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Gadadhara Pandita

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> Can anyone tell me the relation between Vallabha bhatta and Vallabha

> Acarya of Pusti marga fame.


> Vallabha father-in-law of Lord Caitanya, Vallabha who offered Lord

> Caitanya his tika on Bhagavatam and Vallabha who took initiation (?) from

> Gadadhara Pandita and Vallabha who started Pustis.


> Could use an answer toute suite (pronto).


>From www.veda.harekrsna.cz/library/gvaa-y.zip


(This compilation of Vaishnava biographies was allegedly done by O.B.L.

Kapoor (Godbrother of Srila Prabhupada). Main sources are three works - GPC,

CCU, and GVA. GVA is the famous Gaudiya Vaishnava Abhidhana by Haridasa Dasa

of Haribol Kutir (Navadvipa). Author of CCU, Caitanya-Caritera Upadana, is

Bengali scholar Biman Bihari Majumdar. GPC I can't unfortunately identify.

It could be Gaura-parsada-caritavali but I have no more info on it.)


















He was the founder of the Vallabi sampradaya. In his past incarnation he

was born as Sukadeva (GGD 110). In his earlier days he was a follower of

Visnusvami of the Rudra sampradaya. His Sripata is at Andhra Pradesh. His

father was Laksmana Bhatta.


Laksmana Bhatta lived at Hanumanghat in Kasi. When he heard a rumor that

Kasi was going to be attacked by Muslims, Laksmana fled to his native place

along with his wife, who was seven months pregnant. Along the way, in

Champaranya in Madhya Pradesh, Vallabha was born in 1479 A.D.


As a child Vallabha studied Vaisnava theology under Madhavendra Yati at

Kasi. During a pilgrimage to South India he went to his maternal uncles'

house in Vijayanagara. There, at the royal court, he met the great teacher

Sri Vyasatirtha. Vallabha refuted Mayavada there and established

Suddhadvaitavada, which inspired the king to perform "Kanakabhiseka" of

Vallabha and awarded him the title of "Acarya".


Vallabha continued to travel and preach on three victory tours throughout

all of India. During his second tour he married at Kasi. Finding it

improper to lead the life of a householder at Kasi, Vallabha settled at

Adaila village.


In the course of his pilgrimage, Vallabha established a temple on top of

Govardhana hill in Vraja, with the help of his trader-disciple Purnamalla.

Afterwards, he defeated all the Mayavadi sannyasis at Pancagangaghat in

Kosi. He then made a new residence in Gokula. In the temple at Govardhana

he installed the Gopala Deity which belonged to Madhavendrapuri.


In 1510 A.D. he and his wife moved to the village of Adaila, where his first

son, Gopinatha, was born. His second son, Vitthalanatha was born at

Caranadri in 1515 A.D. Returning to Adaila he completed the commentary of

the tenth canto of Srimad Bhagavatam and began the eleventh canto.


When Lord Caitanya visited Vrndavana, He met Vallabha Bhatta at Adaila

village. Vallabhacarya brought Lord Caitanya to his home and served Him and

His followers warmly. Vallabha made the Lord sit on the special Deity-seat

and presented the Lord with a new set of upper body cloth and a waist-band

(CC. 2.19)


After this Vallabhacarya went to South India to preach and finally reached

Puri. There he met Lord Caitanya daily and by the arrangement of the Lord,

his pride was humbled.


On one occasion at Puri, Vallabha asked Advaita Prabhu, "Since you consider

Lord Krsna your husband how come you chant His name?" Lord Caitanya

answered, "The command of the husband is supreme. Our husband has directed

us to repeat His name aloud constantly."


On another occasion Vallabha said that he did not accept Sridhara Swami's

commentary of Srimad Bhagavatam. Lord Caitanya replied, "He who does not

acknowledge "Swami" (double meaning of swami, i.e. husband and Sridhara

Swami) is a prostitute."


Vallabha Acarya took spiritual initiation from Gadadhara Pandita. At some

point Vallabha gave up the worship of Balagopala and became devoted to

Yugala-upasana. Vallabha's disciples, however, followed the old tradition

of worship.


Vallabha placed his son, Vitthalesvara, at the feet of Lord Caitanya. In

1531 A.D. Vallabha died at Hanumanghat in Kasi (Sakhanirnayamrta 56.


Vallabha's sampradaya hold that he wrote about eighty-four books. The

following are some of the well known titles: Brahmasutrabhasya,

Bhagavatatika-suvodhini, Tattvarthadipanivandha, Sodasagrantha, Siksasloka,

Srutigita, Mathura-mahatmya, Madhurastaka, Purusottamanamasahasra,

Parivrdhastaka, Nandakumarastaka, Pancasloki, Gayatribhasya, etc. Vallabha

held that Bhaktimarga was of two types; Maryada (Vaidhi) and Pusti

(Raganuga). (CC. 2.1.249, Vaisnava Vandana of Jiva Gosvami 253)


The following is from GPC.


