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Update on Sanjaya Rath and SJVC

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The following was sent to me recently. It gives more credibility to the

assertions previously made by Dinanatha Prabhu.


First is part of a letter sent to me by a concerned person:



"Sanjay run away from Delhi as soon as Raju and Vijadeep filed

police complaint and from some place where he was hiding he went to

Hyderabad for conference and the conference was held. From Hyderabad he left

to Bhuvaneswar where he is still hiding at his father's home. He know that

as soon as he would come back to Delhi he would go to jail, so he is

probably trying to work out somehow (bribe few police officers) that he

doesn't go to jail if he comes back to Delhi.


"However Kusa interviewed all his Delhi students that have left his (Kusa

was in Vrindavan for Kartik) and she met with all of them, she has copies of

papers of all business transactions between Sanjay's company and Raju's and

Vijadeep's company, written and videotaped statements from Sanjay's initial

Delhi disciples... so we have everything documented."





Second part is a letter sent to all the "Gurus" of the SJVC.




Gauranga Das


Friday, December 27, 2002 4:29 AM

A letter to Sanjay



Dear Gurudeva Sanjayji,




I'm writing this email while Lagna is in Cpricorn and it holds 9th lord

Mercury, as well as 9th having Moon and Guru is exalted but retrograde in

the 7th house. Eversince Dinanath posted those emails about you and I

visited the Hyderabad conference I was wondering whether everything was OK

with my being your Joytish shishya and you being my Jyotish Guru or you

being a Jyotish Guru at all.


I would like to say that I'm well wishing towards you and all your past and

present shishyas, btu I would like to clarify my doubts finally. I wanted to

do it in a priuvate letter to you but since you didn't give an email address

that you read over there in Puri. I resort to this list of Gurus because I

hope they are also interested to see clear in these issues.


Ath the time fo Dinanath's attack on you I felt his rage, so I chose not to

get involved. I was in no financial transaction with you so far, so I was

not so much concerned with money matters, I just wanted your reputation to

be unblemished (which means that I was convinced that you were not involved

in any cheating and thus it was not correct to blame you). I alsodid not

object against Swee offering you donations and I also had the intention to

collect some funds for you myself. I feel obliged to you for the knolwedge

that you have given me, and this debt is there. But My first concern is to

make this relationship very clear and transparent, free from any doubts, and

I hope in this spirit I can be very honest with you. Therefore I would like

to sak you to address my doubts listed herewith. I can verify these things

in other ways also, if I would still doubt your answers but I start out with

the presumption that all you have said to me so far or will say here is

truth. We could at least expect this from a Jyotish Guru.


1. Who is your diksha-guru and which mantras have you received from him?


2. Who is your Jyotish Guru and what is hsi lineage back to the Maharishis?


3. Where is Sri Achyuta Das manetioned in any Vaishnava literature? The

information on web says that his followers advocate puja of demigods like

Durga etc. and have no sadhana which is unlikely for any authentic Vaishnava

parampara or associate of Sri Caitanya. I have heard you several times

claiming that you are trying to be a Vaishnava and follower of Sri Caitanya.


4. The mantras that you are giving to your shishyas are received from whom?

Which guru and which parampara? Padma Purana says that sampradaya vihina ye

mantras te nishphala mataa, i.e. no mantras will bear fruit if they are not

handled down in a parampara.


5. As you claim to be a Vaishnava, a Brahmin and a follower fo Sri Caitanya,

how do you account for the following habits of yours (some of which I have

seen personally)?


smoking cigarettes, drinking tea and coffee, eating onions and garlic,

accepting massage from your female disciples. These were seen by me

personally. Other witnesses reported that your wife is non vegetarian so it

might be very difficult for you to keep a fully vegetarian diet or

worshipping Deities in that house. I also heard that she wants to divorce

you. Others have also seen you drunk on several occasions. The ones I have

seen you can't deny but what about the rest?


I hope you agree that even for a regular Vedic Brahmin these habits are

unacceptable, nto to speak of a Vaishnafa or a follower of Lord Caitanya.


6. I haven't seen you doing any regular Sadhana, mantra chanting or puja, or

sandhya-vandanam (chanting of the Gayatri mantra at the sandhyas). Have I

missed something?


7. What happened to all of your initial Delhi shishyas that I knew

personally (Ashok, Manpreet, Sarat, Raju, Niraj et al.) I have all their

contact data, so I can check if all of them feel cheated financially and

astrologically and hold a grudge against you.


8. What happened to the loan depostis you took from these people (especally

Raju and Vijadeep)? They claim they never got the loans nor their money

back? The amount claimed from you by different people comes upto 30 lakhs Rs

at least.


9. Why did you not pay the remaining $1500 for Dinanatha's computer that you

are usung at the present time? He claims that you have borrowed more money

from him on several occasions.


10. Are you aware that an official police complaint is filled aganist you in

Delhi by Raju and Vijadeep for chetaing the with money? If you are, then why

did you not reveal this fact to all the Jyotish gurus at least if not to the

whole of SJC.


11. You are claiming that Kusha Mata supports your case but do you know that

she has documented all these facts coming from your initial Delhi students?


As I have said I'm benevolent towards you and I give you a chance to clarify

all these accusations. The financial ones need very good evidence to be

cleared. The rest would be possible to clear only if you change your

lifestyle and this si witnessed by several shishyas including me.


On the other hand, if all of the above proves to be true, I think it is

improper for you to head a Jyotish organization like SJC or claim to be a

Jyotish Guru and you should publicly clarify your position before your

shishyas get into trouble in front of the court because of being involved in

your organization.


As a conclusion, I must admit that I have learned a lot from you and have

met brilliant Jyotisha in SJC especially Narasimha and Sri Goelji so I

should be thankful for this. Still I can't hold myself from seeking purity

in philosophical, moral and financial sense in the field of Jyotish.

Therefore I pray to Lord Jagannatha that this issue became clarified as soon

as possible and everyone became aware of the truth. And furhtermore, I think

that in this, as in every Vedic science, the purity of conduct, thinking and

intention is the topmost truth, all the rest may come only after this. I'm

writing this letter on behalf of my Guru Maharaja, who wants to assure that

I'm in good hands in my study of Jyotish and no one will blame ISKCON for

its members getting involved with Jyotish Gurus having a bad reputation.


Your shishya,


Gauranga das

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