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philo question about Kali Yuga

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> I am sorry but this I am hearing for the first time, I never heard this in

> a Prabhupada lecture or remmember reading this. Please could you send the

> quotes so I can understand this better.

> As far I know Mahavishnu appeared as Advaita, as his pranama says in CC.

> mahavishnum jagad kartam....


In the fourth chapter of Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, Kaviraja Gosvami makes the

point that just as when Krishna appears, when He fulfils His promise in the

Gita (paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam...sambhavami yuge yuge),

this work is actually performed by the various manifestations of Vishnu

within Him, in the same way the various manifestations of Vishnu within

Sacinandan Gaurahari promulgate the yuga-dharma, whilst Mahaprabhu Himself

is immersed in prema-rasa sankirtan which descended directly from Goloka



Mahaprabhu is purna-bhagavan, avatara-avatari, just as Sri Krishna is.

Because They are the very same person, not that one or the other is an

expansion of the other. Only the difference is that Vrajendra Nandan has

assumed the complexion and the bhava of Sri Radha. This Krishna, though, who

made the promise in the Gita, is an expansion of Vrajendra Nandan, They are

one in tattva, but there is a gulf of difference between Them in terms of

rasa, as explained in the Caitanya Caritamrta, Antya-lila, 1.67, quoting

from the Laghu Bhagavatamrta of Rupa Gosvamipada:


"The KŠa known as Yadu-kum€ra is V€sudeva KŠa. He is different from the

KŠa who is the son of Nanda Mah€r€ja. Yadu-kum€ra KŠa manifests His

pastimes in the cities of Mathur€ and Dv€rak€, but KŠa the son of Nanda

Mah€r€ja never at any time leaves Vnd€vana."


Here are the verses which serve as the foundation of the understanding of

Maha-vishnu's (along with the two following purusa-avataras and emanations

thereof) being within the being of Mahaprabhu and fulfilling the duty of

establishing yuga-dharma.



- - - - - - - - - -


Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, Adi-lila, Chapter 4, verses 8-16:


"The scriptures proclaim that Lord KŠa previously descended to take away

the burden of the earth."


"To take away this burden, however, is not the work of the Supreme

Personality of Godhead. The maintainer, Lord ViŠu, is the one who protects

the universe."


"But the time to lift the burden of the world mixed with the time for Lord

KŠa’s incarnation."


"When the complete Supreme Personality of Godhead descends, all other

incarnations of the Lord meet together within Him."


"Lord N€r€yaŠa, the four primary expansions [V€sudeva, Sa‰karaŠa, Pradyumna

and Aniruddha], Matsya and the other l…l€ incarnations, the yuga-avat€ras,

the manv-antara incarnations and as many other incarnations as there are—all

descend in the body of Lord KŠa. In this way the complete Supreme Godhead,

Lord KŠa Himself, appears."


"At that time, therefore, Lord ViŠu is present in the body of Lord KŠa,

and Lord KŠa kills the demons through Him."


"Thus the killing of the demons is but secondary work. I shall now speak of

the main reason for the Lord’s incarnation."


"The Lord’s desire to appear was born from two reasons: the Lord wanted to

taste the sweet essence of the mellows of love of God, and He wanted to

propagate devotional service in the world on the platform of spontaneous

attraction. Thus He is known as supremely jubilant and as the most merciful

of all."



Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, Adi-lila, Chapter 4, verses 37-41


"Just as these desires are the fundamental reason for KŠa’s appearance

whereas destroying the demons is only an incidental necessity, so for ®r…

KŠa Caitanya, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, promulgating the dharma

of the age is incidental."


"When the Lord desired to appear for another reason, the time for

promulgating the religion of the age also arose."


"Thus with two intentions the Lord appeared with His devotees and tasted the

nectar of prema with the congregational chanting of the holy name."


"Thus He spread k…rtana even among the untouchables. He wove a wreath of the

holy name and prema, with which He garlanded the entire material world."


"In this way, assuming the sentiment of a devotee, He preached devotional

service while practicing it Himself."

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