Guest guest Posted October 4, 2001 Report Share Posted October 4, 2001 Digest 16, October 3, 2001 Answers by His Holiness Romapada Swami Maharaja Spiritual advancements ********************** Q.1) Although I have been trying to practice Krishna Consciousness for about three years, I still find it difficult to control my senses. It is often really very frustrating. Shall I tell myself that there is so much dirt accumulated in my mind and therefore I have to be patient, or what else do I need to do? Ans. Devotional service is very powerful and purifying, but in one sense it is also a gradual process, at least for most conditioned souls. Due to our long association with material energy, 'from time immemorial', we are deeply conditioned; or as you have expressed, 'so much dirt is accumulated', and it may take time, just as someone suffering from some chronic illness takes time to fully recover, even when treated with the right, potent medicine in proper doses. Patience is a very essential quality, therefore, that an aspiring devotee should cultivate. However, while one has to be patient to achieve the results, "patience" should not become "slackness" in applying the science of bhakti or the rules and regulations of devotional life. In following the rules, we have to be very enthusiastic and diligent, but if the senses are still disturbing, we should tolerate the disturbances and remain patient, with the faith that enthusiastic practice of bhakti will destroy all dirty things of the heart in due course of time, however long it may take (NOI, Text 1). Here is another important consideration: the bhakti process is indeed devotional, and we need to seek the mercy of the Supreme Lord. In other words, it is not by our endeavor alone, by trying with all our might, that we can accomplish something in devotional service, such as the attempt to control the senses. Rather, it is possible by the mercy of guru and Krishna. Effort is necessary, but insufficient without utter dependence on the grace of Krishna. When Krishna sees a devotee's full-hearted devotional effort, He will come and sit in the heart of the devotee and personally cleanse it of all contamination! (Cf. SB 1.2.17-20) Rather than feeling frustrated, we should take impetus from recognizing our inadequacies, and strive with greater determination to take shelter of Krishna. Q.2) I have been a devotee, but my brother convinced me that Krishna consciousness was for very advanced people and that ordinary persons like me would take a very long time and will need to sacrifice a lot before becoming Krishna conscious. Also I have very little taste for chanting, find it very difficult to get up early in the mornings and am more of a late night person and rarely get to associate with devotees. Yet there is a deep yearning in me to decorate the temple, eat prasadam and do things that are colorful. I keep falling in and out of Krishna consciousness, but what about my dream? Ans. Krishna consciousness is not just for a special elite group nor just for very advanced people. On the contrary, it is open for all and in fact it is THE process by which even the most fallen, most conditioned people of this Age of Kali can be saved. Therefore, it is they who need Krishna consciousness most, because any other process is too difficult in this age. Certainly those who are greatly advanced will take to devotional service with great relish, but even for the beginners, even for the 'ordinary' people or even the most sinful, fallen people, devotional service is very easily and joyfully performed. It is both the means and the end. It is true that rising early in the morning is very important and helpful for practicing devotion. However, if one has difficulty in rising early or in doing any particular activity of devotional service, that does not bar one from being eligible to take up devotional service. You can still perform those activities that you are enthusiastic and able to do. Meanwhile you can keep trying to improve in those areas that are difficult also. Gradually by practice and purification, these will become easier. Similarly, chanting is the most important activity of devotional life; even if you do not have taste for it, by continuing to chant, and by continuing to associate with devotees whenever possible, hearing Krishna-katha, decorating the temple and other such services, you will gradually develop a taste for chanting. The whole point is to always remember Krishna and never forget Him. All other rules like rising early etc., are to enable us to do this one thing. We are all parts and parcels of Krishna and our 'dharma' or constitutional position is to serve Him according to our capacity. From whatever position we are in, elevated or not, we can begin serving Krishna. We can worship Him with our occupation and dovetail whatever propensities we have in serving Him. Krishna says, whatever you do, you do for Me, whatever you eat, eat for Me, etc. By such a devotional attitude of offering whatever we have for Krishna's happiness, Krishna is very easily