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Jay Jay Sri Radhe!!!

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Dear Everyone!

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances. All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!


I just want you all to know that this is NOT a chain-letter, and nothing bad

will happen to you if you do not send / forward this letter to anyone. But

if you do... I can't think of anything worthed in this material world that

can be compared to the blessings of a Pure Devotee of the Lord.


The only reason you are recieving this letter, is because I have something

really valuable and I wish to share it with you. It's a prayer to River

Yamuna composed by Srimad Vallabhacarya which survived through so many years

and finally got to our generation and was beautifully translated into



I've recieved this prayer from His Holiness Bhakti Vrishambha Madhava Swami

Who found it in the course of His research on the pastimes of Lord Krishna

in Vrindavan.

His only request was that this nectarian prayer should be distributed among

the devotees as far as possible. And I really think that this particular

prayed does deserve your attention.


If you share the same feeling or you know someone that might be interested

in this information or you just want to share it with everyone on your

mailing list, feel free to do so. You will not loose anything, you'll only



There is no loss on the path of Devotional Service, any progress made on

this path will remain forever and will not be lost even at the time of



It's up to you to act according to your heart... Just do what you think is

the best for you and your spiritual progress.




Sri Yamunastakam

by Srimad Vallabhacarya


namami yamunam aham sakala siddhi-hetum muda



surasura-su-pujita smara-pituh sriyam vibhratim (1)


I bow to Sri Yamunaji, all divine powers granted by thee.

The sands of Krsna's lotus' feet in your waters more beautifully meet.

Fresh forest on your bank-sides stays, scenting your waters fresh flowers


Gods and demons your worship pray, Cupid's pure splendor you do portray.


kalinda-giri-mastake patad-amanda purojjvala


sagosa-gati-dantura samadhiruda-dolottama

mukunda-rati-vardhini-jayati padma-bandhoh suta (2)


Falling from Kalinda's summit with speed and splendor you finely flit.

Gracefully with much merriment, your rocks upwards and downwards sent.

Making all types of nice clamor, you're swaying in a swing of glamor.

Sri Krsna's love by you more won, glories to the daughter of the Sun.


bhuvam bhuvana-pavanim adhigatam aneka svanaih

priyabhir iva sevitam suka-mayura-hamsadibhih

taranga-bhuja-kankana prakata-muktika-baluka

nitamba-tata-sundarim namata krsna-turya-priyam (3)


Upon the earth you did descend, all the world's purity you lend.

Sweetly sing swans, parrots and peacocks, like Syama's lovers serving in


Pearls appear in your sterling sands, bangles appear in your wave-tip hands.

Fine hips resemble your two banks, to Sri Krsna's fourth beloved, all



ananta-guna-bhusite siva-virinci-deva-stute

ghanaghana-nibhe sada dhruva-parasarabhistade

visuddha-mathura-tate sakala gopa-gopi-vrte

krpa-jaladhi-samsrite mama manah sukham bhavaya (4)


Countless virtues your bounty is more, Brahma Siva and gods they adore.

Your hue like clouds of dark dark shade, Dhruva and Parasara's hope you


By your pure Mathura banks all stay, gopas and gopis in groups they play.

In Syama's refuge your sea of grace, take my mind to your delightful place.


yaya carana-padmaja mura-ripoh priyam-bhavuka

samagama-nato 'bhavat sakala-siddhi-da sevatam

taya sadrsatam iyat kamalaja sapatniva yad

hari-priya-kalindaya manasi me sada sthiyatam (5)


Gangaji having joined herself with you, Beloved of Syama she become too.

through you Ganga's powers arose, the same she gave to whom she chose,

Compared with you who can access? Sri Laksmi, but still she is somewhat


Your dear ones problems set aside, in my mind you please always reside.


namo'stu yamune sada tava caritram aty-adbhutam

na jatu vama-yatana bhavati te payah panatah

yamo'pi bhagini-sutan,katham u hanti dustan api

priyo bhavati sevanat-tava harer yatha gopika (6)


To Yamuna I bow and pray, in your style all rarity stays.

Those who once your waters drink, to hellish regions will never sink.

For how can Yama, Ruler of hell, his sister's children though wicked kill?

Those who your fine service perform, achieve the gopi's pure love form.


mamastu tava sannidhau tanu-navatvam etavata

na durlabhatama ratir mura-ripau mukunda-priye

ato 'stu tava lalana sura-dhuni param sangamat

tavaiva bhuvi kirtita na 'tu kadapi pusti-sthitaih (7)


>From my constant presence by your side, I shall receive a body that's


Oh Sri Yarnuna, through you to win Syama's vs love becomes easy, too.

Prayer's coaxingly call to your name, by joining with you- Ganga got her

fame -

While Gangaji without you stays, divine souls never sing her praise.


stutim tava karoti kah kamalaja-sapatni priye

harer yad-anusevaya bhavati saukhyam amoksatah

iyam tava kathadhika sakala-gopika-sangama-

smara-srama-jalanubhih sakala-gatrajaih sangamah (8)


Co-wife of laksmi and beloved of Hari,who can praise thee oh Yamunaji?

By serving Hari comes joyful liberation, but your tale is much more


When all the ladies of Vraja land in dalliance with Krsna stand,

>From all tbeir limbs perspiration drops divine, mixing in your waters, makes

it sublime.


tavastakam idam muda pathati sura-sute sada

sarnasta-durya ksayo bhavati vai mukunde ratih

taya sakala-siddhayo mura-ripus ca santusyati

svabhava-vijayo bhavet vadati vallabhah sri-hareh (9)


By whom with love this prayer always sung, oh Yamuna! Daughter of the Sun.

All their sins are burned away, love for Mukunda then will stay.

All divine powers with them will lay and Murari is pleased in every way.

Their old nature changes its mold, Sri Hari's beloved, Vallabha has told.




If anyone is interested in this prayer, you can contact His Holiness Bhakti

Vrishambha Madhava Swami at "Bhakti.Visrambha.Madhava.Swami (AT) pamho (DOT) net"


I can ensure you that He has a very large collection of prayers and stotras

that you might be interested in and that He is eager to share with



Yamuna Devi ki... Jay!


Jay Jay Sri Radhe Shyam!!!


Thank You Very Much

Your Servant

Krishna Das.


P.S. If anyone is interested, I've got a version of this prayer with

diacritics also... Just let me know and I will E-Mail it to You.

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