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Gopa Kumar

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Krishna is so much anxious, and He is more worried for us. And He is

searching for us. He is calling us. He is so merciful that He told Radhika,

"Oh, my bhakta [the brahmana] is searching for me. You should help him". And

then She sent Gopa Kumara - "Go at once to this martya-loka and by any trick

you should bring him". And Sri Sanatana Gosvami, in the last, has given a

glorification of this high class of association. Perhaps you know all about

the brahmana who went to Kamaksa devi in India because he wanted wealth.

That is why he was worshipping Kamaksa devi, who is Durga devi She was so

merciful. She never gave him any wealth. She used to give so much wealth to

others, but for him there was some exception. She gave him gopala mantra, in

a dream, and told him who is the deity of this mantra, and how we should

chant our mantra 3 times [daily], and how we should offer ourselves, be

saranagata to their lotus feet. But he thought it was only a dream, nothing

else. So he overlooked it. After four or five days that devi, goddess, again

came in a dream, and said, "Oh, you're not following my orders. You must

follow my orders, and then you will be successful in your life, and you will

have everything you desire. But don't delay. From today you should follow

with high regard [respect], and very strong faith".


After some time that brahmana became detached from all worldly desires, and

he forgot to ask any wealth from Devi. He left and came to Bengal at Sagara

(ocean), and from there he went to Gaya, and Kasi, and from there he went to

Vrindavana, and he was thinking, "What is sadhya and sadhana?". He was so

worried for it, and then he heard someone weeping very loudly. But weeping

in what way? Whether they were weeping, or singing in melody - he could not

differentiate. After some time he entered that kunja and saw a beautiful

gopa, like a sakha of Krishna - Gopa Kumara. And he was weeping "Oh Krishna!

Oh Krishna!", in a song like the gopis had wept for Krishna in rasa lila:

tava kathamritam tapta jivanam/ kavibhir iditam kalmasapaham/ sravana

mangalam srimad atatam/ bhuvi grhnanti ye bhurida janah.


They were weeping, but it was like a pathetic song. Krishna could not

control Himself and He appeared at once. Similarly Gopa Kumar was weeping

like this. Then the brahmin went there with folded hands requested Him. Gopa

Kumar had been meditating and his meditation was broken. Then Gopa Kumara

said, "You are a brahmana and you went to Prayaga, Jyotisapura and you

worshipped Kamaksa Devi for wealth. Then brahmin asked, "How did you know?"

"Yes I have done this." Gopa Kumar replied, "And she gave you Gopala mantra

and also the outlines.How do you know? 'Yes, I have done.' he replied. He

was thinking, "How did he know all these things? Very strange.She also

warned you not to delay in Kasi otherwise you will be pukka mayavadi. Go to

Prayaga and take bath, but don't delay there. Then go to Vrindavana."


After that he asked Gopa Kumara, "I want to know what is sadhana and sadhya?

I don't know anything. Devi gave me diksa of that mantra, but never told me

all these things". And then he [Gopa Kumara] began to tell his own life

history. And at last he said, "Krishna requested Srimati Radhika that

"Somehow you should manage that that brahmana should come to Me. He is my

very dear one. She replied, " That is why, in My form as Durga, I gave him

initiation." Who was that Durga? Durga is a manifestation of Srimati

Radharani. There is not so much difference. Only we say that Durga is

Mahamaya, and Srimati Radhika is Yogamaya, or more than that. But anyhow, in

one sense they are one. Not in all senses, but in one sense.


"So I have accepted that brahmana in my form Durga. So Krishna had

requested, because He is anxious for His dear devotee, "Please arrange that

this brahmana should very soon come to me. He is my sakha". Gopa Kumara

continued, "and then She sent me: 'O Svarupa, you should go and bring that

brahmin boy'. So I have come just for you, and I have told my whole history.

I have told you about all the five kinds of love and affection. I have

especially told the glorification of gopi prema, and how, among all gopi

prema, Radha prema is the highest, the Supreme. "I have told everything. You

are also sakha of Krishna." The brahmana knew all these things, but he had

yet achieved no bhava, no prema-nothing was coming. Then Gopa Kumara put his

hand on the head of the brahmana, and at once he [the brahmana] began to

weep loudly, and he saw Krishna and Srimati Radhika there also. And the he

realized all that his guru had told him. Very quickly he saw that, "I am

going somewhere, flying going in an airplane; and he saw that he reached

Goloka Vrindavana. And there he met all.


Who gave diksa to that brahmana? "Devi, the manifestation of Srimati

Radhika." She is diksa guru. But she could not help so much. She only gave

diksa, the gopala mantra. At first only gopala mantra was given in diksa -

nothing else. And also harinama. Now we are so fallen that our gurus, our

Guru parampara, like Gopala Guru, Vakreswara Pandit, Dhyanacandra Gosvami,

they discovered all these things from sastra. And then they added brahma

gayatri, guru mantra, guru gayatri, gaura mantra, gaura gayatri, gopala

mantra, kama gayatri, all. Now everything is given because we are not like

them. So she gave the diksa mantra, but she could not tell all these things

which Gopa Kumara told. So he is siksa guru. Who is superior? The siksa





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