pleased, and gradually we become blessed and qualified to offer better service to Him. Spiritual Master ************* Q.3) When one is not in the proximate physical presence of one's guru, how does one take necessary help for eliminating the obstacles on the path of sadhana? Ans. As Srila Prabhupada always emphasized, association of the guru or a saintly person through 'vani' (i.e. their instructions) is more important than association through 'vapu' (personal, physical association). Even in the proximate physical presence of the spiritual master, it is the vani, or his instruction that is the most important. Therefore, especially when one does not get much opportunity for physical association, one should make all endeavor to regularly associate with the instructions of the spiritual master, through hearing or reading, meditating, discussing and by continuing to apply those instructions in our day-to-day activities. Hearing is a powerful method, and thanks to modern technology we have the opportunity to hear tapes virtually anywhere and at any time. By making a very conscientious effort to hear regularly and attentively the instructions of the spiritual master, one can keep oneself always connected to his instructions. Maintaining a deep mood of service to the spiritual master and trying to execute ALL of our activities in accordance with his instructions so as to please him, makes that connection very strong and deep on the spiritual platform. Associating with one's godbrothers/ godsisters in the same service mood when such opportunity is available, enthusiastically trying to serve the spiritual master together, discussing his teachings and his glories - all these greatly support, enhance and revitalize one's constant connection with the spiritual master, allowing us to feel his presence always. If the instructions of the spiritual master remain always close to our heart, this is like ! being personally trained by the spiritual master as he resides within our hearts due to our love for him! Q.4) I had taken shelter from a spiritual master and he from his pure lips mentioned, "I can initiate you anytime," and later confirmed that he will be initiating me in the coming initiation function. However, later by Krishna's mercy the spiritual master left his body. As I have already accepted him as my spiritual master, is it still necessary for me to get initiated from a different spiritual master. Isn't the promise from the spiritual master indicative that I am already his initiated disciple? Ans. The confirmation of the spiritual master most certainly affirms his acceptance of you as his disciple, and so also have you accepted him as your spiritual master in your heart. However, although what happened is unfortunate, according to the teachings of our scriptures and previous acaryas, we learn that the formal diksa ceremony is an essential and vital event or milestone in spiritual life for a devotee. Initiation or acceptance and taking shelter of a spiritual master is essentially a matter of the heart; however, the formal ceremony of initiation and formal acceptance of a spiritual master is not unimportant either. It is through the diksa ceremony that a devotee is formally connected to the guru-parampara and ultimately to Krishna. Therefore the scriptural recommendation is that one must accept the formal diksa initiation from a bona fide spiritual master through whom one is connected to the parampara. Taking initiation from another spiritual master will not hamper your feelings of devotion and gratitude to the other spiritual master, nor will it nullify that acceptance of the heart; rather the shelter and guidance of your diksa-guru should only support and strengthen your connection with the former relationship. Forms of God ************* Q.5) What are demigods? Why can't we pray to them? I am a bit confused on this issue. Is Lord Ganesha a demigod? If he is, then why do people look up to him as the clearer of obstacles? Why is it said that one has to pray to him first, before approaching other gods. Please clarify my doubts!! Ans. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Supreme powerful and the source of everything and everyone in existence. The demigods are powerful living entities who are appointed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead for the management of universal affairs, just as officers and directors appointed by the government for different affairs of the State. Demigods are parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord; they act under His will and derive all their powers from Him. >From the Vedic literatures, we understand that there are 33 million demigods including administrative demigods such as Indra, Candra, Varuna etc., who are in charge of supply of water, air and all such administrative affairs for the smooth functioning of the universe, and primal demigods including Brahma, Siva, Ganesha etc. