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Once upon a time thousands of sages were amalgamated at the holy place

Naimisyaranya to perform some sacrifice. Fortunately by wandering different

pilgrimages the great sage Suta Goswami arrived there along with his

disciples. The sages present there were became very happy by seeing him.

They all stood up immediately from their sitting place to pay respect to the

great sage. They offered a very nice Vyasasana to suta Goswami and respected

him with folded hands to sit down on that vyasasan.


The sages of Naimisyaranya said to Suta Goswami with folded hands O Sutaji!

all of us requesting you please tell us some thing about the wonderful

activities and pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There are

many thousands of such religious stories but we want to listen the most

perfect one, by following which we all can be delivered from this material

ocean and return back to Godhead.


By listening all these requests made by the sages headed by Saunaka risi,

suta Goswami started speaking O' sages please listen me, at first I want

Puskara Tirtha than after visiting thousands of other holy places I have

been reached Hastinapur. There I have seen at the bank of Ganges thousands

of sages were sitting together with Parikshit Maharaj and in the mean time

the great sage Sukadev Goswami appeared. There all the sages present there

were pay proper respect to him by standing from their sits with folded

hands. All the sages, unanimously offered a lotus vyasasan to sukadev

Goswami which was meant for speaking Krishna katha to Parikshit Maharaj.


Suta Goswami said O' sages I am just coming from that place Hastinapur after

listening whole Srimad Bhagavatam from the Lotus mouth of Sukadev Goswami.

So now I am going to tell you about most interesting activities and pastimes

of the Lord.


Once,long ago Narada muni reached Badrika Ashram the residence of Lord

Narayan risi. River Alakananda was flowing down from his lotus feet. So

Narada have paid his obeisance to Narayan and started praying . O' Lord of

demigods, O' ocean of mercy ! O master of creation you are all truthful,

trisatya, essence of all truths. So I am paying my obeisance unto you."


O' Lord ! in this material world all the living entities are busy in sense

gratification. They all have forgotten the ultimate aim of their life. So

please explain me some thing which will be helpful both for the householders

and sages in renounced order like me , to attain self realization and return

back to Godhead. Listing such sweet words of Narada lord Narayan stated

smiling, he said O' Narada please listen about the pious past times and

activities of supreme Lord Sri Krishna which will diminish all the sinful

reactions of past Karmas. O' Narada you have all ready knew all the

activities of the supreme Lord, but for the benefit of others you are king

again. So now I am going to tell you about the Glories of sacred Purusottam

month which is fully potent to grant all material happiness and at the end

of life helped to return back to Godhead.


Naradji enquired O' Lord I have heard about Glories of all the months

including Kartik, chaitra etc, but which month is this Purusottam month ? O'

ocean of mercy please tell me all about this, what is the way to glorify

this month , tell what shall I do in this month, How to take bath, how to

give charity, how to chant, worship and observe fasting in this month.

Please tell everything about this month.


Suta Goswami said O' sages after listening all these questions of Narada

Lord Narayan started to speak from his moon like lotus mouth.


Lord Narayan continued O' Narada I am going to tell you the same which have

previously been explained by lord Sri Krishna to Maharaj Yudhisthir. Once

Dharmaraj Yudhisthir have lost everything including his empire, palace even

his wife Draupadi to Duryadham in a gambling match. Draupadi was insulted by

Dussana in front of whole royal assembly. When Dussasana had tried to make

draupadi naked being assisted by Lord Sri Krishna Draupadi was saved from

such a dangerous situation. After this incident Yudhisthir Maharaj along

with his brother and wife left his kingdom and continued to live at

Kamayaka forest.


Once Lord Sri Krishna the son Devaki visited the pandavas in that forest.

All the Padavas including Draupadi became very happy seeing the Lord. They

all forgot their painful forest life immediately. They fell as if they have

enriched with a new life: They paid their obeisance at the Lord's Lotus

feet. After seeing the miserable conditions of the pandavas Lord Sri Krishna

became very sad. At the same time he became very angry towards Durayadhan.

It was appeared as if Lord is going to destroy the whole universe. So

pandavas became fearful, they all started to pray the Lord in humble mood.

Listing the humble prayers of Arjuna lord became cool down. Than taking this

opportunity Arjuna started to ask some questions to the Lord Sri Krishna O'

Arjuna being very pleased with all of you [pandavas] and being controlled by

your devotion and friendship towards me now I am going to tell you about

wonderful history of Purusottam month.


O' Arjuna ! once upon a time by the arrangement of providence the extra

month came to the world. Every one told this month as the most inauspicious

as if stool like month nothing is auspicious. Just like one could not stool

so this month was also untouchable. Being unprotected and blasphemed this

mouth was rejected by the people for any religious and auspicious



So being rejected by the human beings, listening their bad words and being

blasphemed the extra month became very sad. She came to Vaikuntha to explain

her situation to the Lord. Seeing the Lord Visnu at his simhasana [lotus

chair] she fell down at his lotus feet in a mood of sorrow and griefness.

Tears were following down from her eyes. She started praying to the Lord, O'

ocean of mercy! I came to you being rejected and blasphemed by the peoples

of the world. Please protect me where is your mercifulness. Why you are so

indifferent to wards me, saying these words the extra month started crying

in front of the Lord Visnu and sat down in a sorrowful mood. Seeing the

humble position of the extra month. Lord visnu became very merciful towards

her. Lord told her do not Lament I shall give you protection from all of

your miseries. It is not proper to lament after taking shelter at my lotus



Narayan risi continued being consoled by the Lord the extra month started

speaking in a flattering language O' Lord you knew all of my painful

conditions. No one is more miserable situation in this three world than me.


First of all other months, years, days, night, movements etc. being

protested by you always moving fearlessly in a charming mood . But I {extra

month} don't have any name any protector or any husband who could give me

shelter. All the demigods, human beings have rejected me for any auspicious

activities. For this reason O' Lord I want to die immediately.


O' Narada the extra month became peaceful after being repeatedly telling I

want to die I want to die, I want to die. She fainted in front of the Lord.


Being insisted by the Lord Visnu, Garuda started fanning the extra month.

After sometimes the extra month got up and started to speak again O' Lord of

the universe I am in your shelter so please protect me.


