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Thought of the week: Qualification of a spiritual master

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Identifying a spiritual master


The most daunting task for a seriously aspiring spiritualist is the step of

taking shelter of a guru or spiritual master. Having been convinced of the

absolute necessity of accepting a spiritual master, one is confronted with the

perplexing question, 'who is a bona-fide spiritual master?' The bewildering

array of gurus with varying philosophies and contradictory teachings only

serves to magnify this issue that is inherently considerably complex.


While a person can and indeed will have several instructing gurus who guide him

in various ways, a person will have one and only guru who has formally accepted

him as a disciple through the process of initiation or diksha. The sacrosanct

relationship between the diksha-guru or spiritual master and a disciple is

unique and must be established with great care and due diligence.


Although we have to accept spiritual authority, we should do so only after due

testing, otherwise we may be cheated. For example, a person who accepts

medicine and from a quack is unintelligent and is inviting trouble and

suffering. Similarly for people looking for an 'easy-way-out spirituality',

there are fake gurus offering them mystic mantras, false hope and conjured

scriptural references to perform abominable activities. In the end the biggest

loser is the person who in allowing himself to be cheated ends up performing so

many sinful activities out of ignorance and thus wastes his precious human form

of life.


Role of a spiritual master


The spiritual master imparts spiritual knowledge, not mundane knowledge. The

spiritual master is not meant to teach his students exercises for better

health, meditations to sooth the mind, calisthenics to levitate in the air or

any mystic siddhis. Sound health, peaceful mind and material opulence's are

helpful in making spiritual advancement, but they are a means to an end, not an

end in themselves. There is no harm in a person learning yoga, meditation or

even mystic sciences, as long as they are understood in the proper perspective

- as material sciences and not mistaken for spiritual advancement.


The one and only purpose of a spiritual master is to guide his disciple

spiritually. This will immediately eliminate so many self-professed so-called

gurus who mesmerize people by their charisma, cheap parlor tricks or promises

of improved health, sexual potency or career advancement. A genuine spiritual

master will concern himself with the spiritual health of his disciple and will

only instruct him in matters related to spirituality. A spiritual master may

chose to instruct his disciples in other sciences or aspects, but only to

support his main discipline, the science of God consciousness.


Basic qualifications


One cannot test the genuineness of a spiritual authority by the language he

speaks, by his physical appearance or by his nationality. Fortunately, this is

where the scriptures come to our aid. Realizing the paramount importance of

surrendering to a bona fide spiritual master, the scriptures are replete with

very specific instructions in this respect. However it is the responsibility of

the prospective disciple to inquire, understand and apply these instructions.


The Srimad Bhagavatam (11.3.21) explains the basic qualifications of a

spiritual master:


tasmad gurum prapadyeta

jignasuh shreya uttamam

shabde pare ca nishnatam

brahmany upasamashrayam



Therefore any person who seriously desires real happiness must seek a bona fide

spiritual master and take shelter of him by initiation. The qualification of

the bona fide guru is that he has realized the conclusions of the scriptures by

deliberation and is able to convince others of these conclusions. Such great

personalities, who have taken shelter of the Supreme Godhead, leaving aside all

material considerations, should be understood to be bona fide spiritual



The foremost quality of a spiritual master is that he must be a devotee of the

Lord. He must have realized the conclusions of the scriptures by deliberation.

He must be fixed in devotional service to the Supreme because he has heard,

understood, practiced, and realized the Absolute Truth. He should be able to

confirm the authenticity of the message he is presenting by the support of the

scriptures and the teachings of the great seers of truth of the present and the



The spiritual master should be engaged all the time in the service of Krishna.

He should not waste a single moment doing anything, which is not connected with

Krishna. The Bhagavad-gita (9.14) confirms this "statam kirtayanto mam". The

pure devotee is constantly engaged in glorifying the Supreme Lord.