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the source of all demigods, is Lord Sri Krishna as confirmed in various Vedic scriptures. In the Vedic literatures there are recommendations for worshiping different demigods for different purposes, such as worshiping Ganesha for removal obstacles. Demigod worship is not forbidden, but doing so for temporary material benefits or with improper understanding of their actual position is described in Bhagavad-gita as a less intelligent position. Most people approach demigods for quickly achieving some material benefit. But an intelligent person understands that both the demigods and the results achieved by their benedictions are all perishable. Also, in general demigod worshipers have a misunderstanding that the demigods are equal or independent of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But the fact is that the demigods themselves derive their powers from the Supreme Lord, and it is the Supreme Lord Who actually bestows benedictions, through the agency of the demigods. Thus, demigod worshipers are indirectly worshiping the Supreme Lord, but in an improper way, as described in Bhagavad-gita (avidhi-purvakam) and with an improper understanding. Srila Prabhupada once compared this with someone trying to bribe a government officer for some immediate benefit rather than approach the head of the state, i.e. the person from whom the government officer derives his power. The proper method is to depend on the Supreme Lord and follow His orders. An intelligent person directly worships the Supreme Source of all, knowing that this will satisfy everyone just as one would water the root of the tree and thereby satisfy all parts of ! the tree or feed the stomach rather than trying to separately nourish each part of the body. Thus a devotee simply concentrates on pleasing the Supreme Lord; however, sometimes they may worship the demigods also in order to be able to properly execute their duties in service to the Supreme Lord. For instance, the gopis prayed to goddess Katyayani for obtaining Krishna as their husband; or a devotee without material motives might pray to Lord Ganesha for removing the obstacles on the path of one's attaining pure Krishna-bhakti. Such worship must be carefully performed with proper understanding of the actual position of the demigods in relation to Krishna and not for some temporary material boon. Generally, this clear understanding and purity of motive is absent, and therefore such worship is not recommended. (Cf. Bg 4.12, 7.20-23, 9.23) Spirit soul *********** Q.6) "One who can see that all activities are performed by the body, which is created of material nature, and sees that the self does nothing, actually sees". Why is it said that the self does nothing and that the body is the doer? Ans. The soul is being carried on the machine (yantra) of prakrti, or material energy, like a chariot carries a passenger. The body is performing activities, or prakrti is the performer, not the soul. The soul's activity or business is to desire. We can also 'endeavor'. See BG 18.14 the living entity is called the 'karta' (doer) in the Secondary sense of one who makes an endeavor (cestah). Action is actually being carried out by material nature: See BG 5.14. Srimad Bhagavatam ***************** Q.7) In Srimad Bhagavatam, 3.8.12 (page 353), translation it says, "He saw His transcendental body as bluish." Since it is capitalized H doesn't it mean Vishnu? In the purport it says, "Due to this polluted mentality and due to material sins, the aggregate combination of living entities appeared to be bluish." Isn't Vishnu bluish always? Ans. Yes, Vishnu is always bluish, transcendentally bluish. The purport indicates that the aggregate living entities appeared bluish, also. This material coloration was due to their fruitive activities (as in the state of ignorance, thus bluish). Q.8) In SB 3.8.21, it says, "Thus, controlling all objectives, he concentrated his mind on the Supreme Lord." Does Brahma know about the Lord already or what does he meditate on? Ans. This particular passage is narrating the stage of Brahma's existence prior to realization of Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is meditating upon the mantra that was given to him, as we find in the Sri Brahma Samhita: the Gopal Gayatri Mantra. After meditating upon his mantra for 100 years, he realized Govinda in His fullness, as well he realized his own spiritual identity. ------- x ------------- x ---------- x ----------- x ---------- x ---------- x ---------- x ----------- *** NOTE: All times are for Washington D.C, USA, EST *** For festival information for your city please go to and click on 'Calendar' - --------------------- ** A brief biography of His Holiness Romapada Swami available at : ** This and all previous digests are available on the internet, sorted by topics and date. ** They can be accessed at: -> Philosophy -> Inquiries into the Absolute You can also directly link to our Philosophy website by add the following URL to you website: - ---------------------------- This Email has been sent to you by the ISKCON temple of Washington D.C. 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