Guest guest Posted July 3, 2003 Report Share Posted July 3, 2003 Dear Braja Sevaki, Dandavat pranams. Sri Sri Guru Gaurangau jayatah! > Does anyone have a copy of this they can send me? Here is the text. You will need the Balaram or ScaGoudy, etc., font to read it. Çré Jagannäthäñöaka (1) kadäcit kälindé-taöa-vipina-saìgétaka-ravo mudäbhéré-näré-vadana-kamaläsväda-madhupaù ramä-çambhu-brahmämara-pati-gaëeçärcita-pado jagannäthaù svämé nayana-patha-gämé bhavatu me (1) Sometimes in great happiness Lord Jagannätha makes a loud concert with His flute in the groves on the banks of the Yamunä. He is like a bumblebee tasting the beautiful lotuslike faces of the cowherd damsels of Vraja, and great personalities such as Lakñmé, Çiva, Brahmä, Indra, and Gaëeça worship His lotus feet. May that Jagannätha Svämé be the object of my vision. (2) bhuje savye veëuà çirasi çikhi-puccham kaöi-taöe dukülaà netränte sahacara-kaöäkñaà vidadhate sadä çrémad-våndävana-vasati-lélä-paricayo jagannäthaù svämé nayana-patha-gämé bhavatu me (2) In His left hand Lord Jagannätha holds a flute, on His head He wears peacock feathers, and on His hips He wears fine yellow silken cloth. From the corners of His eyes He bestows sidelong glances upon His loving devotees, and He always reveals Himself through His pastimes in His divine abode of Våndävana. May that Jagannätha Svämé be the object of my vision. (3) mahämbhodhes tére kanaka-rucire néla-çikhare vasan präsädäntaù sahaja-balabhadreëa balinä subhadrä-madhya-sthaù sakala-sura-sevävasara-do jagannäthaù svämé nayana-patha-gämé bhavatu me (3) On the shore of the great ocean, within a large palace atop the brilliant, golden Néläcala Hill, Lord Jagannätha resides with His powerful brother Balabhadra and His sister Subhadrä, who sits between Them. May that Jagannätha Svämé, who bestows the opportunity for devotional service upon all godly souls, be the object of my vision. (4) kåpä-päräväraù sajala-jalada-çreëi-ruciro ramä-väëé-rämaù sphurad-amala-paìkeruha-mukhaù surendrair ärädhyaù çruti-gaëa-çikhä-géta-carito jagannäthaù svämé nayana-patha-gämé bhavatu me (4) Lord Jagannätha is an ocean of mercy and as beautiful as a row of blackish rain clouds. He is the storehouse of bliss for Lakñmé and Sarasvaté, and His face resembles a spotless fullblown lotus. The best of demigods and sages worship Him, and the Upaniñads sing His glories. May that Jagannätha Svämé be the object of my vision. (5) rathärüòho gacchan pathi milita-bhüdeva-paöalaiù stuti-prädurbhävam prati-padam upäkarëya sadayaù dayä-sindhur bandhuù sakala jagatäà sindhu-sutayä jagannäthah svämé nayana-patha-gämé bhavatu me (5) When Lord Jagannätha moves along the road on His Rathayäträ car, at every step large assemblies of brähmaëas loudly chant prayers and sing songs for His pleasure. Hearing their hymns, Lord Jagannätha becomes very favorably disposed toward them. He is the ocean of mercy and the true friend of all the worlds. May that Jagannätha Svämé, along with His consort Lakñmé, who was born from the ocean of nectar, be the object of my vision. (6) para-brahmäpéòaù kuvalaya-dalotphulla-nayano niväsé nélädrau nihita-caraëo 'nanta-çirasi rasänando rädhä-sarasa-vapur-äliìgana-sukho jagannäthaù svämé nayana-patha-gämé bhavatu me (6) Lord Jagannätha, whose eyes resemble full-blown lotus petals, is the ornament on Lord Brahmä's head. He resides on Néläcala Hill with His lotus feet placed on the heads of Anantadeva. Overwhelmed by the mellows of love, He joyfully embraces Çrématé Rädhäräëé's body, which is like a cool pond. May that Jagannätha Svämé be the object of my vision. (7) na vai yäce räjyaà na ca kanaka-mäëikya-vibhavaà na yäce 'haà ramyäà sakala jana-kämyäà vara-vadhüm sadä käle käle pramatha-patinä géta-carito jagannäthaù svämé nayana-patha-gämé bhavatu me (7) I do not pray for a kingdom? nor for gold, rubies, or wealth. I do not ask for a beautiful wife. as desired by all men. I simply pray that Jagannätha Svämé, whose glories Lord Çiva always sings, may be the constant object of my vision. (8) hara tvaà saàsäraà druta-taram asäraà sura-pate hara tvaà päpänäà vitatià aparäà yädava-pate aho déne 'näthe nihita-caraëo niçcitam idarì jagannäthaù svämé nayana-patha-gämé bhavatu me (8) 0 Lord of the demigods, please quickly remove this useless material existence I am undergoing. O Lord of the Yadus, please destroy this vast, shoreless ocean of sins. Alas, this is certain: Lord Jagannätha bestows His lotus feet upon those who feel themselves fallen and have no shelter in this world but Him. May that Jagannätha Svämé be the object of my vision. (9) jagannäthäñöakaà punyaà yaù paöhet prayataù çuciù sarva-päpa-viçuddhätmä viñëu-lokaà sa gacchati (9) The self-retrained, virtuous soul who recites these eight verses glorifying Lord Jagannätha becomes cleansed of all sins and duly proceeds to Lord Viñëu's abode. SVA 4: Çré Vraja-dhäma-mahimämåta Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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