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16 Beneficial Activities for the Whole World-concoction?

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> The mantra one chants on the japa mala should be given by the guru.


Madhavananda Prabhu has here just given a very brief statement of what could

be expanded unlimitedly. Mostly what Sadhu Maharaja has stated is OK, but

the insinuation is that he's got an inside track to an even more powerful

sadhana than what Srila Prabhupada gave to us, namely the chanting of the

Hare Krishna Mahamantra on our diksa beads. Neither the fact that great

ragatmika and raganuga bhaktas chanted the name of Gauranga constantly nor

the fact that we are all advised to chant the name of Gauranga constantly

imply that it should be chanted on beads without a specific order to do so

from our guru. Just like we don't offer foodstuff, dress, and flowers to the

deity in a haphazard manner, but with appropriate schedule, cleanliness and

specific mantras, etc., similarly, our japa mala should not be used

whimsically as a counting device, but should be used only for chanting

specific mantras according to our specific quota as per the specific order

of the guru. The Hari Bhakti Vilas is full of instructions on the proper

conduct of japa, but it is probably a rare ISKCON devotee that is following

all the instructions given. Because Srila Prabhupada did not stress these

details, perhaps we have come to take the counting of japa as a highly

flexible exercise. I know I have. Now, this concoction has sprouted up, and

it can be at least partly blamed on our lack of understanding of the

difference between japa and kirtan. Unfortunately, common English usage

translates both of these terms as "chanting", which has added to the

confusion. But Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said kirtaniya sada harih, not japiya

sada harih (or whatever would be the correct Sanskrit grammar here). In all

the numerous quotes given by Sadhu Maharaja, not a single one uses the word

"japa". Japa is a very specific activity of worship/bhajan/sadhana and is

ALWAYS governed by specific rules. But there are no hard and fast rules for

kirtan, as we all well know.


And of course, as hinted in my previous text, there is also the

misunderstanding that the Hare Krishna mahamantra is NOT the names of Lord

Caitanya and Lord Nityananda, so this whole controversy is really a false

dilemma created by Kali to create doubt in the minds of the simple followers

of Srila Prabhupada.


Your servant, Bhaktarupa Das

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