He was born in 1499 A.D. on the 11th day of the black fortnight in the month

of Vaisaka. His father's name was Sri Laksmana Bhatta and his mother was

Sri Sallamagaru. They were Bhradvaja brahmans of Andhra. Sri Laksmana

Bhatta lived in Kasi which is where Vallabacarya studied. Within a very

short period he became well versed in scriptures. After his marriage he

stayed permanently in the village of Adail in Prayaga.


On his way to Sri Vrndavana, Mahaprabhu reached Prayaga. He expressed

ecstatic feelings of love there and as a result all the people of that place

were overwhelmed with intense feelings of devotion. Prayaga was never

flooded by the rivers Ganga and Yamuna but Sri Gaurasundara, by dint of his

divine love, flooded the whole of Prayaga. When Sri Vallavacarya heard how

Mahaprabhu had influenced the people by His noble activities, he came to

meet the Lord. Vallavacarya witnessed the extraordinary beauty of

Mahaprabhu from a distance and could at once recognize that He was not an

ordinary being. He offered his regard to Mahaprabhu and in a jovial mood

Mahaprabhu embraced him warmly. Prabhu understood that Vallavacarya was a

parama Bhagavata, thus they relished speaking together about Krsna and both

of them became overwhelmed with deep feelings of love. Mahaprabhu

controlled His ecstacy as he understood that Vallavacarya was a worshiper

following Vatsalya bhava. Vallavacarya was charmed by the Lord's ecstatic



Around that time Sri Rupa and Anupama came to have darsana of the lotus feet

of Mahaprabhu, who introduced them to Vallavacarya. Sri Rupa and Anupama

glorified Vallavacarya. He was deeply moved by their Vaisnava attitude and

was about to embrace them. But the two brothers humbly cautioned him that

they were untouchable. Acarya was astonished and said, "You are the best of

all. Lord Krsna remains with you, as you are always chanting the holy name

of Krsna." In order to test Acarya, Prabhu purposely said, "You come from a

highly respectable religious family, and they are low-caste people, do not

touch them." But again Vallavacarya protested. Hearing Vallavacarya's

protests, the Lord became very pleased.


Vallavacarya invited Mahaprabhu and His companions to his house. Mahaprabhu

agreed and along with his followers proceeded in a boat towards

Vallavacarya's house. However, while crossing the Yamuna the Lord saw the

blue black color of the river. Becoming mad with ecstasy, He wanted to dive

in the water. With great difficulty the Lord's associates managed to

restrain the Lord. They helped the Lord to take His bath and at last

brought Him to the house of Vallavacarya.


When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu arrived at his home, Vallavacarya, being

greatly pleased, offered the Lord a nice sitting place and personally washed

His feet. Vallavacarya and his family members then sprinkled that water

over their heads. They then offered the Lord new underwear and outer

garments. Vallavacarya worshiped the Lord with great pomp, offering scents,

incense, flowers and lamps, and with great respect and care he arranged for

Prabhu's lunch. Thus Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was offeredlunch with great

love and affection. Thereafter, the brothers Rupa and Anupama Gosvami were

also offered food. Vallavacarya first offered the remnants of the Lord's

food to Sri Rupa and then to Krsnadasa. The Lord was then given spices to

purify his mouth. Afterwards he was offered a bed to rest on and

Vallavacarya himself massaged His legs. While Vallavacarya was massaging

Him, the Lord urged him to take prasada. After taking prasada, he again

returned to the lotus feet of the Lord. (CC. Madhya)


By that time Raghupati Upadhaya arrived, and Mahaprabhu was anxious to

listen to him perform kirtana. Raghupati Upadhaya was a Trihuta Pandita and

a great Bhagavata. When he began describing Lord Krsna, Sri Mahaprabhu's

heart filled with intense feelings of love and the Lord embraced him

emotionally. Vallavacarya was overwhelmed by the Lord's display of love,

and immediately brought forward his two sons and made them fall down at the

Lord's lotus feet. Upon hearing of Mahaprabhu's arrival, all the villagers

came to meet Him. Simply be seeing Him, they all became devotees of Krsna.


Each of the brahmanas of the village were eager to invite the Lord to their

home, but Vallavacarya forbade them to do so. He then decided not to keep

Prabhu in Adail because the Lord had jumped into the river Yamuna in

ecstatic love. Therefore he decided to take him to Prayaga. Vallavacarya

said, "If anyone likes, he can go to Prayaga and extend invitations to the

Lord there." In this way he took the Lord with him and started for Prayaga.


