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At 02:39 PM 4/19/99 +0500, you wrote:

>[Text 2246384 from COM]


>yes I know 10.21.5 verse, but the prose you wrote bewildered me and it made

>me think that it would have been some other verse you had in mind.


Forget all that, here's a nice astaka:



The Holy Name of Sri Hari Is All That Be



madhuram madhurebhyo 'pi mangalebhyo 'pi mangalam

pavanam pavanebhyo 'pi harer namaiva kevalam


Of sweet things, it's the sweetest you will taste at any time;

Of things that bring good fortune, it's good fortune's paradigm;

Of things that purify, it purifies most powerf'lly;

The Holy Name of Sri Hari is surely all that be.



abrahma-stamba-paryantam sarvam maya-mayam jagat

satyam satyam punah satyam harer namaiva kevalam


>From Brahma's realm atop the sky down to the lowly grass,

Illusion reigns in Maya-devi's treacherous morass.

The truth, the truth, the only truth: the Name of Sri Hari.

The Holy Name of Sri Hari is surely all that be.



sa guruh sa pita capi sa mata bandhavo 'pi sah

siksayec cet sada smartum harer namaiva kevalam


He's the guru, he's the father, he's the friend most true,

And she's the real mother who most kindly teaches you

To always chant and hear the Holy Name of Sri Hari.

The Holy Name of Sri Hari is surely all that be.



nihsvase na hi visvasah kada ruddho bhavisyati

kirtaniya mato balyad harer namaiva kevalam


Remember that our final breath may come at any time,

No matter if we're old and sick or in our youthful prime.

So young and old alike should chant the Name incessantly.

The Holy Name of Sri Hari is surely all that be.



harih sada vaset tatra yatra bhagavata-janah

gayanti bhakti-bhavena harer namaiva kevalam


Lord Sri Hari forever dwells wherever devotees

Whose hearts are fixed on Him and free of all impurities

Uplift their voices high and sing His Name in ecstasy.

The Holy Name of Sri Hari is surely all that be.



aho duhkham maha-duhkham duhkhad duhkhataram yatah

kacartham vismrtam ratna-harer namaiva kevalam


Alas! What sorrow! What great pain! The worst calamity--

For people to forget the Holy Name of Sri Hari!

Although the Name's a priceless gem, mere broken glass they see.

The Holy Name of Sri Hari is surely all that be.



diyatam diytatam karno niyatam niyatam vacah

giyatam giyatam nityam harer namaiva kevalam


Just fill your ears, just fill them with the Name of Sri Hari!

Just chant the Name, just chant the Name with all sincerity!

Just sing the Name, just sing the Holy Name eternally!

The Holy Name of Sri Hari is surely all that be.



trni-krtya-jagat sarvam rajate sakalopari

cid-ananda-mayam suddham harer namaiva kevalam


It makes this world appear like bits of straw upon the ground;

It splendorously reigns supreme--Divinity in sound;

It's filled with transcendental bliss and peerless purity;

The Holy Name of Sri Hari is surely all that be.


Inspired to glorify the Holy Name of Sri Hari,

A certain sage composed this hymn in Sanskrit poetry.

I pray that those who read this lowly version made by me

Will chant the Holy Name of Sri Hari in ecstasy.



Your servant

Dravida dasa

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Hey dravida!


> Inspired to glorify the Holy Name of Sri Hari,

> A certain sage composed this hymn in Sanskrit poetry.

> I pray that those who read this lowly version made by me

> Will chant the Holy Name of Sri Hari in ecstasy.


Is this your rendering of the Phalasruti? If so, Where's the sanskrit of

this? If not This was just a 'dravida twist' on the end?



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At 05:48 AM 5/8/99 +0500, you wrote:

>[Text 2299404 from COM]


>Hey dravida!


>> Inspired to glorify the Holy Name of Sri Hari,

>> A certain sage composed this hymn in Sanskrit poetry.

>> I pray that those who read this lowly version made by me

>> Will chant the Holy Name of Sri Hari in ecstasy.


>Is this your rendering of the Phalasruti? If so, Where's the sanskrit of

>this? If not This was just a 'dravida twist' on the end?



Haribol MM,


Just my little "twist." How you like?



Dravida dasa

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Thank you!! thank you!!!! thank You!!!!! dravida it is so nice to read

this transalation and sanskrit fro those verses. I know the tune from many

years ago(Acyutananda Swami bhajan tapes). I can now sing it with knowledge.

Thanks again.




Chaturatma dasa

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here's an idea to combat depression. Devotional offerings to Krsna done in

devotional austerity.


> Sometimes at the Radha Madana Mohana temple in Karoli

> there is capana bhoga offered to the Deities. During this offering the


> bhoga darsana is extended to about three hours long.


The following story isn't about regular Deity standards, but it

does illustrate Madanmohana's uncommon eating habits:


In Akbar's time there was one staunch devotee in his employ who

lived near Lucknow. In those days, Lucknow was famous for producing gur,

(sugarcane juice cooked into a block of unrefined sugar.) This devotee

(Sura dasa "Madanamohana") would always

send various gifts to Vrindaban for Shrila Sanatana Gosvami's Deity,

Shri Radha Madanamohana. Once, he had sent a cartload of gur to Shri

Madanamohana. By the time it arrived, it was very late at night, and the

Deity had already been put to rest. The cart was unloaded, and everyone

took rest. But Madanamohan couldn't wait to eat the gur sent by His

devotee, and He told the pujari so in a dream. He said He wanted a feast

of malpua prepared immediately. So all the sevayatas got up and bathed,

and began preparing a feast of malpua, which was then offered to the

Deity. Madanamohana thus ate tons of malpua in the middle of the night.



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