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Raga marg-sponteanous devotional service

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Dear Prabhus an Maharajas

Please accept my humble obaisences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

There has been some persons outside of ISKCON that critizise that GBC is

not allowing Raga marg in our temples.

However GBC has never been against anyone developing spontaneous devotion to


However in our line of Srila Prabhupada there is a great concern to not

become a cheap sahayia.

Actually someone that does develop sponteanous devotional service does not go

around and boast about this,they keep any love for Krsna concealed

in their hearts,but it may manifest itself anyhow,but a devotee out off

humility will never make a display of devotional service,but if he does

he never becomes a cheap imposter.

Most persons who practice Bhakti yoga came from fallen backgrounds,and

we should always remember this Srila Prabhupada warned us.

The goal is certainly to become Vrajabasis in the spiritual world,and be

reinstated in one of the 5 primary rasas that is also know as sthayi bhava


However there is many warnings given by Srila Prabhupada and the privious

acaryas,to externally manifest cheap devotion and within remain


Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has written the following songs(from his Kalyana


Lust is not love


Tell me why ,my dear mind ?Why are you forced to dance by lust and why

do you think that such dancing is KC?Your lust is simply abounding in skin and

meat,and you are addicted to nonstop material sense gratification.Thus you

spend your time in running here and there,chasing after worldly sense objects.


The souls origional eternal nature is pure love within the innermost core

of its spiritually conscious form,and the sole object of that pure love

is Lord Hari.Alas how lamentabel it is that this inherent ecstatic love

is now lying in a dormant state due to the artificial covering of this

temporary lust.My dear mind banishing this lust to a distant place ,just rouse

and reawaken your sleeping Prema.


Only in the following sequenze does pure love for Krsna awaken.First one

develops Sraddha(faith) in the process of Krsna consciousness;then due to that

faith one becomes enthusiastic for Sadhu sanga then by performance of bhajana

Kriya in the company of the devotees there awakens nista,then ruci,then asakti

this attachement then gives rise to bhava,from which Prema manifests its

reawakening.Only in this sequence

does prema come into being.


One who endeavors in this proscess gets the essence of pure ecstatic love for

Krsna.One who neglects tha proper order of this procedure does not experience

the reawakening of true prema.My dear mind ,why are you maintaining the wicked

mentality of apprehension and fear of this method of devotional service?By

cultivation of your lust in this mundane sphere you will never be abel to

touch upon genuine ecstatic love for Krsna.


So by your dramatic performance of dancing in lust,you think that this is

indicative of your Prema,but it is actually a deceptive,feigned imitation of

spiritual love.Thus your whole process is simply gross sense gratification.My

dear brother,always refrain from such degraded ,contemtibel activities and

cast out this grave offense to the Lord.


The point is obviously that one has to become free completly from lust and

other vices before attaining to raga marg.Srila Prabhupada talked about

slinging mud into transcendence and remaining in maya while externaly calling

oneself a Raganuga bhakta.Where there is real Bhakti there is no lust etc.Also

Srila Rupa Goswami states Anyabhilasita sunyam

jnana karma anarvrtam anukuliena Krsnanu Silanam bhakti uttama.

Only that devotional service that is free from Jnana,and karma and other such

anarthas are called pure devotion of the topmost degree.

This is the test.

Your servant

Payonidhi das

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