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Srila Prabhupada Arati - Can be sung regularly

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Srila Prabhupada Arati


For Srila Prabhupada's Disappearance day 19th Nov'2001.


This arati is adapted from the arati originally composed by HH

Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Maharaja in glorification of his eternal spiritual

master His Divine Grace Om Visnupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura

Prabhupada. All credits go to Srila Acarya Kesari for composing the most

beautiful arati for his own Guru Maharaj.


(Same tune as sandhya-arati)


jaya jaya prabhupadera arati nehari

yoga-vrndavana-nitya seva-danakari


All Glories, all glories to the arati ceremony of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta

Swami Prabhupada, which bestows eternal service at the Yoga-pitha in

Vrndavana upon those who observe it.




sarvatram pracara-dhupa saurabha manohara

baddha mukta alikula mugdha caracara


Like the enchanting fragrance of incense, his preaching has spead

everywhere, thereby astonishing all devotees, both liberated and

conditioned, and all living entities, both moving and non-moving.




bhakati-vedanta-dipa jvaliya jagate

panca-rasa-seva-sikha pradipta tahate


He lit up the entire world with the lamp of the conclusions of pure bhakti

in the study of the Vedanta. This lamp is composed of five brilliantly

glowing flames which represent service in the five primary rasas.


panca mahadipa yatha panca mahajyotih

triloka-timira-nase avidya durmati


The five flames of the arati lamp are like five radiant lights which,

representing the five rasas, destroy the darkness of ignorance and crooked

intelligence throughout the three worlds.




bhakati-siddhanta-dhara jala sankha-dhara

niravadhi bahe taha rodha nahi ara


The water in the arati conchshell is the flow of the mercy of Srila

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura which is continually flowing everywhere

now due to his efforts. Such a flow will increase more & more and cannot be

checked by anyone.




sarva vadya mayi ghanta baje sarva-kala

brhat-mrdanga vadhya parama rasala


Due to his mercy, Krsna-kirtana, which is accompanied by various instruments

such as karatalas and bell, is resounding in every nook & corner of the

world. But really iy is the printing press, known as the brhat-mrdanga,

which distributes the supreme rasa.




visala lalate sobhe tilaka ujjvala

gala dese tulasi mala kare jhalamala


Resplendant tilaka adorns his broad forehead, and around his neck a necklace

of tulasi beads shines.


ajanu-lambita bahu dirgha kalevara

tapta kancana-barana parama sundara


His long arms extend to his knees and his golden complexion is supremely



lalita-lavanya mukhe sneha-bhara hasi

anga kanti sobhe jaiche nitya purna-sasi


His charming, lovely face holds a smile which is full of affection, and his

bodily complexion is like a moon which is perpetually full.


yati dharme paridhane aruna-vasana

mukta kaila nirvisesa medhavrta gagana


Attired in daybreak-colored cloth which signifies the religious principles

of a sannyasi, he nullified the impersonalistic misconceptions which were

like clouds covering the clear sky of Krsna-bhakti.


bhakati-kusume kata kunja viracita

saundaryam-saurabhe tanra visva amodita


Through his preaching efforts he manifested a splendid kunja in which the

different stages of bhakti (bhava, prema etc.) are like very fragrant

flowers. The beauty and fragrance of that kunja delights the entire



premanande nija dasa camara dhulaya

sadhu ati anande nirajana gaya


His intimate servants are fanning in the ecstacy of love of Godhead and his

saintly followers are are loudly singing this arati with great happiness for

his satisfaction.


All Glories to His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and all

his followers and servants!

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