Lord Visnu told to extra month O child don't lament all of your miserable

conditions are going to be finish very soon. Get up and come with me to

Goloka Vrindavan which i seven unattainable to great Yogies. Goloka is the

abode of Lord Sri Krishna. Where Lord Sri Krishna in his two handed form

surrounded by gopies enjoying His eternal pastimes.


At Golaka the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna will deliver your miseries, please

come with Me. Speaking like this Lord Hari took Malamasa or extramonth to

Goloka by holding her hand.


>From a distant place Lord Hari along with extra month have observed the

affulgence of Golaka. By this effulgence eyes wiere automaticaly kbecame

closed, so by keeping the extramonth behind him Lord Hari proceeded farther

and reached the main gate. The door keeper pays respect to the Lord Hari.

After reaching the supreme abode Lord Hari met supreme FLord Sri Krishna who

was surrounded by many gopies. Lord Hari who is the husband of Ramadevi paid

his obeisances to Lord Sri Kirshna. After all Lord Hari made the extra month

to fell down at the lotys feet of Lord Sri Krishna. She was crying loudly.

So Lord Sri Krishna asked who is this crying one why she is crying even at

Golaka vrindavan. By listening these words of Lord Sri Krishna, Lord visnu

got up from his sit and started explaining the whole measerable conditions

of the extramonth, please protect this unprotected one. There is no one

except you {Lord Krishna} to save[the extramonth] her from this measerable

condition and give her ful protection. By saying these words Lord Visnu

remain standing infront of Lord Krishna in folded hands.


Thus Suta Goswami continued to speak, O' sages ! when Lord Visnu after

explaining all the measerable conditions of extramonth took his sit , Lord

Sri Krishna spoke very confidencial, words to him, which I am going to

explain all of you.


Lord Purusssottam Sri Krishna told - O' Visnu you have done very nicely by

bringing this extra month to me. You will become very famous for this act.

To whom you have accepted . I am also accepting. I shall make this extra

month same like me . In quality, fame, oppulance, realization, success,

giving benediction to devotees. This month will be equally potent like me. I

am bestwoing all of my quality in this month. Like me this month will be

famous as Purussottom month in the world.


O' Janardan please you have bestwoed all of my qualities to this purusottam

month. Now I myself become the husband and protector of this Purussottam

month. Being equal me this month Purusottam will be the master of all other

months. Now this month becomes worshipable by all others, every one shoud

pay their obeisances to her, everyone should worship her. This month is

equally powerful like me to give any type of benedictions to its observer. I

am making this month desire free unlike other months who were full of some

desire. The worshiper of this month will be able to burnt all his past

sinful reactions after enjoing a blissful material life he will return back

to Godhead.


O' Garudadhwaja" Lord Sri Krishna continued. My abode Golake is unattainable

to the performers of austerities, Mahatams or great souls who are engaged in

pious activities, to a person who maintain celebacy or who fasts for whole

life not eating any thing. But just obeserving the Purussottam month and

becoming a devotee one can easily cross over this material ocean and return

back to Godhead. So this Purusottam month is best of all other austerities.

Just like a farmer produced a rich harvest [corn] after throwing the seeds

in a nicely cultivated land so an inttelligent man who observes his

devotional service towards the supreme Lord in this Purusottam month will

enjoy a blissful material life in this world and after leaving his body he

will retrun back to godhead.


An unfortuanate ignorant man who does not perofrm any Japa, does not give

any charity, does not pay respect to Lord Sri Krishna and his devotees, does

not behave properly to Brahmains makes enmity with others and who blasphemes

the Purrusottam month will go to hell for unlimited period . Lord Sri

Krishna continued How can a person make his life successful unless he

performs devotinal service in this purusottam month? A person who is fully

engaged in sense gratification and does not give any special importance, to

this Purussottam month becomes the best candidate for hell. So all the

human beings should perform some devotional service in this purussottam

month by taking a holy bath, worshiping Me Sri Krishna by chanting My holy

name , above all giving some charities. A fortunate person who follow my

instructions and observes this Purussottam month properly. In a faithful way

worships me Sri Krishna will attain fame, oppulence and nice son in this

life. after enjoying a happy life at the end he will be return back to

golake Dham. So following my instruction s every one should worship this

Purussottam month.j I am make this month abest among all other months. So O'

husband of rama devi give up all kinds of mental speculatins about

extramonth. Now you please take this Purusottam month to your abode

Vaikyntha' with You.


Aftter narrating this history of Puruasottam month, Lordd Sri Krishna Looked

in a merciful way to Yudhisthir and Draupadi. Than he started speaking to



O' Lion among man now you could understand the reason why you pandavs one

suffering. Because you could not recognize the presence of Purusottam month

which have recently been passed away. The month which was most dear to

Vrindavan chandra have passed away, but you pandavs being in forest didnot

worship Purusottam month. So now you are suffering because of your Prarabdha

Krama. You have been following only some of he retualistic priciples given

by Vyasadev to you. But ynless you worship the Purusottam month you can not

able to perform pure devtional service to me.


Lord Sri Kirshna continued, now I am going to narrate a famous historial

event connecting the previous birth of Draupadi. In her previous birth

Draupadi ws the daughter of great brahmin sage Medhavi. Her mothe ws died

when she was a small child. So she ws under the care of her father. Day by

day she become grown up and attain her young age. She was very beautiful but

her father was not much interested about her marraige seing her other

girlfriends with their husbands and children she passed her days in very

mesearable way. In the mean time her father Medhave risi also passed awa

from this material world uttering the name of Hari.


So the daughter of fMedhavi risi now have pssed her days in most measerable

way. Fortunately one day the Great sage Durbasha appered in her asram.

seeing the great sage the girl paid her obeissances to him and worship him.


She has offered flowers and fruits to the great sage. When the great sage

became very pleased towards her, she started lamenting and crying before

him.Than the sage enquired about her almentation. The brahmain girl started

speaking O' saint Durbasha you know everything about past, present and

future. I have no shelter in this world. I have lost all of my relatives. My

parents were passed away I have no brother also being unmarried there in no

husband of mine to protect me. So O' great sage please do some thing for me

please find some way and give me some advice which could releave me from

this mesearabvle conditions. After listening her prayer, Durbasha started to

think over the measurable condition of the girl. Then he decided to show

some mercy towards her.


