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Nrsimhadeva (2)

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A prayer for today...



Srimad Bhagavatam - Canto 7: "The Science of God";

Chapter Ten: "Prahlada, the Best Among Exalted Devotees"






srî-prahlâda uvâca


mâ mâm pralobhayotpattyâ

saktam kâmesu tair varaih

tat-sanga-bhîto nirvinno

mumuksus tvâm upâsritah


Prahlada Maharaja said: My dear Lord, O Supreme Personality of

Godhead, because I was born in an atheistic family I am naturally attached

to material enjoyment. Therefore, kindly do not tempt me with these

illusions. I am very much afraid of material conditions, and I desire to be

liberated from materialistic life. It is for this reason that I have taken

shelter of Your lotus feet.






bhaktam kâmesv acodayat

bhavân samsâra-bîjesu

hrdaya-granthisu prabho


O my worshipable Lord, because the seed of lusty desires, which is

the root cause of material existence, is within the core of everyone's

heart, You have sent me to this material world to exhibit the symptoms of a

pure devotee.





nânyathâ te 'khila-guro

ghateta karunâtmanah

yas ta âsisa âsâste

na sa bhrtyah sa vai vanik


Otherwise, O my Lord, O supreme instructor of the entire world, You

are so kind to Your devotee that You could not induce him to do something

unbeneficial for him. On the other hand, one who desires some material

benefit in exchange for devotional service cannot be Your pure devotee.

Indeed, he is no better than a merchant who wants profit in exchange for






âsâsâno na vai bhrtyah

svâminy âsisa âtmanah

na svâmî bhrtyatah svâmyam

icchan yo râti câsisah


A servant who desires material profits from his master is certainly

not a qualified servant or pure devotee. Similarly, a master who bestows

benedictions upon his servant because of a desire to maintain a prestigious

position as master is also not a pure master.





aham tv akâmas tvad-bhaktas

tvam ca svâmy anapâsrayah

nânyathehâvayor artho

râja-sevakayor iva


O my Lord, I am Your unmotivated servant, and You are my eternal

master. There is no need of our being anything other than master and

servant. You are naturally my master, and I am naturally Your servant. We

have no other relationship.





yadi dâsyasi me kâmân

varâms tvam varadarsabha

kâmânâm hrdy asamroham

bhavatas tu vrne varam


O my Lord, best of the givers of benediction, if You at all want to

bestow a desirable benediction upon me, then I pray from Your Lordship that

within the core of my heart there be no material desires.

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