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Three Jewel-like Verses about Gauranga-Tattva

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Three Jewel-like Verses about Gauranga-Tattva

Sri Godruma - Candra - Bhajana - Upadesa

by Srila Thakura Bhaktivinoda (1893)




yad-abhiksnam udeti mukhabja-tatau

tam akrsnam iha vraja-raja-sutam

bhaja godruma-kanana-kunja-vidhum


ripu-bandhava-enemies and friends; bheda-the difference between the two;

vihina-completely bereft; daya-the mercy; yat-that which;

abhiksnam-constantly; udeti-is arising; mukha-abja-tatau-in His lotus face;

tam-Him; akrsnam-not blackish; iha-here; vraja-raja-sutam-the son of the

king of Vraja.


9) Continually beaming from from Lord Gauranga's lotus face is the supremely

causeless mercy that makes no distinction between so-called `friends' or

`enemies.' Although the son of Maharaja Nanda, He appears here in a golden

form unlike that of Krishna's dark complexion. Just worship Lord Gauranga,

the beautiful Moon of Godruma's forest bowers.



iha copanisat-parigita-vibhur

dvija-raja-sutah puratabha-harih

nija-dhamani khelati bandhu-yuto

bhaja godruma-kanana-kunja-vidhum


iha-here; ca-also; upanisad-in the Upanisads; parigita-celebrated;

vibhuh-the all-pervading Lord; dvija-raja-sutah-the son of the king of the

twice-born; purata-gold; abha-the luster; harih-Lord Hari Himself;

nija-dhamani-in His own abode; khelati-is sporting; bandhu-yutah-along with

His boyfriends.


10) In this world and in the Upanisads He is celebrated as the all-pervading

Supreme Lord. He appears now as the son of the king of brahmanas and is Lord

Hari Himself, with a shining golden complexion. In His own abode He plays

eternally with His cowherd boyfriends and His eternal associates. Just

worship Lord Gauranga, the beautiful Moon of Godruma's forest bowers.



avatara-varam paripurna-kalam

para-tattvam ihatma-vilasa-mayam


bhaja godruma-kanana-kunja-vidhum


avatara-varam-the best of incarnations; paripurna-kalam-complete in all

aspects; para-tattvam-transcendental truth; iha-here; atma-vilasa-mayam-fond

of enjoying Himself; vraja-dhama-of the abode of Vraja; rasa-ambudhi-in the

ocean of mellows; gupta-rasam-the most confidential mellows.


11) Lord Gauranga is the most excellent and the topmost of all avataras, and

within Him exists all the consummate expansions of Godhead. He is the

Supreme Truth, enjoying Himself here in great playfulness. He embodies the

most confidential mellows flowing within the ocean of rasa in Vraja-dhama.

Just worship Lord Gauranga, the beautiful Moon of Godruma's forest bowers.


Sri Godruma - Candra - Bhajana - Upadesa

Instructions for Worshiping Lord Caitanya,

the Moon of the Island of Godruma-dvipa

by Srila Thakura Bhaktivinoda (1893)

Translation by Dasaratha-suta dasa


Daaso'smi, Tridandi Bhikshu Bhaktiratna Sadhu Swami.

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