Durbaha risi started speaking O' beautiful one from now after three month

the most auspicious month Purusottam is cming. this Purussottam month is

most dear to Lord Sri krishna. By just taking a holy bath in this month a

man or woman become completely sinless. This Purusottam month is even mor

glorious than all other months including Kartik month. The glories of all

other months is even not equal to one sixteenth part of the glories of

Purussottam nonth. The merit of a person who takes even once a holy bath in

this month is wqual to the merit of taking bayth in ganges for tweleve

thousand years, or merit achieved by a person who takes a bath in holy water

of Ganges or Godavari when Vrihaspati [jupiter] enters to Leo [lion]. So if

you will take bath, give charity and chant the holy name of Visny in this

month all your measiries would go away, you will attain all kinds of

perfection, all of your desires also get fullfillled. So followeing my

advice please donot forget to worship the forth coming Purusottam month.


After speaking these words sage Durbasha remain silent. Unfortunately the

Brahmin girl didnot beleave in the words of Durbasha, rather she got angry

and started speaking O' great sage you are speaking lie. How could be this

extramonth which is also called MalaMasa [stool month] is superior to other

great months like Magha, kartika and Vaisakha. I am not going to beleive you

.. You are trying to cheat me. This extra month is most abominable for any

kinds of pious activity. By listening these words of the brahnin girl

Durbasha became very angry, his whole body was started burning, his eyes

were became red. But thinking about the helpless condition of the girl he

cooled down again.


Durbasha told the girl O' unfortunate one , I am not going to curse you

because your father was a good friend of mine. Now you are in helpless

condition. Being an ignorant child you could not understand the shastric

conlusions. I am not going to take your offences towards me. But at the same

time I should not tolerate your offences towards the Purusottam month. In

your next life you will be certainly get its results. Speaking these words

grreat sage Durbasha left that place for the service of Lord Narayan.


Lord Sri Krishna told to Arjuna O' sinless one when Durbasha left that place

the brahmin girl [Draupadi in her previous birth] lost all of her oppulences

in that very movement. Being a offender to Purussottam month her body

started looks very ugly, she lost all of her bodily shining etc. Then she

decided I shall worship Lord Shiva who is known as Ashutosha, who get pleasd

very soon.


So thinking in this way the brahmin girl started perform great austerities

to please Lord Shiva the husband of Parvati. The brahmin girl continued her

austerities for nine thousand years. In summer season she should sit in a

place for meditation puting fire around hershelf under the hot sun, In

winter season she meditated under cool water.


Observing her great austerities even demigods became fearful. Considering

all the situations Lord Shankara appeared to the brahmin girl being pleased

in her worship and austerrities. When Lord Shiva appeared infront of the

brahimngirl in his spiritual form,the girl immediatedly stoodup, as if she

got a new life. In the presence of Lord Shiva all of her bodily weaknesses

have gone, she again started to look beautiful. Seeing Lord Shiva infront of

her, she started worship him in her mind, then she started to recite nice

prayers to please Him.


Being pleased with the girl Lord Shiva said O' performer of austerity all

good fortune to you. Now please ask some boon from me. I am pleased with

you. I shall grant what ever you want. Listening these words form the mouth

of Lord Shiva the girl speaks out O' friend of the poor if you are pleased

with me than please "give me husband". Repeatedly speaking the same thing

give me husband for five times the girl remain silent. Than Lord Shiva told

let it be happened what you have asked for husband five times, so you will

get five husbands. Listening Lord Shiva's wards the girl was ashamed. She

told O' Lord this is most abominable for a girl to have five husbands.

Please return your words. Lord Shiva told her it is impossible for me. What

even you have asked from me it will happen. But you will get five husbands

in your next life. Lord Shiva again reminded the girl that she has been

offended to Purussotam month previously by not follwing the words of sage

Durvasa. Lord Shiva continued O' brahmin girl, there is no difference

between the body of Durvasa and mine [Lord Shiva]. We all the demigods

including lord Brahma and all the great saints like Narada worships this

Purussottam month following the order of Lord Sri Krishna. A devottee of

Purussottam month achieves all good fortune in this life and at the end of

his life he return back to the Golake, the abode of Lord Sri Krishna. Being

an offender to Purussottam month you wil get five husbands in your next

life. So the girl became very sad. Lord Shiva immediately disappeared from

that place.


After Lord Shiva left that place, the brahimn girl became very murose and

fearful about her future life. In this way after fewdays this girl also left

her body being subjected to the uncontrolable time. Lord Sri Krishna told,

O' Arjuna; inthe mean time the great king Draupada have been peerforming

some sacrifice.


>From the sacrificial fire this brhmingirl has took her birth or appeared as

the daughter of Maharaj Draupada. O' Arjuna the same daughter of Medhave

risi is now became famous in the word as Draupadi who is non other than your

present wife. Being blasfamed the Purussottam month in her previous life she

has been insulted by Dushasana in front of the whole kurvas assembly in

which all of you pandavas brothers were present. Fortunately she remembered

Me [sri Krishna] and took My shelter. So for giving her offences I have

protected her form most abominable condition.,and saved her from the hand of

Dushasana. So O' pandavas brothers Lord Sri Krishna continued; donn't forget

again to worship the forth comming Purussottam month. A person who

blasfames Purussottam month and don't not worship her, and don't worship[

Krishna ] Me will never attain a good fortune. this Purussottam month is

fully potent to full fill all your desires and remove your all shorts of

mesearies. Now forteen years of yur forest life has going to be passeed

away. So plese worship this Purussottam month sincerely which will bestow

you all good gortune. Giving full consolation to the pandavas, Lord Sri

Krishna left that place for Dwaraka.


After few days when Purussottam month appeared, Maharaj Yudhisther have

reminded the words of Lord Sri Krishna to his younger brothers and wife

Draupadi. All of tham followed the instructions given to them by Lord Sri

Krishna. They perform their worship to Purusottam Sri Krishna in verious

ways in the Purussottam month. By the merit they have achieved performing

Purssottam vrata or worshiping the Purussottam month the pandavas have

returned back their lost kindom, after enjoying a blissful happy life they

all return back to Godhead in the grace fo Lord Sri Krishna.


