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Inquiries into the Absolute: Digest 59

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Digest 59, June 8th, 2003


Answers by His Holiness Romapada Swami Maharaja


*** You are welcome to send in your questions to HH Romapada Swami at

iskcon_dc with the word "Question" in the subject. ***


Expansions of Krsna




I have a question about origins. We say Krishna is the source or origin

of all incarnations and also all living entities. From Krishna expands

Vishnu and all the other expansions. Does this mean there was some point

in time when there were no expansions? We say in the spiritual world there

is no time or time is conspicuous by its absence. But as soon as we say

origin, it looks like the time factor is being introduced. So what does it

mean to say origin in terms of spiritual matters?




The various expansions of Krishna, including the Vishnu expansions

as well as the living entities, are described as being *co-eternal* with

Krishna. It is the limitation of language, which is unavoidable, as our

acarya Bhaktivinode Thakura writes, to speak of spiritual events using

worldly language, eg describing Krishna as the `origin' of these eternal

expansions. Yet Krishna is their source (janmady asya yathah) while the

others are emanations.


Krishna's expanding Himself in this way is not a chronological event,

but "an ontological event". In other words, it is not that at one

point in time there was just Krishna, and after some time lapse the

other manifestations of the spiritual world came into being. Such a

description would be appropriate for material events. In this case,

the term 'origin' or 'source of emanation' in spiritual manifestations

indicates a transcendental relationship between two spiritual entities.

The Absolute Whole refers to Krishna with all His transcendental expansions

and paraphernalia.


The position of Krishna as the 'source of all spiritual emanations' is

beyond the grasp of our conditioned minds, accustomed and limited to

conceive of events only in a relative time-sequential way. Our material

mind and intelligence are in themselves products within material time,

and thus have a beginning and end. These faculties cannot conceive of

something that lies beyond the purview of time. This understanding

can be realized by the soul through the cultivation of bhakti yoga.



A friend of mine said that Krishna never returned to Vrindavana after

the battle of Kurukshetra. Yet, Caitanya-Caritamrta says that it was

Vishnu who went to Mathura and that Krishna never leaves Vrindavana. Then

there is Ratha Yatra, which is celebrating Krishna's return to Vrindavana.

Could you please shed light on this?



Yes, Krishna never takes even one step out of Vrindavana. Those

manifestations of Krishna outside Vrindavana, in Mathura, Dvaraka etc.,

are plenary expansions of Krishna. Krishna who appears in Mathura as the

son of Devaki is understood to be Vaasudeva Krishna, one of the four

`catur-vyuha' expansions (Krishna's first expansion is Balaram who then

expands into the catur-vyuha viz. Vaasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and

Aniruddha. From the catur-vyuha emanate all other expansions come.)


Our acharyas explain how this Vaasudeva-Krishna then transcendentally

merged into the body of Yasoda-nandana Krishna, when Vasudeva brought

Him to Vrindavana in the dead of the night. Even within Vrindavana, the

pastimes of killing demons were not performed by `svayam-bhagavan'

Krishna, but by this portion of Vaasudeva Krishna. When Krishna apparently

left for Mathura with Akrura, it was Vaasudeva Krishna who departed, while

`svayam bhagavan' Krishna entered the Yamuna and into the hearts of the

residents of Vrindavana and remained there inconspicuous as the

Vrajavasis were relishing Krishna's association in the highest ecstasy

of love in separation.


The general narration we find is that Krishna never performed the

pastime of again `returning back' to Vrindavana from Dvaraka. However,

the selected following quotes from Srila Jiva Goswami's Sankalpa Kalpa-

druma indicate the scriptural references that indicate otherwise. Other

of our vaisnava acarya's indicate a similar conclusion, again based upon

similar scriptural references. You will find one of these references in

the BBT's purport to SB 10.78.16, which clearly indicates with ref. to

Padma Purana that Krishna entered Vrndavan after killing Dantavakra.


In addition, the residents of Vrindavana had the opportunity to meet Him

during the solar eclipse at Kurukshetra. At that time the gopis, being

unable to bear seeing their beloved Krishna in royal attire and surrounded

by royal paraphernalia, wanted to take Him back to the forests of

Vrindavana. In that mood they started pulling His chariot. Ratha yatra

signifies this attempt by the gopis to bring Krishna back to Vrindavana.




