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Inquiries into the Absolute: Digest 20

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Digest 20, December 27 2001


Answers by His Holiness Romapada Swami Maharaja



Special announcement:

Seminar on Saranagati by HH Romapada Swami


What: Saranagati by Bhakti Vinod Thakura

When: Sunday, Dec 30th 10am - 5pm

Where: ISKCON Potomac, Cultural Hall

Who: His Holiness Romapada Swami

Contribution: $15 (includes breakfast and lunch prasadam)

Contact: 301-299-2100 x 208






Q.1) It is said that chanting means to request Radharani for Krishna's service.

On the other hand it is also said that out of all the services chanting 16

rounds is most important. So is this definition of chanting complete or do you

think that there should be some other definition of chanting?



It was Srila Prabhupada's teaching that the meaning of chanting the mahamantra

is, as you have stated, requesting Srimati Radharani to engage us in the

service of Krishna. This description is perfect and complete. Yet, he also

taught us that chanting is both the means and the end. Once when someone asked

Prabhupada, 'What do you hope to achieve by chanting all the time?,' Prabhupada

replied that we hope to achieve more chanting, and that we continue to chant



In other words, chanting in itself is service; kirtana is one of the nine limbs

of devotional service. As far as the practicing stage of devotion that we are

in, we serve following the guidelines of the spiritual masters; of all the

services the acaryas have prescribed, such as reading scriptures, preaching,

worshiping Deities etc., chanting the Holy Names of the Lord is the most

important. This was directly declared by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to Sarvabauma

Bhattacarya, in response to Sarvabauma's question "What is the singlemost

important activity to be observed by a vaisnava?" And when one attains

perfection in devotion, one is always chanting, always calling out to Krishna

to be engaged in His service, even while performing other forms of service.


The definition you have quoted in your question does not lead to circular

logic, but to more service, i.e. more chanting, along with other forms of

devotional expression!


Q.2) Where does it say that the Hare Krishna maha-mantra should be chanted on

beads? I chant every day, but without using the beads, since using the beads

breaks my concentration. Please clarify if I can only become a devotee by

chanting on beads?



There are no hard and fast rules for chanting. We can chant the Holy names,

anywhere, at any time. However, it has been the standard practice of

Vaishnavas, since time immemorial, to chant on beads and this has been proven

to be very effective. Even Lord Caitanya would chant on beads, and keep count

of the Holy Names. Namacarya Srila Haridas Thakur did so, and so did the six

gosvamis in Vrindavan, and these descriptions are found in the Caitanya

caritamrita and other scriptures.


Practically also, it is seen that chanting on beads helps improve our

concentration while chanting and to make a commitment to chant a minimum number

of rounds daily also helps us become more fixed on chanting the Holy Name. Many

contemporary devotees have also initially felt the same way as you have

described but eventually found that chanting on beads aids their focus and

steadiness in chanting. Many have described that employing the sense of touch

while chanting also helps them concentrate better.


Nevertheless, although it is recommended for our benefit, chanting on beads is

not the deciding factor for someone to become a devotee. What matters the most

is our sincerity and devotion in taking shelter of the Holy Names.


Q.3) In this Kali-yuga is chanting the best way to get spiritually elevated?

And is chanting alone sufficient?



Yes, that is the recommendation of the Vedic literatures. Harer nama harer

nama harer nama eva kevalam / kalu nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva gatir anyatha:

"There is no other way, no other way, no other way of spiritual progress in

this age of Kali than the chanting of the holy names of Lord Hari, Krishna."


In one sense, chanting alone is sufficient, but such chanting should be done

offenselessly. There are mainly ten offenses in chanting, and we should know

and avoid these (see next question). And in order to be able to overcome these

offenses, in most of our cases we need the association of devotees, and

guidance of a bona fide spiritual master. When we chant under such guidance

and association, it will become quickly effective.


Along with chanting, it is recommended to purify our senses by practical

services, which means engaging them in various ways to please the Lord. Cf. SB

9.4.18. The activities of bhagavata marg (hearing and chanting about the

Supreme) are best complimented by the activities of pancaratrika marg (deity




Q.4) What are the various offenses when chanting the holy name of the Lord?



There are ten offenses in chanting, the most important ones being offenses to

or criticism of vaishnavas, disrespecting the orders of the spiritual master

and committing sinful activities on the strength of chanting. A complete list

of these offenses is found in The Nectar of Devotion, end of Chapter Eight and

also in Srimad Bhagavatam 2.1.11



Q.5) How can one control the mind? Often the mind wanders to unnecessary

thoughts. What are the tips to achieve self-control?



Arjuna asks the same question of Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita (6.33-36) and

Krishna's answer is 'practise and detachment'. By meticulously practicing the

different processes of devotional service, the mind becomes purified, develops

a higher taste and then automatically becomes controlled. Especially powerful

is hearing about Krishna - His names, pastimes, qualities, etc., from pure

devotees. By cultivating the habit of hearing about Krishna, detachment from

unnecessary thoughts naturally follows. Therefore, we need to practice,

whenever it wanders, to bring it back to Krishna. (Also refer 6.26)


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----- Festivals over the next week ------

Dec 29 2001, Saturday Katyayani vrata ends

Jan 02 2002, Wednesday Disappearance Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura


(Fasting till noon)


*** NOTE: All times are for Washington D.C, USA, EST ***

For festival information for your city please go to http://www.iskcondc.org and

click on 'Calendar'




** A brief biography of His Holiness Romapada Swami available at


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