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H.H.Gaura Govinda Maharaja,and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati

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Dear Prabhus,Matajis and Maharajas

Please accept my humble obaisences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Today the 5th of february is the appearence day of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta

Sarasvati Thakura and and the disapparenceday of Gaura Govinda Maharaja.

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura was born in Jaganatha Puri and

after he was born the Jaganatha Ratha yatra card stopped in front of Srila

Bhaktivinoda Thakuras house in Puri and would not move,the child

Bimal Prasada was taken to the cart of Lord Jaganatha and a garland from the

Lord fell down over the childs head.

Srila Prabhupada also mentions the story how he ate a mango that had not been

offered when he was only 5 years old,and his farther reprimanded him for

that.He made a vow to never eat mangoes again,and when later asked to eat

mangoes he said he could not eat them as he was an offender.

He studied his farthers books and was trained by Srila Bhaktivinoda thakura

in many aspects of KC also in printing transcendental litterature.

He later compiled some astrological work,Surya Siddhanta.For which he was

accepted as one of the greatest authorities on astrologi.

He took initiation from Srila Gaura Kisora das Babaji after having been tested

by him.

Later he went to Mayapure and chanted day and night,eating little.

He then started his preaching mission after having been encouraged by the

Panca tattva.

He started his Gaudia MAtha in West Bengal but later established MAthas

throughout India.He initiated 60.000 disciples.

In a famous meeting in Midnapure in Bihar he defeated the cast brahmanas to

the great pleasure of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura.

Srila Prabhupada only had few meetings with Srila Bhaktisiddhanta

Sarasvati.The first was in Calcutta where he was ordered to spread KC in the

english speaking countries at their first meeting.Later he moved to Allhabhad

and there he got initiated by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta.

On one occasion at Radha kunda Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati ordered Srila

Prabhupada that if he ever got money to print transcendental books.And 2 weeks

before Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakuras depature from this world he

wrote Srila Prabhupada to preach in the english speaking countries.


Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada ki jaya!


H.H.Gaura Govinda Maharaja was traveling all over the world preaching KC,

and I had the fortune to meet Maharaja at many occasions,

One time in Toronto he shouted "Do you understand my language,Payonidhi??

Bolo!!!He teased me that I did not know the 10 subjects of Srimad Bhagavatam

by heart,and coached me to learn them.One day he lectured about freedom from

material desires;He shouted on the top of his voice:

"ARE YOU FREE FROM SEXDESIRES Payonidhi Prabhu"???BOLO!!!BOLO!!!and he would

laugh.He always picked one devotee and directed attention through him in his

class.He was very charming and loving,and his KC was very powerfull and bright

like the sun,his very association was uplifting and purifying.I asked him so

many questions and he always answered,sometimes I had darshan with him and one

or two devotees.He once asked me to come to Bhuvanesvara and learn the Priti

Sandarbha under his guidance.Unfortunatly I did not take advantage.I was not

his disciple just another "ISKCON devotee".But he cared for everyone.And he

wanted everyone to share his bliss in KC.

In Boston we came to his room asking if one of his disciples could worship

GiriGovardhana SILA.We showed him the Govardhana SIla and he immidialtly

smiled and said:"He is such a beautifull boy,will you please worship him

nicely"?Addressing his disciple."Yes,Guru MAharaja."He was seeing the

GOvardhana stone directly as Sri Krsna,He is such a beautifull boy!

On another occasion he visited another temple I was staying in that was in 95

and he was talking about Madhavendra Puri.At the end of class he mentioned how

a TP sometimes like to kick devotees out of the temple for no good

reasons.(Actually the TP in this temple did that,but there was no way he could

have known that).He thinks he has become Krsna get out of my temple ,get


That was my last darshan with this great soul,Maharajas left his body before

the GAura purnima festival in 1996 in Mayapure.He was fully absorbed in

preaching KC on the topmost level.

May he bless us from his eternal place in Krsnas pastimes,that we may also go

to Goloka Vrindavana and obtain his association again.

Gaura Govinda Maharaja ki jaya!!!

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