dear brother, nowhere will you find such kindness. So just meditate upon

the lotus feet of Sri Rupa Gosvami.


(6) Receiving Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's order, he thoroughly studied the

Srimad Bhagavatam and extracted the essence of prema bhakti (pure devotional



(7) Rupa Gosvami wrote many books which give love of God and fulfill

everyone's desires.


(From HH Mahanidhi Swami's book & other sources)


Vaisnava dasabhas

Nayana-ranjana das

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