As in previous years, the devotees from Gauda arrived at Nilacala just prior

to the Ratha yatra festival. By this time Vallava Bhatta also reached

Nilacala and met Mahaprabhu. He offered his respects to Prabhu and the

latter embraced him with love. Mahaprabhu received him with much honor and

then Vallava Bhatta in a most humble manner said, "Lord Jagannatha has

fulfilled my long cherished desire to see You. Whoever happens to meet You

is really fortunate. Those who have watched You, can easily realize that

there is hardly any difference between you and the Almighty. Whoever

remembers You will be purified. The fundamental religious system in the age

of Kali is the chanting of the holy name of Krsna. Unless empowered by

Krsna, one cannot propagate the sankirtana movement. You have spread the

sankirtana movement of Krsna consciousness. Therefore it is evident that

you have the same power as Lord Krsna. There is no question about it. You

have manifested the holy name of Krsna throughout the world. Anyone who sees

you is immediately absorbed in ecstatic love of Krsna. Without being

especially empowered by Krsna, one cannot manifest ecstatic love of Krsna,

as Krsna is the only one who can give ecstatic love. That is the verdict of

all revealed scriptures. (CC. Antya)


In this way Vallava Bhatta paid great respect to Mahaprabhu. But Mahaprabhu

said, "I am a Mayavadi sannyasi! I do not know the essence of worshiping

Krsna." Then one by one He introduced all His associates to Vallavacarya;

"This is Sri Advaita Acarya. He is just like God. His constant company has

given Me great upliftment. By his mercy many fallen souls have been

transformed into staunch devotees. Here is Sri Nityananda Prabhu Avadhuta.

He is the possessor of divine spirit and His strongpassion for Lord Krsna

has detached him from the materialistic world. This is Sarvabhauma

Bhattacarya, a professor of philosophy, who is an empowered preacher. This

is Ramananda Raya, he is the embodiment of love for Krsna." Knowing that

Vallavacarya's heart was full of pride, Sri Mahaprabhu spoke these words,

hinting at how one can learn about devotional service.


Hearing these descriptions, Vallavacarya became desirous of meeting all

those devotees. Then Mahaprabhu said, "Some of them live in Gauda, some in

Orissa and others in various different places. At present everybody has

arrived here to witness the Ratha yatra. You will find them all here."

Then Vallava Bhatta earnestly requested Mahaprabhu to visit his house for



On another day when Mahaprabhu was taking rest along with Advaita Acarya,

Sri Nityananda, Sri Ramananda Raya, Sri Sarvabhauma Pandita and Svarupa

Damodara, at that time Sri Vallavacarya arrived and finding all the

Vaisnavas there, became astonished. Bhatta then brought a huge amount of

prasada and fed them all.


On the day of the Ratha yatra Vallava Bhatta was full of joy as he witnessed

the enchanting dance of Mahaprabhu in the midst of the kirtana surrounded by

swarms of people. After the festival the devotees from Gauda departed, but

Vallava remained in Puri.


One day he approached the Lord wanting to read the notes on the Bhagavata

which he had composed. But Prabhu said, "I am not entitled to listen to the

commentary of Bhagavata, I must simply chant the holy name of Krsna. Even

though chanting throughout the day and night, still I cannot complete the

prescribed number of rounds, so where is the time to listen to Bhagavata?"

Vallava Bhatta said, "I have derived many meanings of the name of Krsna."

But Mahaprabhu replied, "I do not know any other name of Krsna other than

Syamasundara and Yasodanandana." Seeing that his attempt was a failure

Vallava Bhatta gave up and went home feeling very sad. Nevertheless, he

persisted in his hopes and decided to approach the other devotees in this



However, when he requested other devotees to listen to his commentary, they

all refused to do so, knowing that Mahaprabhu had no interest in hearing it.

At last, with a heavy heart he went to Sri Gadadhara Pandita and after many

requests convinced him to listen to his writings. Gadadhara Pandita was a

very simple and good-hearted devotee. Since Vallavacarya was a highly

respected personality, Gadadhara did not dare to refuse his request,

although he personally had no interest in listening to Vallavacarya's

commentary and knew that Mahaprabhu disapproved of it. Thus he allowed

Vallavacarya to speak, but fixed his mind only on the lotus feet of Sri

Caitanya Mahaprabhu.


Everyday Vallavacarya would visit the devotee and present various arguments

before them, which were refuted by Advaita Acarya and others. Thus he

failed miserably to establish his own angle of vision and thus became very



One day Vallava Bhatta the Lord, "If Krsna is like the husband and the

devotees are like His Prakrti (wife), why, being the wives, do the devotees

utter the name of Krsna--the husband?" Prabhu said, "Vallava, you do not

understand true religion. The religion of the wife is to obey her husband,

so if the husband asks her to utter his name, a devoted wife should carry

out his order by chanting his name." Hearing these words Vallava Bhatta

became silent. (CC. Antya) Another day Vallava Bhatta came amongst the

devotees and declared that he did not accept the commentary of Sridhara

Swami on the Bhagavatam. Mahaprabhu then said that he who did not believe

in the Bhagavata was like a prostitute.


