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Dusta Mana Vaisnava Ke?My dear rascal mind what kind of devotee are

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Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati wrote this powerfull little song and this is

the english translation:


O wicked mind!What kind of vaisnava do you think you are?Your pretentious show

of chanting Lord Hari's holy name in a solitary place is

only for the sake of attaining the false prestige of worldly reputation-it is

nothing but pure hyprocrisy.


Such materialistic prestige is as disgusting as the stool of a hog.Do you not

know that it is only a mere illusion cast by the potency of maya?What is the

value of comtemplating day and night your plans for enjoying wealth and

women?All these things are only temporary.


When you claim wealth as your own,it creates in you ever increasing desires

for material enjoyment.Your riches should be used for serving Madhava,the Lord

of all wealth.Neither is it your proper place to indulge in for women,whose

only true propritor is Lord Yadava.


The demon Ravana(lust incarnate) fought with Lord Ramachandra(love incarnate)

in order to gain the tree of worldly reputation-but that oasis turned out to

be but a mirage cast in the desert wasteland of the Lord's illusory material

potency.Please cultivate fixed determination to attain only the steady and

solid platform whereupon a vaisnava everstands.If you neglect worshipping the

Lord from this position,then you will attain a hellish existence.


Why do you needlessly suffer the torment of blaspheming the devotees of Lord

Hari,attempting to achieve their eminence,thereby only providing your own

fruitless foolishness?The desire for spiritual eminence is easily attained

when one becomes a devotee of the Lord,for eternal fame automatically follows

the heels of a Vaisnava.And that fame is never to be consifered a temporary

worldly opulence.


these are the first 5 out of 19 verses


Your servant

Payonidhi das

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