Bona-fide disciplic succession


The Vedic knowledge is not subject to speculation or interpretations, and never

visible by mundane vision. Not even the greatest scholar can hope to read the

scriptures and claim to become a spiritual master It emanates from the perfect

source, Sri Krishna, and descends through the transparent medium of the

disciplic succession. So important is disciplic succession that in

Bhagavad-gita (4.1) Krishna confirms that He has personally descended to

re-establish the disciplic succession that was broken over time.


The deep realizations hidden in the scriptures are only accessible by one who

has personally realized them. It is therefore important that the spiritual

master must have received knowledge by the process of accepting a bona-fide

spiritual master himself. Thus, the spiritual master must belong to a bona-fide

parampara or disciplic succession. The primary qualification is not the

scholarship, expertise in Sanskrit or even the knowledge of the scriptures. The

primary qualification is that the spiritual master should have realized the

essence of the scriptures.


Beyond the material platform


We should not judge a guru based on his caste, creed, nationality etc. The

scriptures actually label this behavior as extremely offensive. When we employ

an engineer for constructing the house or go to a doctor we don't ask his

caste, a family lineage. We just see whether he is a qualified engineer or

doctor. Similarly "yei Krishna-ttava-vetta sei guru haya." One who knows the

science of Krishna should be accepted as a guru" (Cc Madhya 8.128). Instruction

has to be taken from one who is in knowledge. It does not matter what his

material position is, whether he is a sudra, a brahman, a sannyasi, or a

grhastha. The spiritual master should also not dwell on the material platform.

He should never demand wealth, women, followers, fame, prestige or worship in

exchange of his teachings.


Preach by example


The spiritual master should preach (pracara) by example (acara). He should not

only be teaching perfect knowledge but he should also be an acarya, that is,

one who teaches by personal example. One who smokes cigarette has no right to

preach to others to avoid cigarettes. The guru should be a walking scripture

and should exemplify all the teachings of the scripture in his life. And he

should thus inspire everyone to follow them by his personal example.




The spiritual master must be sense-controlled or a dhira. If a guru's senses

are not controlled and he does not teach his disciples to control their senses,

then he is not a qualified spiritual master. The scriptures list six symptoms

of guru: "A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind's

demands, the actions of anger, and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals

is qualified to make disciples all over the world." (Upadeshamrita 1).


The spiritual master should be a sadhu, one who is decorated with all saintly

qualities. The Srimad Bhagavatam (3.25.21) explains:


titshavah karunikah suhrudah sarva-dehinam

ajata-shtravah shantah sadhavah sadhu-bhusanah


"The symptoms of a sadhu are that he is tolerant, merciful and friendly to all

living entities. He has no enemies, he is peaceful, he abides by the scriptures

and all his characteristics are sublime."


A spiritual master must also posses all these qualities to be able to function

at the platform where he can guide his disciples back to Godhead.




There is sufficient guidance from the scriptures and from peers to undertake

this seeming daunting task for identifying a spiritual master. The search for

the spiritual master should be done with the heart and the mind. In our heart

we should sincerely pray to Krishna to reveal to us our eternal spiritual

master. With our mind we should carefully evaluate the qualities of a

prospective spiritual master against the guidelines given in the scriptures. We

should do this in a humble and prayful mood, careful not to commit any offenses

against these elevated devotees of the Lord, but at the same time careful to

protect our spiritual life.


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----- Festivals over the next week ------

Nov 14 2001, Wednesday Dipa dana, Dipavali, (Kali Puja)

Nov 15 2001, Thursday Appearance Sri Rasikananda

Govardhana Puja, Go Puja, Go Krda

Bali Daityaraja Puja

(Worship of Govardhana Hill)

Nov 16 2001, Friday Disappearance Sri Vasudeva Ghosh

Nov 18 2001, Sunday Disappearance Srila Prabhupada (Fast)

(Fasting till noon)


*** NOTE: All times are for Washington D.C, USA, EST ***

For festival information for your city please go to http://www.iskcondc.org and

click on 'Calendar'




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