Suta Goswami told to the sages of Naimishraniya O' sages' now I am going to

explain to you another famous history of Maharaj Hadadhanwa of sun dynesty

in this connection of glorifying Purussottam month. Long long age there was

a religious king named Citradhanwa, who was the ruller of Haihaya state. He

had a very qualified son named Hadadhanwa. Hadadhanwa was famous alover the

world because of his good qualities like truthfullness and following the

religious principles strictly. In and early age Hadadhanwa became a learned

scholer by pleasing his Guru. He studied all the Vedas including Angas and

Upanisads. After pleasing his Guru and paying him Dakhina Hadadhanwa

retruned back to his father's palace. His father Citradhanwa became very

old. So he decided to go to forest and take renounced order of life to

please Sri Hari. Now Hadadhanwa became the king of Haihaya state. In due

time Hadadhanwa achieved a beautiful daughter named Guna sundari, he had

four other famous sons namd chitrabak, chitrabha, Maniman and



Lord Narayan continued, once this Hadadhanwa started thinking in his mind

how I have achieved all such material oppulences. In influence of which

pious activities I have achieved a undisturbed kingdom, beautiful queen,

deautiful sons and daughter etc. He thought I have not done anything in this

present life, may I have done some pious activities in my previous life.

Thinking inthis way, in the next day the king went to the forest by riding

his horse along with his army to perform hunting animals. In this forest one

deer being attacked by the arrow of the kings bow run towards the other

forest. The king also follwed the deer.


After follwing a long way behind the deer, the king became very tired and

felt thursty. So he started wondering for water. In a little distance he saw

a beautiful pond full of clean sweet water. So he get down from the horse's

back and tied the horse in the near by banayan tree. After drinking water he

took some rest under than banayan treee. when the king was relaxing himself

a beautiful parrot who ws siting on that tree started to speak some thing

towards him. The parrot started reciting a verse again and again which meant

as follwos:


"O' by obeserving your material oppulences you are not considering about the

real achievementt of human life. So how can you cross the material ocean,

the cycle of birth and death".


After listening these words from the mouth of the parrot again and again,

the king Hadadhanwa considered the advice seriously. So he started thinking

this parrot may be the great sage Sukadev Goswami himself who being

compassinate towards me advicing how to delever from this material ocean. In

the mean time his army reached that place. The parrot also disspeared after

giving instructions to the king. So after reaching his palace king strarted

to think over it.


When king Hadadhanwa was thinking seriously about the words of the parrot,

the great sage Valmiki cme to his palace. the king immedately got up from

his sit and paid his obeisances to the great sage. Valmiki asked O' king why

you are looks somorose, please tell me every thing about your sadnesss, I

shall try my best to solve your problems. Getting some consolation from the

sage king Hadadhanwa have explained about the verse spoken by the parrot

inthe forest to him. After listening to the king, the great sage Valmiki

told O' king in your previous life you were born in a brhmin family , at the

bamk of sriver Tambraparn inthe state fo Dravida. Your good name was sudeva.

You were a religious, truthfull and selfsatisfied brahmn. Your wife was

named as Gautami the daughter of Gautam risi. when you were in grishastha

asram you were following all the religious principles, but inspite of all

these merits you did not have any child. So one day u have expressed your

fillings to your wife explaining all of your measerable conditions. You told

her O' beloved one, our human birth is fruitless because we don't have a son

who is going t delever us form the hell named after put; so I am dicided to

die immediately. By listening your words your wife has adviced you to

worship Lord Jaggannath.


She told you O' dear husband don't speak like this. You are a Vaishnava, so

you should have more patient to deal all these situations. If you desire a

son, than you worship Lord jaggannath and ask him for a son as benidictin.

Followng her advice you have performed great austeities at the bank of river

Tambrapani for four thousand years. Even the demigods became fearful seening

your austerities. So seeing your strong faith and devotion Lord Hari

appeared before you riding his carrier Garuda. By seeing the Lord in his

four handed form who rulled over the three worlds, you became very happy and

paid your full obeisances at his Lotus feet.


The great sage Valmiki continued, O' king in this way after offering his

prayers sudev brahmin sat down on the floor in front of Lord Hari. After

listening his prayer, Lord hari spoke O' sudev, you have done great

austerities to satisfy me. Now I am satisfied. please ask some boons what

ever you want. Sudev brahmin told, O' Lord if you are pleased upon me than

please give me a qualified son. Listening the brahmins words Lord Hari told

him O' sudev by reading your fore head, I came to understand that because

of your Prarabdha karma you are supposed not to have a son for next seven

births. So ask for some other boons. Hearing Lord Hari the brahmin sudev

immediately became senseless. He fell down on the ground unconciously like a

dry tree. Seeing the conditin of her husband, Gautami, the wife of sudev

also started crying loudly. After observing the most measurable conditions

of the brahmin couple Garuda, the carrier of lord Visnu became sumpathetic.

So he also rquested Lord Hari to grant them a son. Hearing Garuda's request

Lord hari empowered him to give the boon to the brahmn couple. So Gauruda

started faning to the fainted brahmin sudev. Than Garuda told to the brahmin

couple O' fortunate one, following the order of my master Lord Hari, I am

giving a boon to you, that you will get a son vry soon, as qualified as



The sage Valmiki continued , inthis way after giving the boon Lord Hari

dissapeared form that place with his carrier Gaurda. After sometines have

passed Gautami gae birth to a son named Sukadev. from his very childhood

liffe sukadev has exhibit his wanderful good qualities y satisfying all of

his supiriours, parents, friends and guru. Once the great sage Devala who

was shining like a sun, came to their plae . The sudev brahminand his wife

prayed him and gave him a nice sit for sitdown. Their son sudadev also paid

his obeisances to the great sage.


After looking the face fo sukadev, Dabala risi became happy. But suddeny he

became grave. He spoke to the brahmin couple. This child Sukadev has all the

good qualities fo a greaat person, but there is one disqualification for

which al of his qualities are going to be fruitless. This boy have to leave

his body at the age of twelve by sinking inthe water. Than the sage left

that place. The brahmin couple again became unhappy. But remembering the al

mirciful Lord Visnu, they again started to continue in their day today life.


One day their son sukadev was taking a bath in a nearby tank with his other

friends. Following the unavoidable providence [time factor] the boy went to

the deep water, get sinked and died. The freinds fo sukadev had informed his

parents about death of their beloved son. So devine couple again became

morose. They started crying very loudly, in this way they came to the bank

of that tank and saw the dead body of their son. they both started kissing

the dead body of their son and lamented. Sudev took the dead body of his son

to his lap and started crying, O' son get up we are waiting for you. Unless

you get up and talk to us we both of your parants also give up our life

hear. We should not go to our house back. Speaking in this way the brahmin

started chanting the holyname of Lord hari.


