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If you miss Janmastami Fasting

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Hare Krishna mothers and prabhus!


I wrote this further note to the organizer of the Krsna Katha conference:



Dear mother,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


> > I can live with it better than with a picture of

> > such an extremely cruel and egoistic Lord.


> You can write to Tattva Sandarbha privately, or

> edit personal comments out from your text and send it again.


Maybe..., but first I would like to see, if my understanding is proper! :-)


(Although later I had written to some senior devotees from that area.)


I had got angry actually due to the way he had written it. I guess, I need

to control myself.


> he rather defended the image of Krsna as merciful

But this *IS* Lord Krsna's mercy that He has arranged for such puranas where

such information is given. Otherwise how on earth were we supposed to start

getting even a glimpse of the elevated and the special position of the

"Supreme Lord".


On this planet most people loiter around like sahajiyas thinking that the

Supreme Lord resides in the back pocket of their trousers. ..as if they

have such easy access. And as if the Supreme Lord is some cheap servant of

theirs. Or otherwise most people are monists, voidists, impersonalists or



Such texts are there to put us in our rightful place. It hurts - because it

shows us reality - that we are 'unsignificant nothings' and it shows us that

Lord Krsna *indeed* is THE BOSS who is UP THERE (and not in the back



It is the nature of conditioned jiva to be envious of the Supreme Lord. And

this prabhu showed exactly that:


> I can live with it better than...


He says, he had rather stay away from Krsna (if this is how Krsna.... and

blah blah blah)!


Whatever happened to the teachings of Caitanya Mahaprabhu? "aslishya vaa

paad ratam pinastu maam"


Never understood what mahaprabhu is saying? Not even theoritically?


First of all Krsna is NOT cruel and NOT egoistic. (such crap! So

disgusting. How can a 'devotee' even associate such words with the Supreme

Lord ...even in dreams.)


Secondly even if He is, who am *I* to pass judgements on *HIS* nature?


He is the boss of bosses, Lord of Lords, master of millions of Universes,

unlimited millions of sets of 33 crores of great great demigods bow down to

Him, the whole of creation - zillions of universes both material and

spiritual goes about running without even Him putting an iota of effort to

think about it - simply by his "svabhaviki shakti". And here I am, an

absolute nothing... sitting in the corner of my house, passing stool on one

side and then passing judgemental comments (which are absolutely contrary

and abusive) about the nature of the Supreme Lord on the other!

Either this, or I have falsely started considering myself to be on the same

level as of the greatly exalted gopis whom even the best of the liberated

sages worship!


A devotee of the Lord never ever has the mentality to even think like:

1. The Lord is cruel

2. The Lord is egoistic

3. I will leave His association


If I am thinking like this, it clearly means somebody has to sit with me and

preach to me. And it clearly means that I AM NOT A QUALIFIED PREACHER. And

every (atleast) initiated ISKCON devotee is supposed to be a preacher.


"Initiated" means, yes - he has understood the basic philosophy. Now he is

wearing the uniform. Uniform of a soldier. He definitely is qualified to

go out and fight.


But our man here seems to be going out, turning his back to the karmis and

firing shots at ISKCON! Krsna is cruel! Krsna is egoistic! He had

rather leave! Arre baba, if a initiated 'devotee' of Krsna says, he had

rather leave the association of Krsna, why should 'we' even try to spend our

time hearing about this Krsna - will say the karmi.


Our prabhu cannot say that he wrote it only among devotees, and that he

won't actually preach like this to the outside people.


The point is, such doubts *are there* in his mind. That is why it came out

here. This disqualifies him as a preacher. He will do more damage than

benefit to the preaching mission. Best is to make him sit down and make

him go thru the whole new-bhakta training program once again. His mind-set

has to be changed. Right now he is talking like a karmi college student and

not like a soldier of the senapati bhakta who has "declared war against



He is engulfed in horrible illusion. It needs to be cleared first. And

that can be done by somebody who is close to him and near him or somebody

who is in an authorative position.


So... I raise the question.... who authorised/recommended him for

initiation? How many more such people has this 'authority' recommended.

(and that person initiated) How many more such cases are on loose?


I hope it clarifies my position.


I stand to be corrected in my understanding of our philosophy.


your fallen son,

Avadhut das

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Dear Avadhut Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


I removed from Krsna Katha the text you sent yesterday, because in disagreeing

with the point you attacked the devotee who made it. I asked you to either

send your personal comments privately, or edit out the personal stuff. Now

this text again contains a discussion of that devotee's person and of his

deficiences. I have no time to stay awake all night to remove such texts.

Therefore, please, a request to all who wish to comment:


- If you can do it purely on the basis of philosophy, that is the best.


- If you feel you must include arguments pertaining to the person(s) involved,

please remove Krsna Katha from the discussion.


Thank you for your cooperation!


Your servant,

Dhyana-kunda dasi

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Dear devotees of Krsna Katha conference,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


> - If you feel you must include arguments pertaining to the person(s)

> involved, please remove Krsna Katha from the discussion.


Oh... I am actually very very sorry that this happened.


It is only after recieving this mail and clicking on the "reference" that I

realized that the mail had gone also to Krsna Katha.


How can I explain that it was not a deleberate attempt. The only thing I

can say is if you read the first line of the mail, you will see that it was

directed to those senior devotees to whom I was sending that message to. (A

copy of which I had also separately sent to Dhyanakunda mataji and to the

original author Nayana Ranjana prabhu. If I had to sent it to "Katha" why

would I separately address to Dhyanakunda mataji.)


Actually I had clicked "comment" and then added these devotees as recievers

and then somehow or other I must have clicked "subtract" twice.


I am a fool. I sincerely apologize for this mess.


I was just collecting information and opinion about my point of view, before

posting a clean message either to the concerned person or on the conference.

That is why I had said in the begining of that mail:


> Maybe..., but first I would like to see, if my understanding is proper


and at the end of that mail:


> I stand to be corrected in my understanding of our philosophy.


I know the text is not fit for a public conference specially Krsna Katha,

because I had used foul language inside. Please trust me, the posting was

not intended to show up here. It was supposed to be a private message.


Once again I apoplogize for the disturbance it has created in all your

minds. I am guilty for this offense.


your fallen servant,

Avadhut das

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  • 1 month later...

On 14 Feb 1999, Kavicandra Swami wrote:


> The holy name does not counteract offences in the performance of devotional

> service,that is the 7th offence to the holy name.


> That refers to purposeful sins. I am refering to accidental sins and

> offenses. If we think that becfuase we chant that we can do "any d

> thing", then we are in big trouble.


Dear Maharaja



I wanted devotees to not think that we can neglect fasting on Janmastami

and simply chant Hare Krsna and everything is forgiven,as this would

constitute the 7 th offence to the holy name,as Lord Sri Krsna has ordered to

observe Janmastami it would also be a direct violation of the Lords

instructions,what then what will the chanting do?Because someone may say it is

an offence to not observe Janmastami ,so it can be counteracted by chanting.I

am sure you did not mean that,but I wanted to

prove from sastra that if someone thought like that it would not help.

Actually the Sastras describes such neglect as a great sin,just as eating

grains on Ekadasi will never bring auspiscious result,but only serious

problems in spiritual life.

Your humble servant

Payonidhi das

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