That night Vallavacarya began to think that perhaps he had committed an

offence to the Lord, as Prabhu was no longer merciful towards him as he used

to be previously. Thus, the following morning he went before the Lord and

humbly presented himself at the feet of the Lord saying, "I am a fool

because I wanted to show my knowledge in front of You. But you are the

Supreme Lord Himself,thus you showered Your mercy upon me by cutting down my

pride." Then Prabhu said, "No one can refute Sridhara Swami's commentary on

the Bhagavata as he is directly empowered by the Lord to explain the sastra.

Thus you should follow Sridhara Swami, and in order to have mental peace and

happiness always chant the holy name of Lord Krsna. Then very soon you will

get His mercy." Vallava Bhatta replied, "If You will be so kind to me,

please accept another invitation for lunch at my place."


For the betterment of the entire society, Mahaprabhu rectified Vallabha

Bhatta, and through him, preached to the world. Mahaprabhu and his

associates again visited Vallava's house and took prasada, much to the

delight of Sri Vallavacarya. Though he had previously worshiped the Deity of

Balagopala, he later became interested in worshiping the Kisore Gopala Deity

of Gadadhara Pandita. With the permission of Mahaprabhu, Vallava took

initiation from Sri Gadadhara Pandita in the Kisore Kr

sna mantra (CC. Antya)


In 1531 A.D., in the month of Asadha, in the bright fortnight Vallavacarya

breathed his last. He was Sukadeva in Krsna lila.


He was the founder of the Vallavacari sampradaya. Upendranarayana Sinha

refuses to accept that the Vallava Bhatta mentioned in CC. is the same

person as Vallavacarya, the founder of the Vallavacari sampradaya

(Visnupriya Gauranga Patrika 5.7.257). But since Kavi Karnapura calls him

Sukadeva and it is known that Vallavacarya wrote the Suvodhini commentary of

Bhagavata, it is quite likely that they were the same person. Greerson

commits a serious error by considering Vallava Bhatta to be the Vallavacarya

who was Laksmi's father (J.R.A.S. 1909 P. 610). No social relationship ever

took place between brahmans of the South and those who belonged to the

Vaidika line from Bengal. Right now there is no conflict between the

Vallavacari sampradaya and the Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya. On the occasion

of the fourth annual festival celebrated on 12 Caitra 1331 B.S. by

"Pustimergiya Vaisnava Sangha" at Clive Street, Calcutta, Om Visnupada Srila

Paramhansa Thakura, the Gurudeva of Gaudiya Matha was invited and he

delivered a discourse there (Gaudiya 3.32.14).




He was the father of Sri Laksmipriya devi, the first wife of Mahaprabhu. He

was Janaka in Krsna lila. (Murari 1.9.6, Caitanyacandrodayanataka 3.6, CBh.

1.7.73, CC. 2.1.249, Vaisnava Vandana of Jiva 115-6, Devaki-40, Vrnda-39)





He was the author of Krsnamangala (See also "Madhavacarya"). (Premavilasa





He was the great-grandson of Vamsivadana Thakura, an associate of Lord

Gauranga. Vallabha (alias Rajavallabha) was a contemporary of Narottama

Thakura. He wrote the book Vamsivilasa narrating the biography of

Vamsivadana Thakura. Two other brothers of Vallabha dasa were also Vaisnava





He was the disciple of Hemalata devi, daughter of Srinivasa Acarya. He

belonged to Sripata Gosvamigrama. (Karnananda 1)




There were about four or five Vaisnava poets bearing this name. It is

practically impossible to ascertain who among these composed which poem.




She was a resident of Vraja and the wife of Damodaracarya. The Deity

Madanamohana was served in their house. They were extremely friendly with

Sanatana Gosvami. (See also "Damodara Caube")




He was a brahmana by caste and disciple of Ramacandra Kaviraja. (Premavilasa

20, Karnananda 2)




He was the father of Laksmipriya, the first wife of Lord Caitanya. In his

past incarnations he was Janaka of Mithila and Bhismaka, the King of

Vidarbha. (GGD. 44)




He was a resident of Kasi.




He was an ardent devotee from Kancisali and was related to Sivananda Sena.

(CC. 1.10.63, CCNataka 8. 33, Vaisnava Vandana of Dev. 115-6)




He was a disciple of Srinivasa Acarya and was known as Krsnavallabha

Thakura. (See "Krsnavallabha Thakura")




Hope this helps.


Your servant, bh. Jan


www.veda.harekrsna.cz (Bhakti-yoga Vedic Encyclopedia Vedic Library)

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