When the brhmin couple were lamenting and chanting constanly the holyname of

the Lord Visnu, and untimely rain cme along with a heay thundering wind. The

whole world became filled with water, but the brahmin couple could noth know

any thing because of sthgeir lamentation ofor their son. Their heart were

burnt with the fire of separation from their son. So they werre engaged

constantly chanting the holy name of the lord Visnu. In this way the whole

month have passed away., This month was Purusottam month. So unknowingly the

brahmin couple have worshiped the Purusottam noth, the month of fLord Sri

Krishna . Being pleasd by their austerities, Lord Sri Krishna appeared

before them, when the fLord appeared the rain immeditely stoped.Seeing the

fLord the brahmin couple immediately paid thgeir ful oveissances keeping

their son side. Lord Sri Krishna became bery very pleased because they have

worshiped the FPurussottma month [unknowingly].The Lord told O' fortunate

sudev, your son Dudadev wil libve with you for twelbe thousand years inthis

material world to give you all plesure and at the end you both of the

bramhin couples wil return back to me [Golaka].


As soon as Lord Sri Krishna, the supreme Personality of godhead have

finished his words their son got up just like, he was sleeping for a long

time. Seeing their son have got back to his life the brahmin couple became

extrmely happy. In the mean time the demigods started flowring from the

heaven. So Sukdev [the parrot ] paid his obeissances to his parants and Lod

Sri Hari. Garuda the carrier of the Lord also became vry happy seeeing the

brahim couple with their son. But all these incidents seems very wounderful

to sudev brahmin. So he asked Lord Sri Krishna the reason behind they got

back their son to life again.


Lord Sri Krishna who is controled by His devotees, thus spoke to sudev

brahmin, O' fortunate one, did you not know the reason why I got pleased

from you? You both husband and wife have observed fasting and worshiped

Purusottam month which is most dear to me. When both of you were lamenting

for your son by obserbing ful fasting also chanting my holy name, that time

the holy P{urusottam month was conutinued. So you were worshiped me in

FPurusottam month, which has pleased me very much.


Once Lord Brahma was measuring the value of Purussottam month with all other

pious austerities and religious activied mentioned in vedas . But the value

of Purusottam month remained more valuable than all types of vedic

religious, pious activities.


Thus Lord Sri Krishna continued any human being who would observe my

Purusottam month remain as the most fortunate one in three worlds, at the

end of his life he would return back to my abode Goloka. Saying these words

the supreme lord left that place for Goloka riding his carrier Garuda.

thus sage Valmiki told to king Hadadhanwa, O' king, what you have asked, now

you got your answer. The parrot who advised you in forest was the Sukadev

your son, in your previous life. Sukadev have achieved perfection of his

life due to Lord's mercy, he was filling some sympathy for you [Hadadhanwa]

his father in previous life. Seeing you were passing a materialistic way of

life, he has reminded you about your duty to worship the supreme Lord Sri

Krishna. So O' king now worship Lord Hari in forth coming Purusotam month,

by merit of which you would return back to godhead.


Thus king hadadhanwa continued to ask sage Valmiki about Purusottam month.

He asked O' sage please tell me how can one observe this most fortunate

Purusottam month which is most dear to Lord Sri Krishna? Who is the worship

able Lord for this month? What are the processes to worship this month and

observe austerities? Please tell me all these secrets.


The great sage Valmiki replied. O' king one should get up early in the

morning [in Brahma muhirta] thinking about the supreme Lord hari who is also

known as supreme param brahman. Than he should finish his morning duties,

taking bath, doing pranayam and offering prayers to the supreme Lord Sri

Krishna. lord Sri Krishna with his consort Sri Radhika are the worshipable

deities for this Purusottam month. one should continuously chat gayatri

until sun rises in the east. Than one should pay his obeisance and offer

[Arghya] water, flower etc. to sun god, who is also known as surya narayan.

After finishing all of these morning duties one should start worshiping Lord



A worshiper of Purusottam month should take a vow to remain truth full, not

to speak any lie or engaged in any violent activities. he should remain very

peaceful. One should collect some fresh cowdungs and with the mixing of some

water with it, he should purify certain area which should be like a circle.

Within that purified circled area, one should draw a eight petaled lotus

flower with the help of some rice powder. Then one should place a new pot

full of holy water collected from different holy rivers or one can call all

the different tirthas or river to enter that pot of water. The water pot may

be made of gold, silver, copper or a earthen pot according to the worshipers

ability to present it.


After placing the holy water pot properly one should call O' river ganges,

godavari, kaveri, saraswati, jamuna, etc. Please enter to this holy pot and

also make me purify by purifying my body and mind". Then one should worship

that water pot with the help of sandal wood pulp, different other sainted

things, flowers etc. One should place a copper plate covered with a new

yellow cloth upon that water pot. Then one should place deities of Sri Radha

Krishna upon that pot. After placing the deities properly, one should start

worshiping them with faith and devotion.


The great sage Valmiki continued to speak again one should purify the

deities in a fire sacrifice and establish them with a new life through vedic

process, other wise the deities made of metal would remain a lump of metal

only. A brahmin who is qualified with vedic knowledge should perform these

activities. First of all he should chant Purusa sukta stating from Om Tad

Vishnur Param Padam etc. "followed by vijay mantra of Purusottam. By placing

his thumb on his heart he should chant all these mantras to establish the

deities with life. He should take a vow that I shall live for r this deity

or die for this deity. He should chant many other mantras prescribed in

Yajurveda adding Swaha at the end of each mantra. So in this way by placing

life into the deities one should meditate upon Lord Purusottam, Sri Krishna.

Then he should speak like this:


O' Purusottam ! I am offering this noble sit to Sri Sri Radha Krishna. The

holy water brought by me from different holy rivers including ganges etc is

quite appreciable and use full to be touch and use. So O' Lord please accept

this water for washing your feet. Saying like this one should offer Padya.

Then one should offer achaman to the deities. Again one should bathed the

deities with Panchamrita. Again giving achaman, to fulfill one's desires and

to attain perfection one should offer new yellow silken clothes to the

deities. Then he should pray O' Purusottam Please save me from this

nescience of cycle of birth and death."