Chapter One: Janmadi Lila. Lord Krishna's Birth and other Pastimes


12. Sri Krishna, the son of Nanda, who, although He hides from the Vedic

rituals and is not in the Vedic mantras, does happily appear before some

persons in this world....


226. ...who returned to Vraja, as the people of Dvaraka explained in the

prayer recorded in SB 1.11.9...("O lotus-eyed Lord, whenever You go away

to Mathura, Vrndavana or Hastinapura to meet Your friends and relatives,

every moment of Your absence seems like a million years. O infallible one,

at that time our eyes become useless, as if bereft of sun.")


227. ...who grants His auspicious presence to the people of Vraja

eternally, as is described in the Padma Purana, Uttara Khanda...


228. ...who, staying in Vraja, assumed another form and went to Dvaraka,

this action clearly recorded in the scriptures...


229. ...about who Uddhava said "Krishna will very soon return to Vraja" (in

SB 10.46.34), who must have returned to Vraja, for otherwise Uddhava would

have spoken a lie...


257. ...who said in the Brhad Gautamiya Tantra "I, the Supreme Personality

of Godhead, the master of all the demigods, never leave the forest of



258. ...who said in the Brhad Gautamiya Tantra "Millennium after

millennium I appear in Vrndavana and then again I disappear, Vrndavana

cannot be seen with material eyes"...


260. ...whose words "I never leave Vrndavana" may be interpreted in two

ways: either "I am always present in Vrndavana, even when it seems I have

left" or "If somehow I leave Vrndavana I always quickly return"...


261. ...who eternally stays in His two cities (Mathura and Dvaraka) as SB

10.1.28 explains "The city and district of Mathura are very intimately

connected with Krishna, for Lord Krishna resides there eternally"


266. ...killed Dantavakra on the open road, and then returned to live in

Vraja. King Nanda and the other people of Vraja went to Him like hungry

cakora birds gazing at the moon.


267. Seeing His father and the people of Vraja were withered and dry from

not having seen Him, Lord Krishna splashed them all with the nectar of His

presence. Pretending to stand with the hairs of their bodies erect, the

trees that were the cowherd people again and again sprouted new shoots of



268. Then Lord Krishna, showing the same features as before, approached the

doe-eyed gopis. Wondering whether Lord Krishna had actually come before

them, the gopis were bewildered, not bewildered, and bewildered again,

moment after moment.


269. As He entered Vraja the people offered arati to Him with many jewels,

showered Him with flowers, called out "Jai! Jai!" and greeted Him with

auspicious words.


270. Pleasing them with graceful and humble words, Lord Krishna gave His

association to the people of Vraja. Then, to shower His mother with

happiness, He quickly entered His home.


271. For a long time He pleased her. Then, with her permission He lay down

on a splendid bed and, surrounded by all His friends, slept at night.


272. Rising from bed, glorious Krishna brought great happiness to His

eternal friends. His lotus face blossoming with happiness, He began a

great festival of nectar for the bumblebee eyes of His friends.


273. Day after day the people of Vraja loved Krishna with a love greater

than before. Day after day they saw that Krishna's handsomeness was greater

than they had seen before.


274. Yearning to see King Nanda after some days, Lord Krishna took Rohini,

Uddhava, and many others and quickly went by chariot to Vraja.


275. Goddess Yogamaya created a Deity form of Krishna. The beautiful-eyed

gopis who yearned to marry Krishna worshipped that Deity with the honey of

their passionate love.


276. When Lord Krishna assumed a different form and went to the city of the

Yadavas, His original form was visible only to the people in the glorious

village of Vraja. O mind, please always think of that form of the gopa



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----- Festivals over the next week ------

Jun 09 2003, Monday Appearance Srimati Gangamata Gosvamini

Disappearance Sri Baladeva Vidyabhusana

Ganga Puja

Jun 10 2003, Tuesday Ekadasi Pandava Nirjala (Break fast 04:42-09:39). (Fast)

(Total fast, even from water, if you have broken Ekadasi)

Jun 12 2003, Thursday Panihati Cida Dahi Utsava

Jun 14 2003, Saturday Disappearance Sri Mukunda Datta

Disappearance Sri Sridhara Pandita

Disappearance Sri Syamananda Prabhu

Snana Yatra


*** NOTE: All times are for Washington D.C, USA, EST ***

For festival information for your city please go to http://www.iskcondc.org and

click on 'Calendar'



** A brief biography of His Holiness Romapada Swami available at


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