One should offer brahmanical threads with the new cloth also. Than he should

again chant O' Lord! please accept these sainted sandal wood pulp which is

prepared by me in careful way. Then he should offer sandalwood pulp to

different parts of the bodies of the deities. He should pray O' Purusottam

please accept these unbroken flowers carefully collected by me. Than he

should offer flowers to the deities. He should worship the different parts

of bodies of the Lord by chanting the mantras consist of twenty four

different names of Lord Visnu starting from Keshavay namah. In this way one

should worship Lord Purusottam properly.


The king Hadadhanwa enquired O' sage! what should be the prescribed foods

for a performer O Purusottam vrata? What one should not eat in this month ?

Please explain every thing very clearly.


Sage Valmiki told O' king! Listen I am now explaining everything to you in

very briefly. In a purified consciousness one should collect, wheat, rice,

sugar candy, sasmi seeds, ginger, green leafs, banana, cucumber, rock salt,

butter, ghee, curd, mango, potato etc, and should cook them without oil .

One should prepare his food with the help of ghee if necessary. One should

not eat meat, fish etc, or any kinds of non vegetarian things . One should

not use mustard or mustard oil or any kinds of intoxicate things in his

daily use.


One should prepare one's food in a purified way in a pure consciousness one

should not cook his food in a iron pot. One should not speak any nonsense or

think any nonsense while preparing prasadam. One should avoid any types of

contaminated food prepared in a contaminated wrong way. In Purusottam month

one should not blaspheme the demigods, veda or any literature pursuance

with the vedic version, brahmins, spiritual master, cows, person [men or

women] who performs Purusottam vrata, the king and all kinds of saintly

peoples . One should try his best to please Lord Visnu by performing various

austerities in best of his abilities. Sage Valmiki again told a worshiper of

Purusottam month should follow the above rules and regulations in the month

of kartik and Magha month as well, other wise he could not get the full

benefit from performing his Purusottam varta. If possible one can worship

Purusottam month by observing a full fast from food through out the month.

If he could not observe full fast he could live by drinking ghee or drinking

some milk which he should collect by begging. If he could not do this he can

simple eat some fruits. An intelligent person should take a vow according to

his capacity to observe and follow it . One should not break his vow in the

middle. If one worship Lord in his Saligram form giving offering one lekh

tulsi leaves, than he achieved an unlmitted merit and success which even

Lord Brahma could not described .


If one worships Purusottam month in this way,than he could achieve more

glories than performing one hundred horse sacrifices. The performer of vedic

karmaknada yanjnya is achieved sworga loka, but worshiper of Purusottam

achieving goloka dhama. all the holy places of the world came to live in the

body of a man who performs Purusottam varta.


King Hadadhanwa asked O' great sage! what are the benefits one achieve by

offering a lamp to Lord Purusottam in this month? The great sage Valmiki

thus started speaking gladly, there was king named citrbqhu who ruled over

the kingdom bhagyanagar. he was a great devotee of Krishna having all the

good qualities like truth fullness, nonviolent forgiveness, behavior helper

to poor, worshiper of saintly peoples and Brahmins, and knower of all the

religious principles mentioned in shastra. Once He great sage Agastya came

to his palace. Seeing the great Rsi , the king paid his obeisance form a

distant place. When the sage came near by he gave him a nice place to sit

down. Than he worshiped him when the great sage was pleased the king spoke,

today my life became successful that a great devotee of Krishna enter my

palace. He tried his best to please the sage. The king then started to ask

Agastya muni about his past life. The king told O' sage in my present life I

am enjoying such a undisturbed kingdom, I have a beautiful chaste wife, nice

sons and daughters. So what pious activities I have been done in my past

life in reult of which I am enjouing somuch in my present life. Agastyamuni

told O' gortunate one please listen to me I am now going to explain you

about your past life.


IN your previous life your name was Manigriba. You were a most cruel,

non-belivever of God and a person having a very bad character. But your wife

(who is your present wife also) was a very pious and religiouy lady. She was

very chaste and beautiful, always engaged to pelase you. Due to your bad

character and cruel behaviour no one was liking you in the society. Every

one cut down their relations with you. Even the king of your country also

took away (snatched away) everything from you including your wealth and

property. In this way being kicked out from the society you have started to

stay in the forest with your chaste wife. Once when you were going to

collect some food and meat carrying your bow in your soulder, you have found

in the way a man fell down unconscious on the forest road. His name was Sage



By seeing the brahmin sage Ugradev in an unconsciouys helpless condition

some mercy arose in your heart. Sage Ugradeva was in his way to Prayag

tirtha. Due to fasting and unbearable hot sun he fell down unconsciouys on

the forest road. So after bringing him to your small cottage you both

husband and wife started to serve him by fanning him, giving some water to

drink and throwing some water on his forehead. After a little time the sage

came back to hs consciouysness. He was looking around with wonder. Then you

have described everything about his previous situation and how you have

brought him to your cottage. After that you have offered some fresh water to

the sage. He was very pleased and asked about your bad living condition. The

sage Ugradeva tgold you "O Manigriva why you are suffering so much in the

forest, please tell me everything about your past situations, so that I can

find some way for your good fortune in the future." After explaining your

life, you have asked him to find some solution to your miseries.


Ugradeva told "O great soul you will definitely become famous in this world

because you have served me so well as your guest. So to eradicate your

previous sinful reactions I am now going to explain you the most simple and

easy way by following which you will attain all good fortune."


The sage told "after three months Purusottama month is coming. So in order

to please the Supreme Lord Purusottama, you should offer regularly everyday

a lamp to the Lord. By doing this your misfortune due to your poor condition

will vanish its roots. The best way to offer a lamp is to offer a gheelamp,

but because you are living in the forest so you can offer a lamp with oil of

sesamiseeds. When you will get some wealth then you must offer a gheelamp."

Speaking in this way, sage Ugradeva left that place for prayag chanting the

holyname of Sri Krishna.


Following the order of sage Ugradeva, Manigriva and his wife were offering a

oil lamp to Purusottama regularly throughout the month. After some time the

couple left their bodies and attaiend Swarga loka due to their merit of

offering a lamp to Lord Purusottama. After enjoying many years in the

heavenly planet, the same couple came back again in this material world and

achieved a very glorious position in society as King Citrabahu and his wife.

So Agastya muni told to King Citrabahu, "O king, I have explained to you

about your previous life, such was the glories of simply offering a oil lamp

to Lord Purusottama in the month of Purusottama. A man who offers a gheelamp

to the Lord gets unlimited merit. "O king, there is no doubt about such

greatt merits achieved simply by offering a lamp to the Lord.


Thus the great sage Valmiki said, in this way after explaining the previous

life of King Chitrabahu, and being worshiped by him, Agastya muni became

very pleased and blessed him with some boons and left that place.


King Hadadhanva asked sage VAlmiki, "O brahmin, O saintly one please tell me

how to conclude (Udyapan) breaking Purusottama vrata (worship)? Which rules

and regulations one should follow? Which are the special days to finish

one's vow of worship tto Lord Sri Krishna in Purusottama month. The great

sage replied : In Purusottama month, one can break his worship and vows on

the foruteenth day, ninth day or on the eighth day of the dark fortnight.

Early in the morning one should leave his bed. After performing his morning

duties one should invite thirty qualified Brahmins and give them charity

according to one's ability. If not possible to invite thirty brahmins, one

should invite five or seven brahmins according to his capacity. In mid-day

one should purify certain area with cowdung and water. Then he should draw a

round cirle witht he help of rice powder. He should bring four new pots and

palce them in four directions, placing one coconut upon each of them. The

pots should be filled with water before all this. One should establish Lord

VAsudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna, and Aniruddha above each pot serially. Then

he should invite four qualified brahmins to sit inside the circle and chant

the holy name of Krishna. By presenting new clothes, two for each brahmin,

for wearing one and putting the other on the head, he should welcome them

for chanting the holy name. He should also present them one ring made of

some metals to wear in their fingers. To purify himself one should perfomr

all the purifying processes according to Shastra. When the invited brahmins

would engage in their chantin, one should start his worship to Lord

Purusottama with his wife. He should engage the brahmins to chant the names

of Chaturbhuja, (Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha) separately

in four corners of the circle. Four differnt lamps should be offered in four

directions. Then one should offer Arghya (oblations).While performing

worship by giving Arghya, one should chant the following mantra :


" O Supreme Lord ! O Sanatana, O Purusottama, O hari, I am paying my

obeisances unto you. Please accept my offerings along with Sri Radhika. I am

paying my obeisances unto Lord Shyamasundar, along with Radhika, whose

bodily colour is like dark hue cloud, who wers an effulgent yellow garments

on His body." In this way one should pay his obeisances to Lord Purusottama.

Again, he should offer (puspanjali) flowers to Sri Radha Krishna. Then he

should pay his full obeisances to the Lord along with his wife. Then he

should give some charity to the invited brahmin, give a pot full of gold and

other dakshinas according to his ability. Then he should offer new clothes

and other pleasing presentations to the brahmins to please them in the best

of his ability. He should offer some new clothes and ornaments in the name

of Lord Siva and goddess Parvati. He should offer two pairs of new shoes to



The best of all kinds of charities is to present a book of Srimad Bhagavatam

to a qualified brahmin. By presenting Srimad Bhagavatam which is the

literary incarnation of the Lord Purusottama to a Vaisnava devotee of the

Lord. One can deliver his forefathers on ancestors beginning from one crore

of their life time succession. his forefathrs attain Goloka dham and enjoy

their life with Lord Purusottama.


After performing the above concluding ceremonies and worship, one could

break his vows and worship. Sage Valmiki said, now I am explaining some

special ways, how to avoid reactions of other offences commited during the

Purusottama month. He should feed some qualified Brahmins and present them

some gold to nullify his reactions at the end of the Purusottama month. If

some one has taken his meal in Amavasya day he should present cows along

with other dakshina (charity) to qualified brahmins. One who has not taken

his bath properly in holy water, he should present some milk and curd to

brahmins. If some one eats fruits, oil or ghee during Purusottama month then

he should give in charity to brahmins at the end of Purusottama month. If

someone eats rice and wheat, he should give charity at the end of the month.

If some one sleeps on the floor during Purusottama month, he should break

his vow by presenting a nice bed along with a pillow to a brahmin in



A person who eating on leafplates during Purusottama month, one should feed

some brahmins wiht ghee and sugar. Who did not cut his nails and hair during

Purusottama month, he should give mirror in charity to a brahmin. One who

has offered lamps throughout the month, he should give some new laps and new

pots in charity to brahmins. A person who breaks any other rules during the

Purusottama month should feed the brahmins with different kinds of sweet

juice. Thus any one who observes Purusottam month in a faithful and

devotionl way will attain Goloka at the end of his life.


So after narrating everything about Purusottama month, sage Valmiki told to

King Hadadhanva, "O King, now I am going to the river Sarayu to take a bath.

Speaking like this he was about to leave that place, then the king

worshipped him in a very submissive way to please the sage. After blessing

the king for good fortune sage Valmiki left that place for Sarayu. When sage

Valmiki left that place, the king along with his queen left his kingdom and

started to live in a simple and peaceful way in the forest. When the sacred

month Purusottam appeared both husband and wife performed their worship

exactly they heard the process of worship from sage Valmiki. At the end of

Purusottam month an cilestial aeroplane came to them, riding which king

Hadadhanwa and his queen reached Golaka.


So Lord Narayana told to Narada! O' Narada, in this world there is nothing

in equal to Purusottam month. The result or merit one get's after performing

seviour austerities for one thousand birth could not be even comparable to

the merit of worshiping Purusottam month. As there is a nice historical

story in this connectin, a monkey who was delivered from this material ocean

and attain Golaka simply by taking holy bath for three days, - night in

Purusottam month. The sins of his previous one crore of life time were



Listening these words the sages of naimisyaaranya asked to Suta Goswami, o

great sage please explain us in detail about this monkey's past life. Who

was that monkey? How and which place he took his bath during Purusottam

month? What was he eating during the month? What results he got due to

worshiping Purusottam month unknowingly?


In the province of Kerala, Lord Narayana said, there was a greedy brahmin.

His name was Citra Sharma, but due to his greedy and cruel nature, the

people were calling him as Kadarya (greedy). Being kicked out from the

village, he went to the forest. There he met a nice friend, who was a

gardener. He started to live with this gardener friend. After sometimes that

gardener went to visit some sacred places. So he told to Kadarya to look

after the fruit garden. The gardener was a simple person, so he left

everything under the care of Kadrya. When the gardener left, kadarya started

eating the best fruits in the garden for himself ina greedy way. When the

gardener returned and asked him about the situation of the garden, Kadarya

told him that the monkeys and birds have destroyed all the best fruits.


In this way Kadarya had cheated the gardener friend. After sometime Kadarya

brahmin died. He was bound to accept the body of a monkey due to his

previous sinful activities and cheating his gardener friend.


Though Kadarya was the most sinful person, he had also achieved some merits

in his previous life by seeing a Udyapan (concluding) ceremony of

Purusottama month when one Vaisya merchant was worshiping Purusottama month.

He also worshiped Purusottama month due to his greediness to aquire some

wealth from the Vaisya merchant. Due to these merits, Kadarya in his body of

a monkey had taken his birht in a holy place on the bank of a sacred lake

known as Mriga tirtha. That Mriga tirth was a very beautiful place. The

trees were full of fruits and flowers. The water in the lake was very sweet

and cool, and very useful for health. That place was so beautiful and pious

due to the boon of Lord Ramachandra, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

After conquering Lanka, he became pleased with the monkey fighters (army).

Being pleased with his monkey army, the Lord had given this sacred place to

them for their enjoyment.


>From the beginning of his birth Kadarya, the monkey was suffering from

various pitta diseases. Therefore blood was always coming out from his

mouth. He could not eat anything. But due to his nature he was jumping from

one tree to another and picking up some fruits and throwing them down. In

the meantime Purusottama month came. During Purusottama month, the monkey's

suffeirng increased. He could not eat anything. So he had observed fasting

unknowingly in this month. One day while jumping from one tree to another,

the monkey fell down into the lake of Mrigatirtha. After five days, he died.

When he died, a celestial aeroplane came and took himm to Goloka dham. He

had achieved a very beautiful spiritual body and lived happily in Goloka.


Lord Narayana said, by seeing a wonderful fortune of the monkey who had

attained Goloka, all the demigods started to glorify the Purusottama month.

Then Narada asked "O Lord, whatever the principle you have explained

previously is meant for the first part of the day of the Purusottama month.

Lord Narayan again said, after finishing his noon duties one should wait for

his guests at his door. A guest who comes to him when he is engaged in

milking his cows, he should worship him properly and make him fully

satisfied by giving charities according to his ability.


After satisfying one's guest, one should take his meal (prasadam) very

peacefully facing towards the east direction in a purified spot. At first by

chanting the mantra "Swaha Om" one should begin to eat his meal with the

help of his tongue [without chewing].


Afterwards one should eat the sweet items at first, in peaceful mind. One

should not eat any contaminated food. While engaged in eating prasad one

should not discuss any material things or blasphame any one. An intteligent

person should engage himself in listenig Krishna katha from a pure soul.

Thus one should always meditate on Krishna and discuss his past times with

other devotees. In this way when evening cames, one should take a bath and

perform his evenig duties. After finishing his evenig prayers and offering

some oblations to the fire god, one should sitdown and eat some thing with

his followers or family members. After eating one should go to his bed

thinking of Lord Sri Krishna in his heart.


The grihastha should perform his home duties in a truthful and peaceful way

he should not commit any violance to others and should be merciful towards

poors and saintly people. To protect animals, speak truth, mercifulness,

nonviolence etc, are some of the important principles, a grihastha has to



Narada said," O Lord, please describe some thing about a chaste woman and

how she could help her husband in performing Purusottam vrata." Lord

Narayana said "O Narada please listen, now I am going to describe some of

the good qualities of a chaste woman. Whether one's husband is beautiful or

ugly, have all good qualities or bad, either healthy or deseased, peaceful

or angry in nature, a draunkard, illiterate or well educated, a chaste woman

shold always try her best to give all pleasure to her husband. She should

pay proper respect to her husband and other superriors like mohter in-law,

father in-law etc. She should co-operate with her husband in all sorts of

religious and pious activities. She should save some thing frm their

family's daily expences fosr future emergencys. An ideal wife should be very

intelligent in performance of her daily duties and dealigs with family

members. An ideal wife should not give anything in charity to her relatives

or other person without the knowledge of her husband. She should not speak

to any man other than her husband in a secret place. All of the above

principles should be followed by a womman. Lord Narayan said, there is no

one more worshipable for wife than her husband. By pleasing one's husband a

woman achieves all perfections. Among men and demigods, one's husband is

most worshipable for a chaste woman.


Once upon a time goddess Parvati had worshiped Purusottam month in advice of

her husband Lord Siva. Goddess Parvati asked Lord Siva what is the best

thing to give in charity, so one conclude his worship of Purusottam month

successfully. Lord Siva replied one should fill up thirty [malpuas] in a

bell metal pot, than one should bind the pot with seven new threads.


Than placing the pot in a proper place one should worship the pot according

to shastras. To conclude the Purusottam vrata and to break one's vows one

should give such thirty bellmetal pots full of thirty malpuas to brahamins.

If some one is very rich he or she should give thirty such pots in charity

ot thirty qualified brahmins. Listening the above instructions of Lord Siva,

goddess Paravati became very happy. So to conclude her Purusottam vrata, she

gave thirty bellmetal pots full of malpuas to thirty qualified brahmins and

became successful in obeserving her Purusottam vrata.


Suta Goswami continued to speak to the sages of Naimisaranya, "O brahmins,

in this way, the great sage Narada muni became very pleased by listening all

about the Purusottama month from Lord Narayan Rsi. Narada paid his

obeisances again and again to Lord Narayana and started to speak, "O this

Purusottama month is the best of all other months, it is best among all

kinds of Vratas and austerities. And one who just listen the glories of

Purusottama month faithfully would acheive devotional service to the Supreme

Lord Purusottama. All of his sinful reactions will be immediately

nullified. One who performs the whole vrata and worships Purusottama month

properly, he will achieve unlimited glories and attain Goloka.


Narada Muni told to Lord Narayana, "O Lord, now I am fully satisfied and my

heart and my mind are completely in bliss. I do not want to listen any thing



So after explaining all about Purusottama month Suta Gosvami asked

permission from the assembled sages to take bath in the GAnges and perform

other duties. Suta Gosvami paid his obeisances to the assembled brahmin

sages and then left that place towards the ganges to perform his daily

duties. When Suta Gosvami left, the sages of Naimisaranya spoke to

themselves, "O this Purusottama month is the most glorious, it is ancient in

history. It fulfills all the desires of a devotee just like a desire tree.


Thus ends the glories ot Purusottama month from the Padma Purana.

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